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Specter Warns of Potential Stem Cell Hazards

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-04-23) — U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter, R-PA, asked President Bush today to increase the number of embryonic stem cell lines used for government-funded research. The expansion is needed for two reasons, he said.
First, the current 11 allowable stem cell lines contain only the genetics of people who go to in vitro fertility clinics — mostly rich, white people. Secondly, the existing cell lines were generated in a growth medium consisting of mouse cells.
Human organs, like kidneys and livers, could eventually be produced from these cell lines for use in transplants.
Sen. Specter said he fears that recipients of those organs might acquire the characteristics of rich, white people with mouse-like attributes. A wealthy Republican who often votes like Democrats, Sen. Specter said he knows personally what the conseqences of that could be.

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