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Mitt Quits, Huckabee Vows to Quit Later

by Scott Ott · 37 Comments

(2008-02-07) — Shortly after former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney told a shocked crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee’s (CPAC) annual convention today that he’s ending his presidential bid for “the good of the nation”, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee vowed to fight on “until my presence becomes pathetic, embarrassing and ridiculous.”

“It takes 1,191 [...]


Tags: Politics

How McCain Beats the Dem Nominee:
The Team America Strategy

by Scott Ott · 18 Comments

NOTE: ScrappleFace editor Scott Ott writes columns at Here’s a glimpse of his latest, and a link to read more…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
by Scott Ott for
As neo-lib presidential candidate John McCain heads for the Republican nomination, and a November thrashing at the [...]


Tags: Politics · Townhall

Fred Surges on News Hillary Could 'Whup' Him

by Scott Ott · 73 Comments

(2008-01-15) — The nomination of Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson today took on an air of inevitability, after the former senator from Tennessee announced that he believes Sen. Hillary Clinton could “whup my caboose” in the general election.
“You political journalism types flock to the guys you think Sen. Clinton could beat,” Mr. Thompson told the [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics

Clinton Touts New Slogan: America, Here's Your Change

by Scott Ott · 30 Comments

(2008-01-05) — Buoyed by “a great night for Democrats” in Iowa, Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign took the enthusiasm generated by her strong third-place finish into New Hampshire where she hopes voters will expand her party’s mandate for change.
The Clinton campaign unveiled it’s 11th new slogan in as many weeks — a phrase designed to tap [...]


Tags: Politics

Huckabee, Obama End Divisiveness, Unite Campaigns

by Scott Ott · 33 Comments

(2008-01-04) — Iowa presidential caucus winners Mike Huckabee and Barack Obama today announced at a joint news conference in New Hampshire that “the partisan divisiveness which has torn our land is dead.”
The new Democrat and Republican frontrunners have decided to unite their two campaigns under one banner to “overthrow the military-industrial complex, crush greedy [...]


Tags: Politics

Thompson: Political Reporters Lack 'Fire in the Belly'

by Scott Ott · 69 Comments

(2008-01-02) — Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson today questioned whether political reporters covering the race for the White House have enough ambition for the job.
“Most of these journalists seem to lack what you might call fire in the belly,” said the former Tennessee senator. “When’s the last time you read an in-depth story about what [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics

Huckabee Unveils Dirt He Won't Use Against Rivals

by Scott Ott · 40 Comments

(2008-01-01) — To further demonstrate his commitment to a positive campaign strategy, Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee today showed reporters a Powerpoint presentation of opposition research that his staff has compiled against his top GOP rivals and announced he would not be using any of it in his effort to win his party’s nomination.
The revelations [...]


Tags: Politics

Romney Saw Dad March with MLK, Land on Moon

by Scott Ott · 33 Comments

(2007-12-21) — Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney today continued to defend his statement that he “saw” his father “march with Martin Luther King” as a figurative expression meaning George Romney supported the civil rights movement. The former Massachussetts governor added, “I also saw my Dad step off the ladder of the lunar module to make [...]


Tags: Politics

Zawahiri Video Bolder Than Romney Faith Speech

by Scott Ott · 17 Comments

(2007-12-16) — In the same month that presidential candidate Mitt Romney delivered his groundbreaking speech on faith in America, and just days after rival Mike Huckabee apologized for suggesting Mormons believe Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers, al Qaeda lieutenant Ayman al-Zawahiri’s new video is another example of religious rhetoric from a public figure.

Your Donation [...]


Tags: Theology · Video

Huckabee Slams Bush Saber-Rattling Against Persia

by Scott Ott · 24 Comments

(2007-12-15) — Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, now polling ahead of Republican presidential rivals in Iowa and South Carolina, today put to rest concerns about his lack of foreign policy experience by criticizing the Bush administration’s “saber-rattling against the land of Persia.”
In a landmark speech slamming George Bush’s “arrogant bunker mentality“, Mr. Huckabee also questioned [...]


Tags: Politics