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Jayson Blair Becomes Consultant to Bloggers

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-05-17) — Reporter Jayson Blair, fired from The New York Times, has launched his own business as a consultant and editor for writers of personal weblogs.
Oddly enough, Mr. Blair got the idea from a New York Times story about bloggers reporting on their friends and co-workers causing “hurt feelings, newly wary friends and relatives, and the occasional inflamed employer.”
Mr. Blair will use his experience at the Times to help bloggers disguise identities, create more interesting lives for themselves, and “keep out of trouble.”
“I’m going to take what I learned in my wide travels for the Times, and use it to benefit humanity,” Mr. Blair said. “Jessica Lynch’s father once told me, as we sat on his front porch overlooking the tobacco fields and cattle pastures, ‘if life hands you a lemon, you make lemonade’.”
Mr. Blair said “ongoing personal problems” prevent him from disclosing how much he will charge bloggers for his services.

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  • 1 The People's Republic of Seabrook // May 20, 2003 at 6:44 am

    Finally, a career where lack of integrity is no roadblock

    Jayson Blair Becomes Consultant to Bloggers Once again, Scott Ott leads the pack, breaking the news of Jayson Blair’s newest career move. Oddly enough, Mr. Blair got the idea from a New York Times story about bloggers reporting on their friends and co-…