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CIA Iraq-Nukes Report So Secret No One Read It

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-06-12) — A 2002 CIA report which disproved allegations of a nuclear deal between Iraq and Niger was so top secret, no one was allowed to read it.
An unnamed Senior CIA analyst said that a clerk accidentally classified the report beyond anyone’s clearance level.
“Even the CIA director and the President couldn’t open it,” said the unnamed analyst. “At meeting after meeting in the White House, the envelope just sat there on the table. Mr. Bush would glance at it, shrug, and move on.”
If the envelope had been opened, the President would have learned that a previous report that Iraq had sought nuclear materials from the government of Niger was apparently false. This would have changed the course of human history, by causing him to remove a sentence from his State of the Union speech.
“Of course, it wouldn’t have stopped the Iraq invasion,” said the analyst. “Saddam didn’t need nukes to act on his hatred. Deadly weapons are manufactured, propelled, guided and triggered from the human heart. We all have one of those.”

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