Posts Tagged ‘30 Rock’

Megyn Kelly Reappears, Ending Nationwide Search

Missing Megyn Kelly Silk Carton |

Megyn Kelly, the famed former FoxNews commentator, resurfaced this week claiming to have had a near-Roker experience during 19 months in “the land of make-believe.”

(2018-10-27) — Former FoxNews commentator Megyn Kelly, who vanished mysteriously after entering the NBC building at 30 Rock in April 2017, has suddenly reemerged apparently dazed and confused, and telling a fanciful tale of her time in captivity.

Authorities officially called off the nationwide search for Kelly this week, but details remain sketchy as to her whereabouts and activities during the past 19 months.

Kelly, who at her peak served as moderator in a presidential debate and dominated ratings in her time slot at FoxNews, now claims that after her disappearance, she hosted a morning talk show at NBC, chatting up celebrities, annoying Jane Fonda, and dancing in front of a studio audience, until network executives said she was in the Ku Klux Klan.

Asked what she had learned during her confinement, Kelly said, “If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.”

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