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U.N. to Use ‘Truth or Dare’ Protocol for Weapons Inspections

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-09-26) — U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan announced today that weapons inspectors in Iraq will use the ‘Truth or Dare’ protocol.
“People think that weapons inspection is such a serious business,” said Annan. “But with the ‘Truth or Dare’ protocol, we accomplish the mission, and have some fun along the way.”
The secretary general said the protocol works like this:
“Inspectors say, ‘Do you have any weapons of mass destruction hidden in that village there?’
Saddam says, ‘No, of course not.’
“Then we go in and find some anthrax or VX or plutonium, and we tell Saddam he has to do some dare, like carry a pig through a bar mitzvah in Tel Aviv while singing Sunrise-Sunset.”
Annan said if Saddam refuses to do the dare, “well…then we’ll pass more resolutions to insist that he do it.”

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