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August 28, 2003

Bush Seeks U.N. Troops in Iraq to Salvage Legacy

(2003-08-28) — U.S. President George Bush may invite United Nations troops into Iraq in order to salvage his damaged leadership legacy, according to an unnamed White House source.
“We’re concerned about potential damage to Bush’s record as the greatest Democrat ever to occupy the White House,” said the source. “If he invites the United Nations in, he’ll have a lock on the title. He’s poised to leave FDR and LBJ in the dust, and capture the Democrat nomination for 2004.”
The White House source noted the highlights of the President’s great Democrat legacy. George Bush has:
- increased federal funding and control of public education,
- established the immense Homeland Security Department,
- pushed through a massive new entitlement program for prescription drugs,
- overseen the ballooning of the federal budget and deficit,
- permitted federally-funded stem cell research and
- continued to negotiate with Yasser Arafat and Kim Jong-Il.
“Bush has been tough on Iraq only to placate the moderates in the Democrat party,” the source added. “In reality, he’s more of a Howard Dean Democrat…although he’s a better fundraiser than Dean.”

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  1. Friday Humour

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    Trackback by The Daily Rant — August 29, 2003 @ 4:38 pm

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