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Skull of Early Anthropologist Found in New Jersey

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-07-16) — Fragments of a hominid skull found in northeastern New Jersey last month, may be the missing link between apes and evolutionary anthropologists.

Dubbed “Paramus Man” or Homo Sciencia, the skull features a narrow cranial cavity and boney protrusions along the sides of the eyes. The protrusions give the appearance of blinders, like those used on racing horses.
Darwinian evolutionists have long speculated about the possibility of an ape-like ancestor for the modern anthropologist. However, all previously-discovered hominid skulls had brain cases so large that they would prohibit the narrow thinking necessary to cling to the Darwinian theory of evolution. The discovery of Paramus man opens the possibility that even if modern anthropologists didn’t evolve from lower lifeforms, a similarly narrow-minded creature may have once roamed the earth. Some in the scientific community speculate that Homo Sciencia may have died off when it refused to alter its worldview to face reality.

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