Pelosi Echoes Trump Threat to Iran Regime

(2018-07-23) — Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, joined hands with President Donald Trump this morning to warn Iran’s “repressive, corrupt regime” against provoking “the greatest force for liberty the world has ever seen.”

Pelosi’s bipartisan statesmanship comes after Trump Tweeted in all caps his own warning to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani against threatening the U.S., and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo likened the regime to the Mafia.

Pelosi’s state of California is home to some 250,000 Iranian-Americans, many of whom have fled the Islamic regime since it seized power in 1979.

“There’s not a millimeter of daylight between Democrats and President Trump when it comes to standing up for the long-suffering people of Iran,” Pelosi said. “If our reimposed sanctions don’t bring down the Islamic kleptocracy, the righteous resolve of Iran’s mighty people shall.”

Pelosi said her message to Iran’s anti-regime protestors in the streets is: “This time, America has your back.”

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