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New York Offers Math Test Every Student Can Pass

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-07-01) — The Education Department of the State of New York will begin offering standardized math tests that every student can pass. The decision follows the resignation of the state’s testing director who lost her job after 63 percent of New York student’s failed the Math A Regents exam.
“Clearly, it is a disservice to public schools to give tests whose results imply students aren’t learning essential skills,” said an unnamed spokesman for the New York Board of Regents. “Now that the state’s testing director is gone, we can offer an exam that more accurately reflects what students are really learning.”
Here’s a sample question from the new test:
“New York citizens contribute $43.8 million per year to the state department of education. Yet 63 percent of students failed the Regent’s math exam. If “x” equals the amount of money taxpayers in other states contribute to New York state through the Federal Department of Education, how much does “x” need to be in order to reduce the math test failure rate to 50 percent?”
Answer: Any number greater than $7 billion will be considered correct.
Download Excel spreadsheet of U.S. Department of Education Funding by state for 2001.

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0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Inoperable Terran // Jul 1, 2003 at 2:11 pm


    New York State is searching for a test everyone can pass….