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Bush Admits to Belafonte’s ‘Possessed of Evil’ Charge

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-03-04) — U.S. President George Bush responded today to former entertainer Harry Belafonte’s accusation that the Bush administration is “possessed of evil.”
“I was upset with Harry when he compared the Secretary of State to a house slave on a plantation,” said Mr. Bush. “But this time he’s absolutely correct.”
When asked in a TV interview about the Bush administration, Mr. Belafonte said, “I think they know exactly what they are doing and I think that they are men who are possessed of evil.”
Mr. Bush conceded, “Before this weekend, I would have agreed with half of that-we know what we’re doing. But since we captured that al Qaeda fella up in Pakistan, we are ‘possessed of evil’, if you know what I mean. They don’t come any more evil than that rascal. And we got him. He is in our possession.”
The President said he sent note of thanks to Mr. Belafonte, and invited him to dinner at the White House.
“I assured him,” said Mr. Bush, “that he wouldn’t have to use the back entrance. I’ll bet he thinks that’s how Secretary Powell gets in.”

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