Posts Tagged ‘California’

Senators Seek Sexual-Assault Claims Against Selves

Sen. Feinstein leads Senate Judiciary Committee to seek sexual assault claims against Senators

Sen. Diane Feinstein explains the new Senate Judiciary Committee policy of seeking out sexual-assault claims against all Senators, as Chairman Charles Grassley respectfully dozes.

(2018-09-25) — In rare a display of selfless leadership and transparency in the #MeToo era, the Senate Judiciary Committee today voted unanimously to seek out allegations of sexual-assault against themselves, other members of the U.S. Senate and their staffs.

“There may be women, men, and others, out there who have kept silent for years,” said the committee’s ranking member, Sen. Diane Feinstein. “We can’t assume they would file police reports, or even share their trauma with another person, unless we proactively seek them out, and reveal their private stories…against their will, if necessary.”

Sen. Feinstein said members of the upper house of America’s legislature need to ensure that “there’s no double-standard” when it comes to Supreme Court nominees, or to Senators.

“Sexual assault allegations don’t simply surface, especially if they’ve remained hidden for decades,” the California lawmaker said. “They need to be coaxed, lured, ferreted-out and, sometimes, coerced.”

As shocking allegations against Senators come to light, the committee will immediately release them to the news media, along with statements of support, encouraging the public to believe the accusers.

“We must all stand before the American people in the bright light of truth,” Feinstein said. “As we have treated Judge Kavanaugh, so we must treat ourselves.”

To facilitate the new atmosphere of full disclosure, the committee has established a hotline, a website, an email address, and a private confessional booth staffed around the clock by Ronan Farrow.

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Indicted Lawmaker’s Wife Also Handled Federal Budget

Rep. Duncan Hunter's wife, Margaret, managing federal budget | ScrappleFace by Scott Ott

Rep. Duncan Hunter blamed his wife, Margaret, for their illegal use of campaign funds, and for the deplorable condition of the federal budget, which he claims she has also managed for years.

(2018-08-24) — Indicted U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-CA, who blamed his wife for illegally using $250,000 in campaign cash to fund a lavish lifestyle because she handled the finances, today admitted that Margaret Hunter has also managed federal spending for years.

“Congress doesn’t really have time to keep an eye on the budget,” said the conservative lawmaker, “so years ago, we gave Margaret authority to deposit the checks, pay the bills, and manage the petty cash as she sees fit.”

Experts say Margaret Hunter outspent federal income by more than $665 billion last year, and she has racked up roughly $21.3 trillion in debt, not including her long-term off-the-books ‘unfunded obligations’ that could outpace tax revenues in years to come.

“Duncan’s wife has done a terrible job managing the budget,” said a Congressman who spoke anonymously to avoid responsibility. “You can’t keep borrowing money, and buying everything you want without a plan to pay it off. She often hides the true extent of her mismanagement, and her scheme to take a second mortgage on our grandchildren has been a disaster.”

If history gives any indication, an unnamed prosecutor said, Mrs. Hunter’s fiscal mismanagement should lead to a six-figure salary and a corner office at a government contractor.

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