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Castro Resigns! Kennedy’s Cuba Policy Pays Off

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-09-13) — Cuban dictator Fidel Castro stunned his nation and political leaders worldwide by announcing his resignation today, only 43 years after seizing power in a military coup.
“President Kennedy’s policy of containment has broken me,” Castro said. “I cannot take the isolation anymore.”
The announcement came on the same day the New York Times ran an Op-Ed piece by Nicholas Kristof praising the Kennedy administration policy of containment and isolation. Kristof suggested that President Bush should follow a similar strategy with Iraq’s Saddam Hussein.
“The just vindicates everything I wrote in the Times piece,” Kristof said. “If Bush were as smart as Kennedy, Saddam would be packing his bags like Castro. It wouldn’t be a question of “if”, but “when”.

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