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Mandela To Celebrate 1,075th Birthday in July

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-01-30) — Former South African President Nelson Mandela said today he looks forward to celebrating his 1,075th birthday this coming July 21st.
The Nobel Peace Laureate earlier today accused U.S. President George Bush of wanting to attack Iraq to control its oil, which he said constitutes 64 percent of global production. But he soon forgot his anger as he contemplated birthday plans.
Mr. Mandela said he may mark the start of his 1,076th year with a party in Baghdad, Iraq, which he said is “a city of 3.5 billion peace-loving free people.”
“I’m looking forward to the party,” said Mr. Mandela. “It should be more fun than when I won the Nobel Prize for mathematics 287 years ago, in 1993.

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