Archive for June, 2018

Justice Kennedy to Step Down, Remain on Court

(2018-06-28) — The Reagan Supreme Court appointee, who often served as a swing vote on landmark cases involving abortion and gay rights, Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, announced Wednesday he would step down, and also remain on the Supreme Court.

“The desire to spend more time with family compels me to resign my lifetime appointment, though death tarries,” Kennedy, 82, wrote to President Trump. “At the same time, my duty to my country and to the Constitution compels me to stay, depriving my family of my presence. I shall do both, so help me God.”

Kennedy, a lifelong registered Republican, often drew the ire of his own partisans by siding with Left-wing justices and casting the deciding vote on key cases that changed course of the nation.

“I am who I am, and who I am not,” Kennedy told Trump. “My place at this stage in life is at home, and on the Court, and that’s neither here nor there.”

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Bill Helps Trump Staffer Ejected from Restaurant

(2018-06-25) — Just days after White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders got booted from a restaurant by its Progressive activist proprietor, House Democrats introduced a bill today aimed at ensuring she would never miss another meal.

The move would extend the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) — commonly called food stamps — to include White House staff “who may not know where their next meal is coming from.”

“In a nation as wealthy as ours,” said Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, “no one should suffer restaurant-meal uncertainty.”

While dining out, Sanders was asked to leave the premises because the owner objects to the Trump administration policy of representing people who voted for the president. But Pelosi crossed the aisle to make sure White House staffers don’t starve.

“My disagreement with the Republican party shouldn’t stand in the way of expanding a federal entitlement in precedent-setting fashion,” Pelosi added.

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Photo of 2nd Crying Girl Shows Terrible Trump Toll

Crying Child Pic Highlights Trump Era Cookie Dearth

Source: John Moore, Getty Images

(2018-06-22) — As news broke that a little girl crying at the Mexican border — seen by millions in a viral photo — was never actually separated from her mother by federal immigration agents, social media erupted with an even more distressing image of another weeping girl. The photographer who captured both pictures suggested the second child may have been reacting to Trump administration policy that deprived her of a cookie.

Getty photographer John Moore, whose iconic immigration photo appeared on the cover of Time magazine, said his new-found fame has driven him to take “more pictures that may not actually portray what’s happening at the moment, and yet do illustrate the terrible Trump toll.”

For this latest assignment, Moore said he tracked the two-year-old girl’s mother — an apparent shoplifter — inside of a grocery store for nearly an hour.

“In a stroke of luck,” Moore said, “I knelt down and snapped a series seven photos just as the toddler learned she would not immediately receive a cookie her Mom had promised as a reward if she were a good girl.”

Moore said he attributes the girl’s cookie deprivation to “the cultural norms, the deception, and the rash of broken promises fostered by Trump administration policy.”

Oftentimes…[this] is talked about in terms of statistics,” Moore said, “and when you put a human face and humanize an issue, you make people feel. And when you make people feel, they have compassion. And if I’ve done just a little bit of that, then that’s OK.

In related news, President Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, has reportedly pressed her father to issue an executive order restoring the cookie to the girl.

Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress plan to meet tonight behind closed doors for an argument about the cookie that some will later leak to the media.

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New Apple Device Ditches ‘Sensory Interface’

(2018-06-10) — Apple’s next groundbreaking device will dispense with the outdated concept of a ‘user interface’ that connects with human senses to convey information, according to an unnamed source familiar with the Cupertino firm’s design process.

Designers have gradually removed visible and tactile features from Apple’s popular iPhones and smartwatches, but the ultimate goal — what experts call ‘interfacelessness’ — has proved elusive…until now.

“People want devices that integrate elegantly and seamlessly with their daily lives,” Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, reportedly told associates in a recent email. “Until now we’ve done nothing but disturb them with visual, auditory, and kinesthetic feedback that interrupts their solitude and requires mental effort to interpret. The era of the palpable, tangible device that requires sensory interplay is coming to an end. Apple will lead the way to the new, senseless future.”

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