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Jimmy Carter in Peace Talks with Hillary, Obama

by Scott Ott · 67 Comments

(2008-04-23) — In the wake of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s primary victory in Pennsylvania Tuesday, Nobel laureate Jimmy Carter today announced he would interrupt his work on the Gaza Strip branch of the Carter Library to meet with Mrs. Clinton and rival Sen. Barack Obama to negotiate a cease fire in the battle that threatens to [...]


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Jimmy Carter, Hamas Conclude One-Party Peace Talks

by Scott Ott · 69 Comments

(2008-04-19) — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and the terror group Hamas, in a joint news conference today, announced they had successfully completed the third round of one-party talks aimed at bringing peace to the Jewish territories that border on the Palestinian state.

In a moment reminiscent of the famous 1978 handshake at Camp David among [...]


Tags: Global News

Hamas Backs Obama, Other 'Superdelegates' to Follow

by Scott Ott · 92 Comments

(2008-04-17) — The chief political adviser to the Prime Minister of Hamas on Sunday said the terror group would like to see Sen. Barack Obama become the next U.S. president because “he has a vision to change America.”
One Obama campaign insider said, “Getting this endorsement is tantamount to picking up a superdelegate vote. But [...]


Tags: Global News · Politics

Hamas Greets Carter with Gift of 'Traditional Vest'

by Scott Ott · 112 Comments

(2008-04-15) — Jimmy Carter’s Middle East mission of peace got off to a “promising start“, the former U.S. president said, as he returned today from meeting with prominent Hamas member Nasser al-Shaer, wearing what he called, “a lovely traditional ceremonial vest” that the Nobel laureate received as a gift from Mr. al-Shaer.
Returning to Jerusalem after [...]


Tags: Global News · U.S. News

Bush to Appoint Jimmy Carter Ambassador to Hell

by Scott Ott · 19 Comments

(2008-04-15) — As former President Jimmy Carter meets this week with Hamas leaders in the West Bank and Syria, sources at the State Department say President George Bush will soon honor Mr. Carter’s decades of freelance diplomacy by appointing him as the first U.S. Ambassador to Hell.
“Bush just wants Carter to go there,” said an [...]


Tags: Global News · U.S. News

Gore Wins Nobel Prize, High Court Gives It to Bush

by Scott Ott · 43 Comments

(2007-10-12) — Although former Vice President Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize this week for his work as a global-warming performance artist, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled early today that President George Bush would receive the gold medal, the diploma and the $750,000.
Mr. Bush, who was narrowly defeated by Mr. Gore in the 2000 [...]


Tags: Global News · Politics

NYPD Denies Carter Request to Visit Ground Zero

by Scott Ott · 58 Comments

(2007-10-11) — The New York City Police Department today turned down a request by former President Jimmy Carter to go to ‘Ground Zero’, the site of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, during Mr. Carter’s upcoming visit to Columbia University because the department could not “guarantee his safety.”
Mr. Carter, who this week [...]


Tags: Politics · U.S. News