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New War Show Lets Audience Call Shots

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-03-27) — When it comes to military strategy, studies show that the average TV viewer knows more than the best commanders in the field. That’s why network executives are so excited about the potential for “The War Show.”
The new multi-hour daily drama ‘virtually embeds’ TV viewers in military units in the field. Equipped with nothing more than satellite TV, a chalk board and a cell phone, the randomly-selected TV viewers will command legions of troops in battle against the enemy.
“We know this show will be a ratings hit,” said an unnamed network spokesman. “Our only concern is that with ordinary TV viewers calling the shots, the war will be over too soon.”
The War Show’s producers acknowledge they may “throw a few curves” to make the show last longer. For example, “we may provide the enemy with detailed information about strategy, timing and troop movements, just to make it interesting.”

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