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DNC Orders Sanctions Against Gore

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-09-25) — The Democratic National Committee yesterday voted unanimously to impose sanctions against Al Gore, its former presidential candidate. The sanctions come in the wake of Mr. Gore’s speech in California criticizing President Bush for his approach to Iraq and the war on terror.
Under the sanctions, Mr. Gore is barred from appearing at Democrat fundraisers, on the platform with other Democrats and at all union meetings.
In addition, the former vice president must wear a placard around his neck with the bright green frowning image of Mr. Yuck!, the poison-warning symbol. As he walks down the street, Mr. Gore must ring a bell and shout “Unclean! Unclean!”
Senator Joe Lieberman, a potential presidential candidate, said, “I think the sanctions are reasonable considering the harm that might come to the party should people begin to associate Mr. Gore’s views with the party at large.”
The DNC statement said it would rely on the United Nations to enforce the sanctions.
Related Link: Another Gore Fan

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  • 1 Baseball Crank // Apr 23, 2003 at 10:58 am