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Blix Fails to Mention Iraqi Drone, Death Star

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-03-08) — Chief United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix came under fire today from the U.S. and her allies after failing to mention Iraq’s possession of a working remote-controlled drone aircraft, and a space-based ‘death star’.
The drone, with a proven range of up to 500 km, far exceeds the 150 km U.N.-imposed limit and could be used to spray or drop chemical or biological weapons on troops in the region or cities in neighboring nations.
The death star is an orbital platform for a high-intensity laser beam capable of “busting a planet open like a walnut,” according a recently declassified inspection document.
Mr. Blix said he wasn’t trying to conceal anything from the Security Council, his team just had not yet tested the capabilities of the two weapons.
“We’re going to request that the Iraqis fire the laser at the moon as a test,” said Mr. Blix. “We’ll document our findings, and include them in the next report to the Security Council.”

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Tags: Technology

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 The Tortured Artist // Mar 9, 2003 at 5:02 pm

    What About the Peanuts?

    Unfortunately, too many Americans are currently using false logic: “The enemy (Saddam) of my enemy (Bush) is my friend.” I still don’t understand how so many people who have fought so hard for worthy causes such as equality, prosperity, etc., can side …

  • 2 PackNet // Mar 10, 2003 at 10:19 pm


    ScrappleFace is the weblog that coined the “Axis of Weasels” phrase with a satire on comments from Rumsfeld. Well, now he has some information that Hans Blix left out of his weapons report. Interesting read….