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June 28, 2003

Democrats Call for Huge Military Buildup

(2003-06-28) — Democrats in Congress, frustrated that Republicans stole their thunder by passing a Medicare prescription drug plan, say this week they’ll introduce a bill to double the Pentagon’s budget for 2003-04.
“We want more troops, more weapons systems and a rapid rollout of the missile defense system,” said one unnamed Democrat Congressional aide. “If Republicans can campaign as compassionate conservatives by creating a huge entitlement program, Democrats can run as leatherneck liberals. After all, John Kerry is Vietnam veteran. Many people don’t know that.”

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  1. You’ve Gotta Love Scrappleface…

    …one of the funniest sites on the net. Democrats Call for Huge Military Buildup (2003-06-28) — Democrats in Congress, frustrated that Republicans stole their thunder by passing a Medicare prescription drug plan, say this week they’ll introduce a bil…

    Trackback by The Big Picture — July 1, 2003 @ 6:46 pm

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