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[Non-Satire] Scott Ott News, Writing & Video Roundup

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 12 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

For readers who follow the non-satirical adventures of editor in chief Scott Ott, who’s now also a candidate for Lehigh County Executive, here’s a roundup of recent news, writings and video/audio appearances. You can subscribe to Scott’s election campaign email updates by sending a blank email to Follow the campaign at Twitter, or befriend Scott Ott on Facebook. Campaign contributions via PayPal, credit card or check always welcomed. Just use the ‘Donate’ button at

Townhall Columns
Obama’s Neo-Colonialism: Replicating Harlem Children’s Zone

How Does Government Measure Life, Liberty and Happiness?

What Will You Do for Me if I Vote for You?

Episodes of ‘Trifecta’ on PJTV
Three segments weekly feature Bill Whittle, Steve Green and Scott Ott

Time for Government-Run Healthcare (Relax, this won’t hurt a bit)

Is ‘Smart Diplomacy’ a Stupid Idea for Our National Interests?

Can We Fix the Government or Should We Scrap It?

Campaign News
Scott Ott Pledges No Sales Tax Increase

[Audio] Candidate Scott Ott Interviewed on WAEB 790 AM

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Tags: LCE · Non-Satire · Politics

12 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Darthmeister // Aug 3, 2009 at 8:36 am

    In their own words … Donks want a single-payer government healthcare system despite their lying words to the contrary about keeping private healthcare options available. Mr. Obama is the biggest liar of them all.

    Welcome to the libs velvet gulag.

  • 2 boberinyetagain // Aug 3, 2009 at 12:31 pm

    Hank, it’s nice to see you hanging here with all of your friends.
    Quite the speech on the last thread, truly inspirational.
    So, in the many instances that I pointed out that your point of view/call to action would be unacceptable to God, those were just an ad hominem attacks? Examples…quoting you…”We (USA) deserve our wealth, we’ve earned it, screw the rest of the people/the planet”…you’ve used this, or a variation of this “argument” many, many times and each time i’ve told you that I doubt this view accurately represents God’s view (admittedly an opinion on my part but one shared by any real “preacher” I’ve ever heard, anywhere/ever)
    I hope for your sake that God agrees but somehow I still doubt it.

    I will confess that my mental health has improved dramtically by just checking in/reading/chuckling as opposed to posting.

  • 3 Darthmeister // Aug 3, 2009 at 2:35 pm

    Quoting me? You lie. I’ve never said those things. It’s not that we “deserve” our wealth but rather what wealth we EARN the government is not always entitled to it in order to expand its hold on minorities by placing them on its welfare plantation. And I’ve never said “screw other people” I just don’t believe that the American government should get into the unconstitutional business of wealth redistribution. Get it right.

    BTW, boberinyetagain, why do you assume that my opinions are that of God’s? I’ve never said that. As a human being and American I have a complete right to have opinions without them being falsely mocked as me “speaking for God.” What a canard! Next thing ya know you’ll accuse me of claiming owning a Ford is more Godly and moral proposition than owning a Chebby, eh?

    It’s unfortunate that you choose to hear me in that way, clearly you own hate and biases conveniently turn me into something other than a mainstream American so that you don’t have to seriously consider the facts about which I speak. Nice goin’ there!

    Quit putting words in my mouth and engaging in such undignified trollish behavior lest you earn a spot on the troll list.

    Brown Nose Democrats

    More proof that conservatives of all stripes are actually the mainstream majority in this country despite some of them being confused by leftist lies. Conservatives are faaaaar too trusting of government officials, particularly when those officials are liberal Democrats using conservative buzz words to hide their real agenda.

  • 4 Laughing@You // Aug 3, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    Say, has the word “Chickenhawk” been declared unacceptable or something?

    Well, I made a response to one on the list thread which has been awaiting moderation since about two o’clock today.

    I see “brain in a sling” thinks he got the last word.

    If so, I wonder which word that was. Was it verbose? How about pompous? Was it delusional?

    Well then, it must have been paranoid!


  • 5 Darthmeister // Aug 3, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    I find it interesting my troll-like critics do not extend the same courtesy they practice themselves. That is, though they stubbornly embrace their convictions that I am wrong (without ever presenting evidence to support their position other than reiterating their peculiar interpretation of events that is now in question) they then go on to mock my convictions! Why is their convictions and interpretations better than mine?

    After rereading your post, boberinyetagain, maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re trying to say. However, for the record, I’m not the one claiming to speak with the voice of God as you have unwittingly done - though you subsequently qualified the statement, “… in the many instances that I pointed out that your point of view/call to action would be unacceptable to God.”

    How judgmental! How do you know my view/call to action would be unacceptable to God? Are you claiming your understanding and convictions on these matters are superior to mine? If so, then it is you who is exercising an arrogance that I rarely do.

    Do you make the same judgments about the Christian founders of this nation? They called a people to arms, sir, and against a tyrant who is but a piker by comparison to the slick despots in that den of thieves and robbers known as the U.S. Congress and the White House!

    And I know a good number of “preachers” who embrace a social gospel little different than communism who haven’t the slightest clue as to God’s attitude toward petty despots, tyrants, career criminals and politicians who seek to first impoverish a people and then enslave them on their government plantation.

    I’m sure you would have been offended by the directness and coaseness of John the Baptist as he railed against corrupt leaders and the ignorant masses who followed and empowered the ruling class like so much cattle - sheeple wouldn’t follow their divine shepherd because they sought safety in human leaders who, in return, would graciously opened the gates of their plantation to them to be fleeced all the more.

  • 6 Darthmeister // Aug 3, 2009 at 6:41 pm

    Don’t worry laughing gasbag/neverthink, you’re no victim of some conspiracy. Many of us here have gotten the “your comment awaits moderation” or some such. Big deal, Scott never deletes without real cause.

    I’ve lost count of how many time my innocuous comments or links have been deleted at leftard sites on your side of the aisle, troll. So quit stomping your hanky, it’s unbecoming.

  • 7 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 3, 2009 at 7:37 pm

    There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
    ~~~Ephesians 4:4-6

  • 8 Laughing@You // Aug 3, 2009 at 8:38 pm

    What! “John the Baptist”? Balaam’s Ass if you axed me!


  • 9 camojack // Aug 4, 2009 at 1:12 am

    You can subscribe to Scott’s election campaign email updates by sending a blank email to

    And how do I get back on the list that receives updates to this blog? :shock:

  • 10 R.A.M. // Aug 4, 2009 at 3:00 am

    I do not always get blog updates either Camo. I don’t think we should be paranoid about it though like some people are, thinking their posts have been deleted by that “Evil Scott”! :lol:

    We certainly know how he stifles all the posts by the loonies from the left, don’t we? ;-)

    Since this is a “non-satire” entry, here is an Obama joke to tide us over. (Well, other than the “Obama joke” that IS his Presidency!


    A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.

    He asked, ‘What are all those clocks?’

    St. Peter answered, ‘Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock.

    Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move.’

    ‘Oh,’ said the man, ‘whose clock is that?’

    ‘That’s Mother Teresa’s. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.’

    ‘Incredible,’ said the man. ‘And whose clock is that one?’

    St. Peter responded, ‘That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life.’

    ‘Where’s President Obama’s clock?’ asked the man.

    ‘Obama’s clock is in Jesus’ office. He’s using it as a ceiling fan.’

  • 11 Newsman // Aug 4, 2009 at 8:40 pm

    Yea verily, Darthie’s clock just fell off the wall as the hands went spinning in wild abandon.

  • 12 camojack // Aug 5, 2009 at 3:39 am

    R.A.M. // Aug 4, 2009 at 3:00 am
    I do not always get blog updates either Camo. I don’t think we should be paranoid about it though like some people are, thinking their posts have been deleted by that “Evil Scott”! :lol:

    I don’t ever seem to get updates anymore. :-(
    (No paranoia, just a fact…)

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