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Church of Evolution Still Clings to Faith

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-05-08) — The International Church of Evolution, well into its second century of existence, clings tenaciously to the faith upon which it was founded. This deep trust by believers in the central tenets of the faith has earned the admiration of other religious leaders worldwide.
The belief system was fortified this week with the announcement that the online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences would publish a paper claiming that all 30 species of army ants worldwide have the same DNA. Entomologist Sean Brady concludes that all the ants originated from the same point and they haven’t changed in 100 million years.

CNN’s account of the findings places them solidly within the context of the theory of evolution, even though the ants have failed to evolve over eons, and they have somehow appeared all over the earth, despite their lack of wings.
A CNN editor said it’s amazing how every story about animal life reinforces the theory of evolution. Asked how this story specifically did that, the editor, a faithful believer himself, echoed the liturgy from the International Church of Evolution: “Let us proclaim the mystery of faith…”
An unnamed Christian preacher who read the story said he found such faith inspiring.
“This thing about the ants, and dozens of other findings in the past several years, ought to shatter the doctrine of the Church of Evolution,” he said. “But instead, it strengthens their commitment to the idea. I don’t want to use a crass analogy, but for Christians it would be like a headline that said ‘Archeologists Discover the Body of Jesus’…as if the resurrection never happened. Now that would rock our church, but these Evolution believers….they’re firm in their faith.”

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