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[Scott Ott] Barack Obama is MY President

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 10 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

ScrappleFace editor Scott Ott also writes columns periodically at Below is an excerpt of his latest and a link to read more.

After George W. Bush defeated Al Gore, and later John Kerry, for the presidency, countless Democrat-owned cars bore bumper stickers with clever phrases like ‘Not My President’ or ‘Don’t Blame Me I Voted for Kerry’.

As a conservative evangelical Christian who voted for McCain-Palin, and for every other Republican on the ballot yesterday, let me say for the record: Barack Obama is my president.

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Tags: Non-Satire · Politics · Townhall

10 responses so far ↓

  • 1 J. Cougar Melancholy // Nov 5, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    Good one, Scotto!

    As a bona fide descendent of slave owners, I feel much better today.

    And I gotta say it:

    I trolled you so!


  • 2 BlackLion31U // Nov 5, 2008 at 1:07 pm


    You are one class act!

    God Bless America and our troops

  • 3 Newsman // Nov 5, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    In the spirit of McCain last night - well said Scott !

    Let us all hope and/or pray that this President can unite us all in restoring our country to where it belongs.

  • 4 MajorDomo // Nov 5, 2008 at 4:03 pm

    Tell me, BL, how your comment in the previous thread applies to my post?

  • 5 camojack // Nov 5, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    Be careful what you wish for…you just might get it. ;-)

  • 6 everthink // Nov 5, 2008 at 6:31 pm

    J. Cougar Melancholy,

    “As a bona fide descendent of slave owners, I feel much better today.”

    This same statement is also true for BlackLion and me. It was a slave named “Toby” who carried my fourth grandfather’s body out of the Kentucky wilderness where he was killed.
    It was, in part, for Toby that my family fought for the Union during the Civil War.

    But, my vote for Barack Obama was for me, and for my country.


    I’m gonna miss you, you shameless liberal!

  • 7 gafisher // Nov 6, 2008 at 10:36 am

    “Barack Obama is my president.”

    Sorry, Scott, but I’m holding off until the Inauguration before I’ll say that. Still, it’s been fun watching the ocean levels fall since Tuesday.
    Oh, wait, that was the Stock Market.
    At least “Stand Up Chuck” Graham is prepping for the next Boston Marathon. Go, Stem Cells!

  • 8 ref // Nov 6, 2008 at 12:01 pm

    Scott, I mean this from the bottom of my heart…you are a better man than me…I wish I’d wrote this but don’t think I ever could.

    Do you really take the word of a politician so deceptive that he makes Bill Clinton look like Billy Graham?

    I can’t be gracious. Not today. Obama’s only record is one of attack against this nation’s freedoms and it’s moral fabric. I am not ready to shake hands yet and I am not sure I ever will be.

    Now excuse me while I wash my mouth out for using Bill Clinton and Billy Graham in the same sentence.

  • 9 sfcmac // Nov 20, 2008 at 11:33 pm

    I’m not sure if I should give you the benefit of the doubt that this is satire (and I certainly hope it is), but if it isn’t, this is something I wrote on my own blog:

    Hint: It ain’t his skin color I hate.

    No self-respecting Democratic Republic will give legitimacy to a socialist president, but then no self-respecting democratic Republic would permit someone like Obama to be a Senator, let alone Presidential candidate.

    Obama and his Democrat majority will increase taxes and spending. They will carry out their threat to take money from taxpayers and give money to those who do not pay taxes, let alone work. The trillion dollars he plans on spending will be a drop in the bucket before he’s through.
    It won’t take long before the economy collapses completely.

    America’s national security just took a big hit. Illegal aliens and terrorist cells that have already been crossing the border because there’s no real obstacle, now have an open invitation.
    Expect another attack on this country by terrorists who now have that ‘change they can believe in’.
    FISA will be null and void, law enforcement and the FBI will face severe restrictions on monitoring, arrest, and prosecution of terrorist cells and supporters living in the U.S.

    Our war against Islamofacism will likely suffer, if not grind to a halt. American troops who fought so valiantly in the region of the world that breeds the terrorists who attacked this country, will now be forbidden to do what it takes to accomplish the mission and prosecuted for doing so.

    The Eurotrash, North Korea, China, Venezuela, and Islamic comrades (Iran, in particular) are rejoicing in this latest tragicomic episode in American politics. We are now saddled with a corrupt, socialist, terrorist cavorting, narcissistic charlatan, who suits their agenda. Obamabots placed all of their faith and adoration into an empty suit with serious defects.

    Obama will kowtow to all of the world’s malefactors, fulfilling his promise to ‘negotiate without pre-conditions’. To all the asshats who foolishly believe that being a pliant doormat will somehow make the United States a more “moral, respected, endearing, popular, positive role model”, brace yourselves.
    It will only serve to encourage hostile nations, Islamic ones in particular, to take advantage of a deteriorated American political and economic system, rife with Democratic milksops.
    This, of course, is supposed to improve our ‘world image’. If you think Clinton’s non-response to the numerous terrorist attacks on his watch gave al Qaeda the green light, Obama will be in the control tower giving the okay for take off. To all the people who are unsure what we will face, you need to know what’s been installed in the White House. Welcome to 4 years of a Socialist America. Just don’t expect the rest of us to follow suit.

  • 10 damnum absque injuria » Barack Obama Is Not My President // Jan 2, 2009 at 8:31 am

    [...] for not being moonbatty enough. It also turns up a few hits to legitimate conservatives making the opposite point, apparently because the presence or absence of “not” has little impact on what Google [...]

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