Archive for July, 2018

Despite GDP Jump, Boss Bumps Trump’s Q3 Goal

(2018-07-30) — Although he exceeded expectations in the second quarter by delivering a 4.1 percent GDP growth rate, President Donald Trump’s performance review didn’t go as well as he had hoped, and the boss set new “unreasonable goals” for the third quarter of 2018.

A colleague said Trump had hoped his work in Q2 would earn him a pay raise and a corner office, neither of which happened.

“The boss has no idea what it takes to make 4.1 happen,” said a Trump co-worker. “He’s out there busting his tail every day — early, late, weekends — and the boss strolls in for the quarterly performance review and and talks like it was all dumb luck.”

Instead of praise and a bonus, the colleague said, Trump’s boss nitpicked what he called “opportunities for improvement,” excused away the good numbers, then told him he’d better “shoot for the moon in Q3, or watch his back.”

In a final insult, the supervisor told Trump if it were up to him, he’d get a pay hike, but “the money’s just not in the budget this year, what with the economy and all.”

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Facebook Plunges On News Nobody Cares About You

(2018-07-27) — Facebook’s historic $148 billion stock value plunge this week happened, according to Wall Street analysts, because nobody really cares about you.

“Facebook’s entire business model is predicated on monetizing empathy,” said one stock researcher, “but people are agnostic, at best, about your condition, behavior and future prospects. Facebook represents a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature.”

The latest market analysis shows that nobody cares what you eat, where you go, what you think, or who you’re with. They don’t want to play games with you, answer your rhetorical-question polls, buck you up when you troll for compliments, or get sucked into the negative-feedback loop of your insignificant existence.

In fact, for the average user, 93 percent of time spent on Facebook is devoted to reviewing self-posted material, often wondering why nobody seems to care.

“Facebook has been sold to advertisers and investors as an entertaining, engaging social media platform,” the unnamed analyst said. “That only works if you’re interesting. The data are in, and you’re not.”


Judge: Medicaid Must Also Cover Race Reassignment

(2018-07-27) — Just a day after a federal judge ordered Wisconsin to use Medicaid money to fund sex-reassignment surgery for patients suffering “gender dysphoria”, another court said the same about race-reassignment procedures and therapies.

Both decisions aim to force the federal healthcare program for the poor, which is administered by the states, into compliance with the Affordable Care Act — the act formerly known as Obamacare.

Pigment dysphoria is a crippling condition that sets people at odds with their own visual, cultural and historical identification, according to experts. It can make a light-skinned woman who identifies as dark-skinned, for example, feel like a person without a racially-motivated social group. The condition is universal, afflicting all persons without regard to race, sex, or political affiliation.

Victims of pigment dysphoria often face accusations of “ethnic appropriation” for listening to music, styling hair, eating food, dating partners, or employing slang, which should be the sole province of another racial group. In extreme cases, pigment dysphoria patients even vote for the wrong candidates, according to the medical literature.

Under the terms of the court ruling, taxpayers will now provide these traumatized victims with pigment-reversion therapy, to change the skin to the color it should be, as well as with counseling and coaching to ensure the newly tinted or bleached person “doesn’t come off as a caricature,” thus facing rejection from his new pigment peers.

“Our primitive ancestors would have treated pigment dysphoria as a mental illness, or even as a mild annoyance,” the federal judge wrote. “We now know that it’s a legitimate, often dire, condition, which can be treated with government-mediated cash-reassignment therapy.”

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Trump to Bail Out iPhone Users if Tariffs Boost Prices

(2018-07-25) — On the heels of a $12 billion bailout for farmers who have lost an estimated $13 billion due to international retaliation against U.S. tariffs, the White House said it’s ready to help iPhone users as well.

Farmers complain that President Donald Trump’s tariffs have triggered a trade war, drying up foreign markets for American soybeans, pork, sugar, orange juice, cherries, and more. In response, the U.S. Department of Agriculture in September will begin paying farmers who have lost foreign customers. The Ag department will also buy even more surplus food to distribute to the poor.

But the White House knows that consumers have also been affected by the trade war, and Trump stands ready to rescue them as well.

If tariffs drive up iPhone prices, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) plans to directly subsidize consumers who buy Apple’s popular smartphones, even if market prices reach $2,000-$3,000 per phone or more.

Trump has allegedly told confidants that he’ll “make iPhones so cheap, I alone will be able to afford a flip phone.”

“The president doesn’t believe the government should pick winners and losers in the economy,” said an unnamed source, who knows when the president thinks. “We only pick winners. We punish losers. These great American tariffs and subsidies will give the American people so much winning it will make them sick.”

To his free-market Republican critics in Congress, Trump has privately said, “If ‘free trade’ is good, how can you call giving farmers and iPhone users free money ‘bad’. Both free. Both good.”

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Pelosi Echoes Trump Threat to Iran Regime

(2018-07-23) — Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, joined hands with President Donald Trump this morning to warn Iran’s “repressive, corrupt regime” against provoking “the greatest force for liberty the world has ever seen.”

Pelosi’s bipartisan statesmanship comes after Trump Tweeted in all caps his own warning to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani against threatening the U.S., and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo likened the regime to the Mafia.

Pelosi’s state of California is home to some 250,000 Iranian-Americans, many of whom have fled the Islamic regime since it seized power in 1979.

“There’s not a millimeter of daylight between Democrats and President Trump when it comes to standing up for the long-suffering people of Iran,” Pelosi said. “If our reimposed sanctions don’t bring down the Islamic kleptocracy, the righteous resolve of Iran’s mighty people shall.”

Pelosi said her message to Iran’s anti-regime protestors in the streets is: “This time, America has your back.”

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Trump Urges Twitter to Push Civility, Thought

(2018-07-22) — President Donald Trump today called on Twitter to do more to promote thought, civility and nuanced discussions of culture, politics and public policy.

In a 5,000-word New York Times op-ed, the president proposed a variety of changes to the current short-form social media platform, that would…

  • increase the per-Tweet character limit to 270,340 to “promote deep thought, and careful exposition of ideas,”
  • allow a user to retract a Tweet when he realizes an error,
  • permit Tweeted corrections to reach all who saw the inaccurate original, and
  • introduce a 24-hour ‘cooling off period’ between composing and actually sending the Tweet.

“So often, when I Tweet, I long to fully flesh-out my ideas in a way that promotes civil dialogue, and avoids rash reactions or misunderstanding,” Trump wrote. “But the Twitter platform precludes the kind of introspection, depth of inquiry, and exposition, that foster reasoned discourse in a republic.”

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Study Holds Hope Old People Can Look Like Young Mice

(2018-07-22) — By turning off a genetic mutation in mice, scientists at the University of Alabama say they’ve reversed age-associated wrinkles, balding and gray hair, finally offering hope to elderly people that they might someday have smooth skin, dark hair and a full, thick pelt, just like younger mice.

“This is revolutionary news in our selfie-driven society, enamored as we are of cute animal videos,” said an unnamed researcher in Birmingham. “It means that your social media likes and shares can finally increase as you age, because you’ll look perpetually young, cute and furry.”

For the study, scientists altered a mouse gene to cause mitochondrial dysfunction, creating premature hair loss, graying and skin wrinkling. Then they flipped the genetic switch, reversing the apparent aging.

A spokesman for the International Geriatric Rodent Defense League (IGRDL), a non-profit advocacy group, protested the “cruel use of mouse subjects,” and questioned the importance of the research, noting that scientists had merely reversed aging that they had also induced.

“To reverse real wrinkles, gray hair and balding in humans,” the IGRDL source said, “they’d have to put my kid into rehab, pay off my credit cards, fire my boss, and get my third wife off my back. Science me that!”

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Putin Groomed ‘Brilliant Double-Agent’ Trump

(2018-07-20) — Sources in the Kremlin said today that former KGB agent Vladimir Putin began grooming young Donald Trump as an intel asset decades before either man became president.

“Young Putin met Trump by chance, but immediately recognized in him the cunning, genius, strategic thinking, tactical mastery, and discretion required to be a brilliant double-agent,” according to an unnamed source close to the Russian president.

The revelation, of course, presumes Trump was already in the pay of the CIA, and that Putin hoped he could be turned.

“Putin plied Trump with money, women, book and personal branding deals, and fame out-of-proportion to his accomplishments,” the Kremlin source said. “Trump lapped it up, but never let on that he had become part of a long game to be Putin’s White House puppet.”

The two allegedly conspired, decades in advance, to lay the groundwork for a successful Republican presidential campaign, by having Trump cheat on and abandon wives, dive into the gambling industry, donate generously to Democrats, and studiously avoid learning about matters of policy, governance, or conservatism.

”All of Putin’s careful work has come to fruition,” the anonymous source added, “with the almost-inevitable election of a man who slavishly obeys what he’s told, and never veers from the script written by his handlers.”

The shocking revelation explains Trump’s obsequious news conference after the Helsinki summit last week, and makes his impeachment and conviction nearly as certain as Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election victory.

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TV Shouting Match Proves Other Side Wrong

(2018-07-20) — A televised verbal clash between rival partisans this week proved conclusively that the other side is wrong, perhaps mentally-ill, and utterly lacking in moral judgment.

The argument between talkshow guests broke out just 11 seconds into an in-depth three-minute, seven-person, panel discussion on foreign policy, executive authority, climate change, and Constitutional law. It quickly escalated to high-volume personal insults that definitively established the misjudgement and malevolence of those who hold the rival viewpoint.

“He really owned that idiot,” said an unnamed associate of the winning guest. “It was embarrassing to watch that guy just crumble in the face of the truth. I’d feel sorry for him, you know, if he weren’t hell-bent on destroying our way of life.”

The latest debate victory extends the unbroken streak of triumphs over the opposing ideology that started at the dawn of time, conclusively confirming that viewers need not listen to, ask questions about, or try to understand, alternative ideas.


Trump Clarifies Russia Quip, 2015 Announcement

(2018-07-19) — In the wake of bipartisan backlash over his performance at a news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin this week, President Donald Trump clarified one remark, and may soon walk back two earlier statements, sources said.

Trump told reporters that at the Helsinki summit he had meant to say “I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be” Russia that meddled in the 2016 U.S. elections, rather than “any reason why it would be.”

In addition, unnamed White House aides said the president will soon clarify two statements he made at his June 2015 presidential campaign announcement at Trump Tower, when he appeared to say:

1) “I would repeal and replace the big lie, Obamacare.”

2) “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall.”

In the spirit of bipartisanship, former President Barack Obama is reportedly mulling his own clarifications of statements he made that seemed to say Americans would be able to keep their doctors, and that Obamacare would “bend the cost curve down“.

A spokesman for the National Archives said if this presidential clarifications trend continues, they’ll need to construct a new wing on the complex, “roughly the size of New Hampshire.”