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Bin Laden Sons Possibly Hurt Trying to Escape

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-03-07) — A Pakistani official reports that two of Usama bin Laden’s offspring may have been injured attempting to escape from a trap set by U.S. and Pakistani forces in Afghanistan.
The sons, part of an estimated litter of 14-to-23 progeny, were caught in ordinary leghold traps typically used by fur trappers, according an unnamed source.
Lured in by “stink-bait” they tripped the traps and thrashed about furiuosly for more than an hour. Eventually, they tried to chew their own legs off in an attempt to escape.
“These critters can’t resist the smell of whiskey and bacon,” said the source. “They bellied up to the trough, and ‘Bam!’ we got ‘em.”

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