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February 27, 2003

U.S. Agrees ‘In Principle’ Not to Attack Iraq

(2003-02-27) — After United Nations announced that Iraq has agreed “in principle” to destroy some illegal missiles, the White House announced that the United States agrees “in principle” not to attack Iraq.
“Here’s the principle,” said White House spokesman Ari Fleischer. “America doesn’t fight with nations that pose no threat to it or its allies. So, if Iraq fully complies with all U.N. sanctions, we will not attack.”
Mr. Fleischer said the Bush administration also agrees in principle to seek a multilateral solution to the Iraq crisis within the context of the United Nations.
“Again, here is the principle,” he said. “The U.N. exists to make the world a safer place. So, if the U.N. opposes a tyrant with a proven history of slaughtering his own people and threatening his neighbors, then we support a multilateral approach together with the other member nations. That would make the world a safer place.”

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  1. In Principle

    A principled compromise

    Trackback by Howard's Musings — February 28, 2003 @ 2:26 am

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