Posts Tagged ‘White House’

Warren Mulls Starting Grassroots Call for Her to Run

Sen. Elizabeth Warren plans spontaneous grassroots presidential draft movement

With a new Democratic presidential preference poll showing Sen. Elizabeth Warren trailing former Vice President Joe Biden by just 313 percent, the former professor rehearses leading a crowd to the White House gate to spontaneously chant: “Run, Betsy, Run!”

(2018-10-16) — Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-MA, still recovering from the cheek swab that established her Native American ancestry, today hinted that she might actively consider whether to launch a grassroots effort aimed at recruiting her to run for President of the United States in 2020.

Insiders report “a real groundswell” of enthusiasm by Sen. Warren to move toward an answer to the question that’s on the lips of almost 50 percent of the U.S. Senators from Massachusetts.

“Should the tide of popular sentiment become too strong to resist,” Sen. Warren reportedly told her friend, “I may have no choice. And who better to take charge of that tide, than the woman who will inspire its spontaneous, unexpected, inexorable rise?”

The former college professor is said to be buoyed by news that the first CNN poll of the 2020 presidential race shows a full eight-percent of Democrats prefer Warren. She trails former Vice President Joe Biden by a mere 25-point whisker, or just 313 percent, according to mathematics.

Nevertheless, Warren said she’s “focused almost utterly, virtually completely and very nearly totally on my 2018 Senate reelection race, and on serving the people of Massachusetts in the Senate for the next six years, or two, whichever comes first.”

If she does involuntarily need to lead the grassroots call for her nomination, Warren said, “I’ll remain humble about it, but would, of course, submit to a movement led by the greatest feminist Progressive of our day. Who am I to stand in the way of a trailblazer like that?”




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Kavanaugh Accuser Demands Trump Act ‘More Trumpy’

(2018-09-20) —Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when the two were teens, today called on President Trump to “come out of his self-imposed exile and start acting like he always does…you know, more Trumpy.”

Her heated remarks followed a muted response from the White House to Blasey Ford’s allegations, with the president saying that the accuser should be heard, and that the Senate should conduct “a complete process.”

“Where in the world is the real Donald Trump?” she demanded. “What have they done with the president? Give him back his phone. Let him Tweet.”

The psychologist said she wouldn’t have gone public with her accusations if she had known that Trump would “start acting all presidential and stuff.”

“It’s bad enough that I’m haunted by memories of my recent recollection of a future Supreme Court nominee groping me at some geographical location and chronological time,” said Blasey Ford. “Now Trump piles on with his respectful listening and a call for due process. That’s not going to generate the kind of visceral female empowerment that it takes to defeat a nominee. Where do I go to get my expectations back?”

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‘We Lost Bob’: Woodward Now Trump-Collusion Denier

(2018-09-16) — ‘Fear’ author Bob Woodward has become part of the conspiracy to conceal the collusion with Russia that won the presidency for Donald Trump.

That’s the inescapable conclusion of professional journalists and their Democrats upon hearing the famed Watergate reporter tell radio host Hugh Hewitt that, during his two year probe of the Trump administration, he “looked for it hard” but found no evidence that Trump’s campaign worked together with Russians to tilt the election result in his favor.

“We lost Bob,” said one crestfallen Washington Post reporter who requested anonymity to avoid accountability. “The icon of six generations of political reporters has fallen. He’s just a liar like Trump now. The great Bob Woodward was part of the conspiracy to defeat Hillary Clinton, and to end democracy as we know it.”

Stockholm syndrome was the initial explanation among those who knew and trusted Woodward’s professionalism. Over two years and hundreds of interviews, he must have developed a psychological alliance with his ‘captors’ in the White House and in the Trump campaign, they reasoned.

But as news of the Hewitt interview propagated on Twitter, a darker explanation took shape.

Many now believe that Woodward was “in on it from the beginning” — a willing tool of Trump’s, who wrote the book to distract from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

“It’s all become clear now,” said one unnamed Democrat House member. “Just like Trump uses chaos to distract from his destructive agenda, Woodward wrote a book about White House chaos to deflect the undeniable truth that Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office at the behest of Vladimir Putin, to do his bidding.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi today promised that when she becomes Majority Leader in January 2019, “the second order of business will be to impeach Bob Woodward, and to eject him from the Democrat caucus.”

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Township Man Offers to Flip for Mueller

(2018-09-15) — In the wake of a plea deal between Robert Mueller and one-time Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, a township man said he, too, will flip for Mueller if the Special Prosecutor can take care of some unpaid parking tickets and “the small matter of some back taxes and delinquent child support.”

Official Washington and Twitter lit up like a Christmas tree upon learning that the township man, a Trump supporter, would turn state’s evidence on the leader he thought would ‘Make America Great Again.’

It’s not known whether the township man has any useful evidence against Trump, but experts say the very fact that he’s willing to make a deal is considered damning.

“This is it,” said one unnamed Washington Post reporter, who agreed to quote himself on condition of anonymity. “The president might as well roll over and expose his jugular to Mueller. When this guy starts talking, all of the things we imagine Trump must have done will finally come out. Game. Set. Match.”

As a cooperating witness, the township man said he’s willing to share what he knows about the inner workings of the Trump campaign, calling himself “a person of interest.”

“I’m definitely a person of interest — very interested in stuff like that,” he said. “I read stuff. I watch stuff. I hear stuff. I can’t say much more without jeopardizing my potential deal with Mr. Mueller.”

Rudy Giuliani, the president’s attorney, said he’s not concerned about what the man might tell the special prosecutor because the way the Trump campaign, and administration, are structured “prevents anyone from knowing anything.”

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50.7 Million Children Now Detained in Trump’s Facilities

federal detention facility

A federally-funded detention facility where children, separated from parents, endure daily hardship.

(2018-09-13) — The latest count shows some 50.7 million migrant and non-migrant children detained in federally-monitored and controlled facilities, separated from parents, behind chain-link fences and brick and block walls, often sitting in stress positions for hours on end.

The damning report indicates the children often consume substandard and marginally-nutritive foods, and can be heard crying, and even fighting among themselves, as a result of the psychological duress of long-term confinement.

These conditions — which some have branded ‘torture’ — continue with full knowledge, and indeed, funding and supervision from the Trump administration.

A White House spokesperson confirmed the shocking number, but called it “nothing new” and explained that American children have long endured unpleasant conditions in the federally-funded public school system.

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Unknown Township Man: I’m Part of Office Resistance

(2018-09-07) — A township man today admitted that he’s part of a secret group at the office working behind-the-scenes to save the company from stupid decisions by the boss, who everyone ridicules when he’s not around.

“We in the anonymous resistance sit in meetings with the boss, and nod like a bunch of ‘yes men’,” the township man said, “but we have no intention of following through on his crazy ideas. He’s trying to bankrupt us. Idiot.”

The man said he and his colleagues are saving the company from the boss’s “incompetence, impetuousness and idiocy” by slow-walking his initiatives, wasting days on fruitless research while building pointless slide decks, misfiling documents, taking extended coffee breaks, writing long memos, and holding never-ending meetings off-site to brainstorm, often going to industry conferences to ‘network’, thus ensuring nothing ever gets done.

“If this thing goes down,” the secret conspirator said, “I want the world to know that I, and my anonymous colleagues, had nothing to do with it. Sure, I cashed the paycheck, used the healthcare and vacation days, and will retire in comfort, but I did my darnedest to resist that bozo. We are the true unsung heroes of this company, and it’s time everyone knew it.”

The township man said he decided to conceal his identity because, “I really need this job, and as bad as things are here, I’m afraid they might worse somewhere else. Plus the company stock is through the roof and I’m not yet fully vested.”

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Trump on McCain: “I like people who don’t die, OK?”

(2018-08-28) — After days of sending mixed signals about the passing of the late Sen. John McCain, President Trump today suggested that the outpouring of positive McCain remembrances on TV and social media have come for just one reason.

“We only mourn McCain because he died,” Trump told a reporter. “I like people who don’t die. OK? I hate to tell you.”

The remark echoed Trump’s 2016 campaign quip that McCain is “only a war hero because he got captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Even though ABC reporter Jonathan Karl really wanted him to, the president has until now refused to comment about his former bitter rival — the man who almost single-handedly blocked the repeal of Obamacare.

“Let’s be honest,” Trump said today. “All this praise, the tributes, lowering the flag, the big viewing in the Capitol Rotunda — none of this would be happening if John McCain were still alive. It seems like a lot of reversionist history to me.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, acknowledging the fraught relationship between the two Republican politicians, said, “Some men will carry a grudge against another man until his rival is in the grave. President Trump doesn’t give up that easy.”

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Trump’s #HushMeansHush Helps NDA-Breach Victims

(2018-08-23) — In the wake of his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, pleading guilty to buying the silence of women who claimed to have had affairs with Donald Trump, the president today launched a new Twitter campaign on behalf of the victims of similar attacks.

The White House said the #HushMeansHush campaign demonstrates President Trump’s compassion toward those hardest hit when a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) gets violated, and thus becomes much more tragic than if such an agreement had never been signed.

The idea for the campaign came from the now-famous #MeToo movement for victims of sexual abuse, but shows support for a much smaller minority — wealthy people who thought they had successfully purchased the silence of people who were witnesses to, or participants in, behavior that might prove embarrassing were it to come to light.

Trump hopes that his “righteous cause” will become a rallying cry among his Conservative and religious supporters.

“To Make America Great Again,” Trump tweeted, “a woman’s word should be her bond. If you say you’ll keep quiet, and you take the money, you should shut up. Doesn’t it say something about that in two Corinthians? Am I right? #HushMeansHush”

A spokesman for Melania Trump said the First Lady’s silence in the wake of recent news shows that she embraces the spirit of her husband’s new Twitter campaign.

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Cohen, Manafort Felony Guilt Spurs Trump Departure

Trump cleans out desk after associates found guilty of felonies: ScrappleFace, by Scott Ott

In the wake of the devastating guilt of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen, President Trump cleans out his desk in the Oval Office.

(2018-08-22) — After two close associates became felons Tuesday, President Trump seemed to read the writing on the wall, began to clean out his desk in the Oval Office, and announced his departure via Twitter this morning.

A jury yesterday convicted former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort of eight counts of fraud, and the president’s longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen, entered a plea agreement confessing himself guilty of eight felony counts of tax evasion and campaign finance violations. Cohen told prosecutors he paid hush money to women at Trump’s direction to help get him elected.

Unnamed White House sources said, the avalanche of social media celebrations, the cable news triumphalism, and a “personal sense of shame,” finally brought down the man some called ‘The Teflon Don.’

Early this morning, Trump tweeted a selfie glaring over his empty desktop, then tweeted the words: “That’s it. I’m licked. I can’t take the media abuse, nor the burden of my own conscience anymore. I’m done. Democrats won. God save President Pence! #DingDong #TheWitchIsDead”

Trump tweets Oval Office departure: ScrappleFace, by Scott Ott

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Omarosa Has Trump Oval Office Tape and Dispenser

(2018-08-15) — Omarosa Manigault-Newman dropped another bombshell today against an already shell-shocked White House revealing that she has Oval Office tape from President Trump’s tenure, as well as an executive office tape dispenser.

In a CNN interview, Manigault-Newman said she didn’t mention the Oval Office tape in her new book, Unhinged, because of “a sticky legal situation regarding government property.”

“To those who claim I was a marginal character in the administration, usually excluded from important meetings,” Omarosa said, “I have tangible evidence that I was at the president’s side, sometimes with my hand in his drawers.”

The former reality-TV star and senior White House official said in the coming days she’ll roll out snippets of the tape and share them with the news media.

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