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Gephardt to Run on Confederate Flag Opposition

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-03-10) — Aides to U.S. Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-MO, announced that the candidate had finally found an issue on which to build his Presidential campaign — opposition to the Confederate flag.
Previous attempts to discuss the economy, prescription drugs and foreign policy had generated little public interest in Gephardt’s ideas, said an unnamed campaign spokesman, “But we really feel that the Confederate flag is an issue with traction.”
Previously, Rep. Gephardt said it was wrong to fly the Confederate flag “anytime, anywhere.” Yesterday, he said, “My position is clear: I think it’s inappropriate to fly the Confederate flag in public places,” but that people are “free to do whatever they want in private property.”
Advisors to the candidate have crafted his entire 2004 strategy around the issue, and are focus-group testing the slogan:
“Gephardt: Almost Always Against the Confederate Flag”

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