By Scott Ott, for [non-satire]
Who provokes sympathy more than a child with cancer? Your heart is moved to do something for this ‘poor little thing’. And what does Don Imus do for them? He puts them to work shoveling manure, and makes them do risky things on horseback. They round up Texas Longhorns, herd [...]
Entries Tagged as 'Townhall'
Help Send Obama to Don Imus Cancer Camp
by Scott Ott · 14 Comments
Tags: Townhall
What Will You Do For Me If I Vote For You?
by Scott Ott · 26 Comments
by Scott Ott for
It wasn’t the first time someone had asked me that question.
Last night I drove into downtown Allentown with no destination in mind other than “inner city”. The sun was setting, and I found a place to park on the street (I didn’t note its name). Dressed in shorts, a polo shirt, [...]
Tags: Non-Satire · Townhall
Health Care Industry a Net Drain on the Economy?
by Scott Ott · 12 Comments
Scott Ott writes non-satirical columns periodically at Here’s a brief excerpt of his latest and a link to read more.
Today’s Washington Post refers to “…the daunting challenge of remaking a health system that consumes $1 out of every $6 spent in the country…”
Did you ever wonder why journalists don’t refer to other side of [...]
Tags: Townhall
Obama Plays Sesame Street Game, Albeit Unwittingly
by Scott Ott · 51 Comments
PRES. OBAMA: “…we must lower the health-care costs that are driving us into debt, create the jobs of the future within our borders, give our workers the skills and training they need to compete for those jobs, and make the tough choices necessary to bring down our deficit in the long run.” — Op-Ed in [...]
Tags: Townhall
Mr. President, This is What the Critics Really Say
by Scott Ott · 61 Comments
by Scott Ott
EXCERPT FROM PRES. OBAMA SPEECH: Critics “say we are trying to do too much, that we are moving too quickly, and that we all ought to just take a deep breath and scale back our goals,” he said. “These naysayers have short memories. We did not get here by doing what was [...]
Tags: Townhall
Gitmo a Roaring Success in the U.S. Prison System
by Scott Ott · 37 Comments
ScrappleFace editor Scott Ott write periodic non-satirical pieces at Here’s an excerpt of his latest and a link to read more.
Gitmo a Roaring Success in the U.S. Prison System
by Scott Ott for
As the ink dries on President Barack Obama’s order to close the U.S. terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, America stands [...]
[Scott Ott] Barack Obama is MY President
by Scott Ott · 10 Comments
ScrappleFace editor Scott Ott also writes columns periodically at Below is an excerpt of his latest and a link to read more.
After George W. Bush defeated Al Gore, and later John Kerry, for the presidency, countless Democrat-owned cars bore bumper stickers with clever phrases like ‘Not My President’ or ‘Don’t Blame Me I Voted [...]
Tags: Non-Satire · Politics · Townhall