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Arafat Demands Personal Homeland

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-04-21) — After weeks of disputes with the man he named as Prime Minister, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat announced today that he wants his own personal homeland.
As Mr. Arafat and his prime minister-designate, Mahmoud Abbas, continue to clash over the composition of the Palestinian Cabinet, the Chairman said he deserved the right of self-determination without oppression from those who disagree with him.
“I am a free person,” said Mr. Arafat, “and I must make all decisions for my own personal benefit. If Mr. Abbas respects the boundaries of my own personal homeland, I promise that I will not send suicide-bombers to strike his family. I offer him a land-for-peace deal and my personal assurance as a man of integrity.”
Mr. Abbas immediately ordered construction of a high-fence between his house and Mr. Arafat’s new “Fatah-Land”.

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