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Obama Plan Forces Rich Kids to Care for Ailing Parents

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 41 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2009-08-09) — In his weekly radio address, President Barack Obama repeated a story from a 2008 campaign ad about how his dying mother spent her final days “worrying about whether her insurer would claim her illness was a preexisting condition” and deny coverage. This time he used the family episode to introduce a health care reform amendment that would force wealthy children to care for their ailing parents.

“I will never forget watching my own mother, as she fought cancer in her final days, filling out paperwork, worrying about whether she’d have coverage because she recently changed jobs,” said Mr. Obama. “I have met so many Americans who worry about the same thing, when in some cases their wealthy children could just say, ‘Don’t sweat it Mom. If they deny coverage I’ll take care of it.’ And in almost all cases, the adult kids could ease their parents’ cares by filling out the paperwork for them.”

While his mother was worrying and completing insurance forms, Mr. Obama was professor of constitutional law at University of Chicago Law School, associate attorney with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, and published author of his first memoir ‘Dreams from My Father‘ for which he reportedly had received a six-figure advance from Simon & Schuster.

“My plan will save money, ensure that our vulnerable elderly parents get the care they need, and just as importantly, it will channel the often ill-gotten gains of their greedy children toward a mandatory altruistic purpose,” the president said. “If such a law had existed in 1995, my mother would have been able to focus all of her efforts on fighting the cancer, without worrying about the coverage.”

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Tags: Business  · Medicine · U.S. News

41 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Darthmeister // Aug 9, 2009 at 1:55 pm

    I wonder if Obamarx ever got around to helping out his half-brother Kenya? Maybe that's one law he and the Donks could look into, rich family members taking care of their own so the government doesn't have to put them on its taxpayer plantation. Maybe Obama doesn't believe in "foreign aid" any more.

  • 2 Darthmeister // Aug 9, 2009 at 2:29 pm

    Just saw a funny political cartoon by Michael Ramirez. It shows a British ship docked at an American port with hundreds of boxes of tea being thrown overboard into the harbor. Two British soldiers are sitting in a nearby rowboat and one opines to the other: "Don't worry, King George gives his assurances that this is only a 'manufactured' protest."


  • 3 gafisher // Aug 9, 2009 at 2:33 pm

    Well said, Scott. Obama's own care for his mother, brother and aunt should give pause to those who think his Health Care plan is intended (much less effective) to help those in need.

  • 4 NYC Conservative // Aug 9, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Nailed it! As usual.

  • 5 gafisher // Aug 9, 2009 at 2:45 pm

    "… buy their clothes at The Salvation Army Thrift Store …"

    Think that through, JL3. Those stores will have nothing to offer if caring people like the Obamas stop buying nice things to use and donate. Imaging how happy some bag lady will be with that pair of slightly used $540 tennis shoes! (Just don't expect to get your hands on the custom tailored Italian jacket that Barack's French wine trickled down — too many potential negatives there …)

  • 6 Libby Gone // Aug 9, 2009 at 3:10 pm

    Yea the care they need…..
    Red pill or blue,
    Choices one and two.
    Then again we can subsidize,

  • 7 Metaphysician // Aug 9, 2009 at 3:43 pm

    Super post and point, Scott. Over many decades, Americans have permitted government to replace VOLUNTARY private charities (church and secular) with MANDATORY Statist "Charity" programs like Sub-Prime loans, ACORN, Americorps, Cash for Klunkers, Bank bailouts, and now Nationalized & Rationed Health Care. Government has perpetrated this scam by stealing perpetually increasing amounts of taxes for THEIR mandatory statist charities while starving us of OUR own money that we could have used for our voluntarily chosen charities.

  • 8 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 9, 2009 at 3:53 pm

    It never occurred to me that the old expression was literal:
    Blowing smoke [language warning] up the _____ of the infirm was once considered treatment. Unhampered by progress, Congress sees tremendous advantages with this age old treatment.

  • 9 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 9, 2009 at 3:53 pm

    It never occurred to me that the old expression was literal:
    Blowing smoke [language warning] up the _____ of the infirm was once considered treatment. Unhampered by progress, Congress sees tremendous advantages with this age old treatment.

  • 10 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 9, 2009 at 3:53 pm

    It never occurred to me that the old expression was literal:
    Blowing smoke [language warning] up the _____ of the infirm was once considered treatment. Unhampered by progress, Congress sees tremendous advantages with this age old treatment.

  • 11 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 9, 2009 at 1:21 pm

    If it is wrong to be rich then, in reality, BHO should have published his so-called "memoirs" with his own money and given it away gratis on inner city street corners. Also, the BHO's should be having their paychecks go toward reducing the national debt. They could eat a hot dog rather than $100 a pound meat; drink water instead of imported vodkas, wines and beers; roll their own cigarettes; buy their clothes at The Salvation Army Thrift Store; take care of his mama, ahntees, cuzzes, sistahs, bruthas; et cetera.

    God Bless America

  • 12 Upnorthlurkin // Aug 9, 2009 at 5:50 pm

    Way to go, JL3….Now I need a new keyboard! Actually, I always welcome the reminder to visit the People's Cube!

  • 13 Big Java // Aug 9, 2009 at 6:20 pm

    Guys, guys, guys, another fine example of being extremely compassionate WITH other people's money!

  • 14 Possumtrot // Aug 9, 2009 at 3:00 pm

    Is there a Democritter alive who doesn’t play the “victimology” card as often as possible, and make it as personal as circumstances will allow?

    I can play at that, too. My late father beat cancer four times, mostly because his privately purchased health insurance permitted him to check into the Mayo Clinic for treatment the rest of the world envies. He had “The Audacity of Hope” because he thought ahead; not because he bet his life on a nanny state.

    I need a CAT scan every 3-4 years as a cancer-preventative measure. When, at my last check-up in June, I asked my doctor about the effects of government rationing of health care, the following exchange took place:

    Dr. W.: “I wouldn’t call it ‘rationing’.”

    Possum: “I would. Using my case as an example, what will happen when you order my next CAT scan?”

    Dr. W.: “X-rays. Maybe.”

    I would remind those who haven’t read a history book that “medical advisory boards” in the Third Reich had numerous “end-of-life-conversations” with the aged, infirm, retarded, homosexuals, and the politically deviant. That was before they added “fishy” dissidents and several races of people to their list.

    Waiting for The Red Herring’s SIEU “Blackshirts” to arrive and trash the top of Scorpion Hill…

  • 15 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 9, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    I thought about putting in a [hilarity warning]. Then I thought, "Nah. Half the fun is getting caught off guard."

  • 16 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 9, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    I thought about putting in a [hilarity warning]. Then I thought, "Nah. Half the fun is getting caught off guard."
    I subscribe to their feed. They are some funny people.

  • 17 Upnorthlurkin // Aug 9, 2009 at 9:21 pm

    Ahhh, now I see why our representatives are so scared!

  • 18 camojack // Aug 9, 2009 at 9:37 pm

    The kids will be paying, all right…rich or otherwise. For a long time…

  • 19 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 10, 2009 at 1:08 am

    BHO sure is bringing us together, isn't he?

    He's starting to remind me of Charles Manson.

  • 20 onlineanalyst // Aug 10, 2009 at 1:45 am

    What I found interesting is the comments that follow a powerlineblog posting called "Shut up, he said":

    The commenters have Obamao's number, and America is waking up to that truth in increasing numbers.

  • 21 Bill_L // Aug 10, 2009 at 3:01 am

    Scrappleface's report misleads (to put it kindly) when he quotes the president saying:

    “My plan will save money, ensure that our vulnerable elderly parents get the care they need, and just as importantly, it will channel the often ill-gotten gains of their greedy children toward a mandatory altruistic purpose,” the president said.

    Go to

    And read the address and see that Obama did not use such lame language, nor any that would constitute speech containing the same meaning.

  • 22 RAM1 // Aug 10, 2009 at 3:04 am

    On a serious note, until humans realize that NO MAN is going to solve our problems we have, (that have been created by sin), and see that SIN is the root cause, nothing will change except it will get worse. No Democrat OR Republican can fix our mess, UNLESS they seek GOD's plan and wisdom, AND America has a grand revival!

    GOD is the ONLY ONE who can fix what is wrong with this world, contrary to what Obama is trying to tell us, that he can do it if we will get out of his way. Pride comes before a fall!

    I have and will continue to pray for him though. My prayer is that GOD would change his heart and mind and he would seek GOD and what GOD wants him to do!

    As improbable as this seems, Bible believers have only to look at what Saul was before he became Paul!

  • 23 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 10, 2009 at 3:44 am

    No offense, but you're not paying attention.

  • 24 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 10, 2009 at 3:59 am

    Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
    ~~~Romans 5:3-5

    Compared to the Hope Almighty God bestows upon his children, the so-called "hope" BHO proselytizes is a pathetic, dark despair [anti-hope].

  • 25 RAM1 // Aug 10, 2009 at 4:31 am

    Yet another person who "surfs in" and doesn't know he is on a S-A-T-I-R-E site. Sheeeeeeesh!!!

  • 26 SaneScrappler // Aug 10, 2009 at 6:56 am

    "Yet another person who "surfs in" and doesn't know he is on a S-A-T-I-R-E site. Sheeeeeeesh!!!"

    "Yet another", you say? Maybe it's those quotation marks! Some folks have a hard time understanding the great fun to be had by misleading the innocent, or the joy of inflaming the intemperate.

    Would Jesus be amused by this kind of speech, and accept it from His own?

    One day we will know.

    Now please, find some Democrat to point at; but you will not be judged on the curve!


  • 27 SaneScrappler // Aug 10, 2009 at 6:57 am

    "Yet another person who "surfs in" and doesn't know he is on a S-A-T-I-R-E site. Sheeeeeeesh!!!"

    "Yet another", you say? Maybe it's those quotation marks! Some folks have a hard time understanding the great fun to be had by misleading the innocent, or the joy of inflaming the intemperate.

    Would Jesus be amused by this kind of speech, and accept it from His own?

    One day, we will know.

    Now please, find some Democrat to point at if you like; but you will not be judged on the curve!


  • 28 Fred Sinclair // Aug 10, 2009 at 4:38 pm

    Is. 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

    He (God) created and established the stars and planets.
    Parted the red sea.
    Brought down the walls of Jericho.
    Brought Lazarus from the grave.
    Caused the lame to walk.
    Gave sight to the blind.
    He died to save me.

    "But when He saved my soul,
    cleansed and made me whole,
    it took a miracle of love and grace."

    My contribution was zero (-0-) it was even Him who gave me the urging, desire and ability to say, "Yes Lord" and He BROUGHT FORTH A NEW THING, in His own time (not mine) for this I praise His name and offer to Him all the praise and glory. - Heirborn Ranger

  • 29 gafisher // Aug 10, 2009 at 7:08 pm

    Wow, talk about fishy! Good catch, Bill; you're obviously no sucker!

    (Don't forget to log this at

  • 30 gafisher // Aug 10, 2009 at 7:08 pm

    Wow, talk about fishy! Good catch, Bill; you're obviously no sucker!

    (Don't forget to log this at

  • 31 Darthmeister // Aug 10, 2009 at 8:13 pm

    Scott, wouldn't growing old be a "pre-existing condition"?

  • 32 Darthmeister // Aug 11, 2009 at 12:14 am

    Despite their lying, pathetic pre-emptive fingerpointing it's Democrats who are actually guilty of "astroturfing" with respect to the various healthcare townhalls. And the Thug-in-Chief continues inflaming his Obamabots with calls to "hit back twice as hard." The problem is it is the Obamabots at the townhalls who are hitting first … literally!

  • 33 RAM1 // Aug 11, 2009 at 2:38 am

    Hill barely squeaked by Mike Sodrel for the House seat he holds by claiming he was a "moderate Dem" and would NOT tow the party line. The rhetoric he says in this bit from the article, shows he is a Obama partisan hack who labels ANY and ALL opposition with his BS:

    "I'm trying to control the event," Hill said, shortly before an informal discussion with a dozen business people at the Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce. "What I don't want to do is create an opportunity for the people who are political terrorists to blow up the meeting and not try to answer thoughtful questions."

    Nice, "political TERRORISTS to BLOW UP the meeting"

    libs like he and Obama won't call terrorists-that name but, WILL call Patriotic Americans TERRORISTS!

    Pretty funny that earlier in the story the Indy Star RAG calls Hill a CONSERVATIVE bluedog Dem.

    Next November this is one seat, (OF MANY), that will change to a REAL Conservative!!!

  • 34 Ms RightWing Ink // Aug 11, 2009 at 2:47 am

    Yes, I am still alive. Obama likely will put me on the list of incurables someday. But I am an incurable …. (fill in the blank), so OB1-live with it.

    Any who, I have a new page up on my photo site:

    I have sort of fallen deeply into this photo thing and yes, it is a great consumer of time. I come to read but not often to post so that makes me kind of stealth.

  • 35 SaneScrappler // Aug 11, 2009 at 4:02 am

    "Obama likely will put me on the list of incurables someday."

    Would someone here be so kind as to tell me where in HB3200 is the language that is causing this hysteria?

    If this is not possible, how can so many Republicans be saying this? It is just shameful that anyone would upset our elderly and infirmed in this way!

    Onward, Christian Soldiers!


  • 36 onlineanalyst // Aug 11, 2009 at 11:05 am

    Obamao, Pelosi, and Reid are spending too much time and energy demonizing patriots who oppose the seizure of a considerable sector of the economy:

    These oligarchs have forgotten that they work for us, not we for them and that they have attempted to shut out from the debate the very people who pay their salaries. These irresponsible public servants have lied, misrepresented, and obfuscated repeatedly in their grab for absolute power. They have awakened a sleeping giant of a free people who do not wish to be pawns of a nanny state.

  • 37 onlineanalyst // Aug 11, 2009 at 11:09 am

    Take a look at the published works of Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm and shaper behind the legislation.

  • 38 onlineanalyst // Aug 11, 2009 at 11:37 am

    Desperate Dems, rushing to kill the patient in order to deem their legislation a success, should take a chill pill recommended by Dr. Corburn and rethink what is best for American health care:

  • 39 Fred Sinclair // Aug 11, 2009 at 4:18 pm

    An Interesting Event in Victoria, Texas
    Victoria, Texas (pop. 55,000) is a town about 80 miles west of Houston .

    Local Hispanic leaders there, in opposition to pending Immigration Legislation, boycotted all Caucasian owned businesses in the Victoria area this past weekend as a demonstration of their economic impact on the community. The boycott was declared a success by the Hispanic community, noting that revenue in Caucasian owned businesses was down by 19%.

    Business owners declared the boycott a success as well, pointing out that shoplifting was reduced by 77%, money orders sent out of the country were down by 97%, and the cost of daily clean-up and trash collection was down by 84%. Shoppers reported that they could actually hear English being spoken throughout the community for the first time in recent memory, and customers actually paid for purchases with real money, not government debit cards.

  • 40 Fred Sinclair // Aug 11, 2009 at 4:35 pm

    I wonder what would happen if all of us employers were to fire Washington employees and collectively stop paying taxes. It would be difficult to arrest over a hundred million people and would send a message that we aren't putting up with below par performance. We need to hire employees who will follow their employer's directives.

    In my seventy one plus years I have learned three simple truths:
    1). I believe it is better to tell the truth than to lie.
    2). I believe it is better to know, than to be ignorant.
    3). I believe it is better to be free than a slave.

  • 41 8-11-2009 | Drive Time Happy Hour // Aug 11, 2009 at 2:25 pm

    [...] Ott of Scrappleface: With the explosive growth of the ‘angry mob’ industry sparked by Democrat attempts to [...]

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