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March 31, 2003

Iraqi Soldiers Crowd Streets Chanting ‘Arnett Akbar’

(2003-03-31) — Iraqi soldiers demonstrated their gratitude to former MSNBC reporter Peter Arnett by gathering in the streets of Baghdad and chanting ‘Arnett Akbar’ (Arnett is Great!), and “There is no God but Saddam, and Arnett is his prophet.”
Yesterday, Mr. Arnett granted an interview with Saddam Hussein’s personal TV network during which he said coalition war plans have failed, and that his reports were designed to strengthen the anti-war war movement in Britain and the U.S..
“Our reports about civilian casualties here, about the resistance of the Iraqi forces, are going back to the United States,” he said. “It helps those who oppose the war when you challenge the policy to develop their arguments.”
Mr. Arnett, who will soon become an Iraqi citizen, is already revered by Ba’ath Party officials for his propaganda support of Saddam Hussein during the 1991 Gulf War.
Mr. Hussein has ordered construction of a new mosque in Baghdad to honor Mr. Arnett, whom he called “my most effective information ministry official”.

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  1. ‘Arnett Akbar’

    If Scott Ott doesn’t get some mufti somewhere putting a price on his head for this post then we have already won the war on terror… Iraqi soldiers demonstrated their

    Trackback by American RealPolitik — March 31, 2003 @ 7:18 am

  2. arnett the tool

    in an attempt to dethrone peter arnett as biggest news buffoon, geraldo rivera diagrammed the position of the military unit with which he was embedded (and their attack plans) on international TV.but even geraldo, who once suffered a broken nose…

    Trackback by all-encompassingly — June 7, 2003 @ 5:06 am

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