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Iraqis Mark 40th Year Since Revolution with Tradition

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments

(2003-02-07) — On February 8, Iraqis plan to mark the 40th anniversary of the “14th of Ramadhan revolution” by exchanging gifts, attending parades, reciting verses from the Koran, and attempting to assassinate President Saddam Hussein.
For Mr. Hussein, the anniversary recalls the beginning of his political career in 1963 when he was elected to the Ba’th Party leadership. But he really stepped onto the road of destiny in 1959 when he attempted to assassinate Iraq’s prime minister.
As a special surprise, some of Mr. Hussein’s closest associates plan to re-enact that momentous event with live ammo. Insiders say the traditional volley of celebratory gunfire will “go horizontal” and cap off a long political career often marked by horizontal gun salutes at political opponents.

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