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ABC Hopes Palin Interview Builds Confidence

by Scott Ott · 65 Comments

(2008-09-08) — Strategists at ABC News said they hope that correspondent Charles Gibson’s interview with Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin will increase the public’s confidence in the ability, maturity and credibility of ABC News.
“Charlie is spending a lot of time preparing,” said one unnamed ABC insider, “He doesn’t want to get caught off guard [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics · Uncategorized

ABC Sorry for 'Character' Debate, Plans 'Policy' Forum

by Scott Ott · 10 Comments

(2008-04-19) — ABC News today issued an apology to the Democrat party and progressive pundits, on behalf of journalists George Stephanopolous and Charles Gibson, for allowing this week’s Democrat presidential debate to descend into ‘tangential character issues‘ like honesty, integrity and personal association with terrorists and racists.
To atone for this ‘gross disservice‘, ABC News said [...]


Tags: Politics

Hillary Takes 33-Point Lead, Obama Jumps to GOP

by Scott Ott · 20 Comments

(2007-10-04) — Sen. Hillary Clinton today filed papers with the Federal Election Commission to form an exploratory committee aimed at determining if she should publicly declare herself “the presumptive Democrat nominee” for president.
The filing comes after a new Washington Post/ABC News poll showed her up 33-points over her nearest Democrat rival.
In a statement released to [...]


Tags: Politics