Posts Tagged ‘Snapchat’

Obama Tweets, Snapchats Netanyahu Congrats

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Obama Tweets Congrats to Netanyahu

Moments after exit polling showed Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu’s Likud party victorious in Israel’s election yesterday, President Obama sent this tweet.

(2015-03-18) — Few people were more excited about Benjamin Netanyahu’s success in yesterday’s election than U.S. President Barack Obama.

Obama, who views Netanyahu “like the father I nearly-never had,” closely followed the Israeli election results. When exit polls indicated a favorable outcome, he Tweeted to his 56.6 million Twitter followers: “OMG…Bibi and Likud make it 3. #NetanyahuDat?”

The president then ordered a senior staffer to take a selfie of Obama (he calls it a ‘staffie’), which he sent via Snapchat to the Israeli leader, with the comment: “Bibi FTW. So…that happened.”

“Israel has no stronger ally than the United States of America, and Prime Minister Netanyahu has no more devoted fan than this president of these United States,” Obama said in an official statement.

Obama Snapchats congrats to Netanyahu

Here’s the official presidential Snapchat to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu celebrating his reelection.

“I’m sure that our close relationship, strong alliance and shared principles will only serve to cement the bond I share with my BiBiFF in the coming years,” he added.

A White House spokesman denied Republican accusations that Obama operatives had worked behind the scenes to topple the Prime Minister, and he played down suggestions that Obama was miffed that Netanyahu spoke to a joint session of Congress recently without consulting with him first.

“The President only regrets that he couldn’t get front row tickets to the Prime Minister’s Congressional speech,” said spokesman Josh Earnest. “He’s too respectful of the separation of powers to pick up the phone and call Speaker John Boehner. After all, the Speaker of the House is not Beyoncé or Kanye. One doesn’t just text him to beg for tickets.”


Former IRS Boss Used Snapchat for Official Business

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Lerner Snapchat

Former IRS director Lois Lerner’s use of Snapchat for work-related messages was discovered when this screen capture was lifted from the iPhone of a Democrat lawmaker during a Congressional hearing about IRS targeting of Tea Party groups.

(2014-06-26) — Former IRS director Lois Lerner’s communications with the Obama White House, and others related the the Tea Party targeting scandal, can never be retrieved, unnamed sources now admit, because she used the ephemeral social messaging app, Snapchat, for all of her work messages.

The Snapchat app on Lerner’s iPhone allowed her to send photo and text messages that vanish from the receiver’s device within 10 seconds or less, thereby leaving no information trail for Congressional investigators to follow.

The IRS admits that Ms. Lerner “didn’t follow the law” regarding official communications, but that “she didn’t break it either, since there’s no specific mention of Snapchat in the statutes or regs.”

Lerner’s attorney said his client will not make her own camera roll available for Congressional inspection, since it may contain “cat-related screen captures of a personal nature,” unrelated to the allegations in question.



NSA Cracks al-Qaeda Snapchat Terror Ring

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Snapchat Logo

Snapchat’s database, just hacked by the NSA, contained a “surprising number” of young, female, topless al-Qaeda agents, according to sources in the Obama administration.

(2014-01-03) — The White House announced today that NSA code crackers hacked a key al-Qaeda Snapchat network, unmasking names and other identifying data of dozens of suspected terrorists-many of whom are surprisingly young, female and topless.

Snapchat is a social networking app that allows users to transmit text and photos designed to disappear from the recipient’s device within seconds. The ephemeral nature of the messages is what turned NSA staffers on to its possible use by the world’s best-known Islamist terror network.

However, unnamed sources admitted that Qaeda’s use of teenaged girls-posing in ways clearly forbidden by the Koran-initially surprised even seasoned espionage experts.

White House spokesman Jay Carney acknowledged that NSA cryptographers could take months to decode the secret messages, but added, “we have our best men on it day and night.”

He said the agency has shifted some analysts to the project who were winding up work on the NSA’s recently-successful Operation Target Shopper.

In the meantime, Carney said parents should inspect their teen’s smartphones and forward any suspicious pictures to the NSA.

The rare public revelation of an NSA covert operation seems aimed at critics who fault the secretive agency for its invasions of privacy, lack of accountability and paucity of demonstrable results in protecting Americans from attacks.