Posts Tagged ‘USPS’

Privatized Post Office Would Tank Sears Catalog Orders

(2018-08-07) — A Trump administration plan to privatize the U.S. Postal Service would “virtually sound the death knell of the Sears catalog, thus decimating consumer shopping and gutting the U.S. economy,” according to a new report from the Inspector General.

The report describes, in apocalyptic terms, a post-Postal Service America “where people communicate only electronically, pay their bills impersonally, send their packages via predatory overnight delivery services, lose touch with pen-pals, and get forced to order products through apps and websites, without the dignity of paper catalogs, stamps, envelopes, saliva, checks, neat penmanship, and lengthy periods of delicious anticipation.”

In addition, the report warns, taking daily postal operations out of the hands of the federal government would “cut loose hordes of former USPS employees whose personalities severely limit their job prospects, outside of professional journalism.”

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