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Zero Enrollment Should Keep New Drug Plan Costs Low

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-06-10) — Senate Republicans wielded their majority status aggressively yesterday to get Democrats to agree to a prescription drug program for seniors which includes private sector plans priced so high no one will use them.
The Congressional Budget Office predicts that the preferred provider plans will cost 10 to 12 percent more than traditional Medicare.
“We can now proudly say that an older American can buy prescription drugs using a private plan,” said one unnamed Senate Republican. “There will be no financial incentive to do so, therefore we anticipate zero enrollment in the new program. But this is the land of opportunity, and people will have the opportunity to do it.”
This most recent Republican triumph is part of the GOP’s overall “Capitalism Lite” platform, which includes increased spending on tax-funded, government-regulated schooling, more tax refunds for families that don’t pay taxes, and unchecked government spending.
“We believe in free markets and laissez-faire economics,” said the unnamed Republican Senator. “That’s why we’re letting the Federal government operate monopoly businesses in education, health care and elsewhere. I see the fingerprints of the invisible hand all over this.”

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  • 1 // Jun 10, 2003 at 10:23 am

    Zero Enrollment Should Keep New Drug Plan Costs Low

    Heh! Another classic from ScrappleFace: Senate Republicans wielded their majority status aggressively yesterday to get Democrats to agree to a prescription drug program for seniors which includes private sector plans priced so high no one will use them…