Archive for July 10th, 2018

Schumer to Stall Trump Pick Until GOP Sweep

(2018-07-10) — Senate Democrats said they’ll stall confirmation of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kanavanaugh, until Republicans capture a filibuster-proof majority in the November elections.

“Judge Kavanaugh, a great scholar whose respect for the law and the Constitution, and whose clear writing, have earned him praise across the political spectrum, is, nevertheless Trump’s nominee,” said Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-NY. “He must therefore be opposed until the last swing-state Democrat loses.”

Schumer said his party is committed to the unfinished work of Hillary Clinton, who lost to Trump despite the clear choice the two offered on the abortion issue.

“America has spoken,” said Schumer, “but America was wrong. Our plan is to offer America the 2016 choice again this fall, but this time with the economy growing, unemployment — especially among minorities — at historic lows, and taxes on the decline.”

“If that doesn’t work,” he added, “then we’ll keep the Hillary hope alive until the end of Trump’s second term.”

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