Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

Cohen, Manafort Felony Guilt Spurs Trump Departure

Trump cleans out desk after associates found guilty of felonies: ScrappleFace, by Scott Ott

In the wake of the devastating guilt of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen, President Trump cleans out his desk in the Oval Office.

(2018-08-22) — After two close associates became felons Tuesday, President Trump seemed to read the writing on the wall, began to clean out his desk in the Oval Office, and announced his departure via Twitter this morning.

A jury yesterday convicted former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort of eight counts of fraud, and the president’s longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen, entered a plea agreement confessing himself guilty of eight felony counts of tax evasion and campaign finance violations. Cohen told prosecutors he paid hush money to women at Trump’s direction to help get him elected.

Unnamed White House sources said, the avalanche of social media celebrations, the cable news triumphalism, and a “personal sense of shame,” finally brought down the man some called ‘The Teflon Don.’

Early this morning, Trump tweeted a selfie glaring over his empty desktop, then tweeted the words: “That’s it. I’m licked. I can’t take the media abuse, nor the burden of my own conscience anymore. I’m done. Democrats won. God save President Pence! #DingDong #TheWitchIsDead”

Trump tweets Oval Office departure: ScrappleFace, by Scott Ott

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Ex-CIA Chiefs Decry Trump Yanking Brennan Status

(2018-08-18) — A dozen former CIA officials penned an open letter alleging President Donald Trump revoked former CIA boss John Brennan’s security clearances as a unprecedented “political tool”, and demanded restoration of Brennan’s top-secret access to help him make political attacks against Trump on TV and in newspapers.

The letter, signed by intel chiefs dating back to the Reagan administration, noted that “It’s tough to get in front of the cable news cameras if they think you don’t know anything more than the average person who watches cable news. Who’s going to book a retired know-nothing? Without cable news hits, it’s tougher to get book deals and consulting gigs, or to position oneself for work in a future administration. Next thing you know, you’ll see these very important men living in cardboard boxes under a bridge.”

While some of the signatories of the letter disagree with Brennan’s political attacks on Trump, they noted that “conscience demands that one know upon which side one’s bread is buttered. Face it: without security clearances, we’re all just asterisks in the history books.”

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Omarosa Has Trump Oval Office Tape and Dispenser

(2018-08-15) — Omarosa Manigault-Newman dropped another bombshell today against an already shell-shocked White House revealing that she has Oval Office tape from President Trump’s tenure, as well as an executive office tape dispenser.

In a CNN interview, Manigault-Newman said she didn’t mention the Oval Office tape in her new book, Unhinged, because of “a sticky legal situation regarding government property.”

“To those who claim I was a marginal character in the administration, usually excluded from important meetings,” Omarosa said, “I have tangible evidence that I was at the president’s side, sometimes with my hand in his drawers.”

The former reality-TV star and senior White House official said in the coming days she’ll roll out snippets of the tape and share them with the news media.

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