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July 28, 2003

Today’s Raped-By-Uday Count Stands at Zero

(2003-07-28) — The Pentagon announced again today that its raped-by-Uday count remained at zero for the sixth day in a row. About 11 million Iraqi women have not been raped by Uday Hussein since he, and his brother, were killed by American troops last week.
“Since the end of his major sadistic operations about six days ago, we have no recorded incidents of Uday Hussein raping teenage girls or anyone else,” said an unnamed Pentagon spokesman. “He has also not tortured anyone since that day. Iraq is still a dangerous place, but our estimates indicate that Uday will rape approximately no girls or women for the rest of this month, nor for many months to follow.”

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  1. More good news from Iraq

    A factual point noted by a usually reliable source. This particular factoid appears completely un-spinnable, although it would not be too surprising that someone might try. Waiting with breathless anticipation….

    Trackback by Silent Running — July 28, 2003 @ 7:07 pm

  2. WAR: The Last Rubber

    If you think about it, the contents of Uday’s briefcase are symbolic: the regime that was screwing Iraq was down to its last condom. ScrappleFace had the definitive last word on Uday….

    Trackback by Baseball Crank — July 31, 2003 @ 6:45 am

  3. Bias? What bias?

    Falsely bleak reports reduce our chances of success in Iraq I saw this yesterday, and it’s been popping up all over the blogosphere. Jim Marshall (D-GA) went to Iraq to see with his own eyes.I’m afraid the news media are…

    Trackback by murdoc online — April 9, 2004 @ 11:33 am

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