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’60s Bomber Ayers Repudiates NY Times, Obama Links

by Scott Ott · 32 Comments

(2008-10-04) — William Ayers, founder of the radical Weather Underground group which carried out a bombing campaign against U.S. targets in the 1960s, today attempted to distance himself from both Barack Obama and The New York Times.
Mr. Ayers distributed a news release in response to the Times’ 2,100-word investigative story, originally titled “Obama Has Met [...]


Tags: Law · Politics

Poll: Uncommitted See Obama as Most Like Them

by Scott Ott · 57 Comments

(2008-09-27) — In the wake of the first presidential debate between Senators John McCain and Barack Obama, a CBS news poll of uncommitted voters shows that those who can’t make up their minds find more in common with Sen. Obama.
“People tend to gravitate toward the candidate who seems most like them,” said an unnamed pollster [...]


Tags: Politics

Crisis: McCain Back in DC Locks Senate Doors

by Scott Ott · 66 Comments

(2008-09-25) — Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, who suspended his presidential campaign yesterday to address the global financial crisis, arrived at the Capitol this morning, locked the doors to the Senate and asked running mate Sarah Palin to post troops from the Alaska Army National Guard to bar senators from entering the chamber.

The Republican nominee said, [...]


Tags: Business · Politics · U.S. News

Obama Tries to Unite Hillary with Palin at U.N.

by Scott Ott · 93 Comments

(2008-09-17) — Bolstering his reputation as a uniter who rises above petty party politics, Sen. Barack Obama said today that he has asked his top supporter, Sen. Hillary Clinton, to reconsider her decision to back out of an event at the United Nations after she learned that Gov. Sarah Palin would also attend.

“As everyone knows, [...]


Tags: Global News · Politics

Obama Adopts New Yoda-Like Slogan: Change We Need

by Scott Ott · 15 Comments

(2008-09-16) — With intense pressure to raise money because he decided to forgo public-funding of his presidential campaign, Barack Obama has altered his slogan from “Change We Can Believe In” to a more direct appeal inspired by the distinctive speech patterns of Yoda, from the Star Wars movies.
“Change We Need“, now appears on the podium [...]


Tags: Politics

McCain Commission Releases Economic Crisis Report

by Scott Ott · 28 Comments

(2008-09-16) — Yesterday Sen. John McCain called for a high-level commission to investigate the current economic crisis and to propose solutions. Today, the commission released its final report calling for the federal government to immediately withdraw from Wall Street, the home mortgage market and “other sectors where government intervention has undercut the principles of free-market [...]


Tags: Business · Politics

Obama: Abortion-Survivor's Attack Ad Could Backfire

by Scott Ott · 36 Comments

(2008-09-15) — A new TV ad in which the survivor of a botched abortion calls attention to Sen. Barack Obama’s repeated opposition to protecting such babies could backfire on the pro-life group that created the commercial, according to the Democrat presidential candidate.
In the TV spot, Gianna Jessen, 31, calls on Sen. Obama to support born-alive [...]


Tags: Law · Medicine · Politics

Obama Unleashes Second '1982' Attack Ad

by Scott Ott · 81 Comments

(2008-09-13) — Despite a firestorm of controversy over Barack Obama’s attack ad mocking John McCain as so old-fashioned he “can’t send email”, the Obama for America campaign has released a second ad through YouTube reinforcing the message that the Illinois Senator is young and “hip” compared with his septuagenarian Republican rival.
Here’s the original ad.
And here’s [...]


Tags: Politics · Video

Obama Inspires Local Man to Volunteer for McCain

by Scott Ott · 52 Comments

(2008-09-12) — Jeremy Kleckner, a junior at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa., said today that Sen. Barack Obama’s efforts to ignite a wave of young volunteers across the nation is succeeding beyond the Democrat presidential candidate’s wildest dreams.
“He hasn’t even touched the bully pulpit in the White House yet,” said Mr. Kleckner, “and already Obama’s [...]


Tags: Politics

Obama Bill to Stop Future Rangel Tax Problems

by Scott Ott · 26 Comments

(2008-09-10) — Presidential candidate Barack Obama has come to the aid of his Democrat colleague, Rep. Charles Rangel, D-NY, by proposing a bill that would fund Spanish language training for members of Congress, and thus ensure they wouldn’t wind up owing thousands of dollars in back taxes on condo investments in the Dominican Republic.
Rep. Rangel, [...]


Tags: Politics