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February 28, 2003

9th Circuit Court Solves ‘Under God’ Debacle

(2003-02-28) — The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals announced a solution to the Pledge of Allegiance case which would not force atheists to recite the pledge, nor compel monotheists to forego the phrase “under God.”
In a three-page decision, the Court ruled that “since the federal government cannot impose religious beliefs on citizens, and citizens have a perfect right to acknowledge their Divine Creator, the court rules that the Federal government must immediately and rapidly divest itself from the massive network of local schools.”
The ruling calls on Congress to “disband the system of tax-funded, government-regulated schooling.”
Atheist Michael Newdow filed the initial lawsuit to protect his avowedly-Christian daughter from having to say “under God” in school.
“I’m so excited,” said Mr. Newdow. “This ruling is the answer to all of our prayers.”

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