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Funding Dries Up in ‘Cash for Incumbents’ Program

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 62 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2009-07-31) — A pilot program to replace older, inefficient, high carbon-emission Congressmen with greener models has already run out of funding, according to a bipartisan statement by Congressional leaders.

“It’s all gone,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, “America will just have to keep what I like to call her ‘classic’ members of Congress.”

The so-called ‘Cash for Incumbents’ program provided up to $4,500,000 for each politician who voters replaced with a modern public servant that burns less IRS revenue, and emits fewer vitriolic toxins into the atmosphere. The measure contained a provision requiring voters to ‘junk’ the old politician, to ensure he doesn’t return to Capitol Hill as a lobbyist.

House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-OH, explained that the funding disappeared overnight.

“It didn’t get spent. It just vanished,” said Rep. Boehner. “I’ve heard reports that it was transferred to the Congressional Franking Commission to be used by members to send important legislative information to their constituents…but that’s just a rumor.”

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62 responses so far ↓

  • 1 upnorthlurkin // Jul 31, 2009 at 10:52 am

    On fire again I see!
    Ya mean there isn’t a great big, gigantic pot somewhere with all the money the gubmint produces in it….?! Say it ain’t so!

  • 2 RedPepper // Jul 31, 2009 at 11:50 am

    The funding ran out?

    Did the printing presses overheat? Did we use up all the ink?

    Surely we can hit the Chinese up for a few more yuan

  • 3 RedPepper // Jul 31, 2009 at 12:05 pm

    And by the way, Senator Reid - swell job you people did on this projecting future costs.

    Can’t wait to see how your projections of future health-care costs work out …

  • 4 Darthmeister // Jul 31, 2009 at 12:31 pm

    Proving once again, Mr. Scott, that old Congressional blowhards don’t die, they simply blow harder!

    More headline news:


    Gee, that’s real class. You invite people over and them charge them for the meal! I wonder if he charged Policeman Crowley for his beer?

    Rudy Giuliani to Obama: ‘Shut Up’…

    Giuliani’s response to the president’s hope that the Gates arrest would be a “teachable moment,” was this: “Obama is actually right. It is teachable. Here’s the lesson: Shut up.”

    Dems say media ‘created’ deadline…
    Dems never take responsibility for anything. Ms. Pelosi, the people who run the national socialist media ARE YOUR BUDDIES! They carry your water. It would have been far better to have blamed the vast reich-wing conspiracy and then your pals in the liberal media could have played along. Sheesh, madam, consult your playbook for Gaia’s sake!

    VIDEO: Cambridge Cop Says No One Apologized at White House…

    Of course Obama and Gates didn’t apologize, they’re freakin’ liberals and liberals are never wrong even when they are wrong … get it?

    GDP has fallen four straight quarters; First time since gov’t records started 1947…

    It’s Bush’s fault, of course. And the next four quarters will be his fault, too. [moonbat mode/off]

  • 5 JQ // Jul 31, 2009 at 1:16 pm

    “The measure contained a provision requiring voters to ‘junk’ the old politician, to ensure he doesn’t return to Capitol Hill as a lobbyist.”

    Gotta echo upnorth here, Scott: You’re ON FIRE. That right there was a hilarious analogy.

  • 6 JQ // Jul 31, 2009 at 1:19 pm

    RedPepper says:

    “Can’t wait to see how your projections of future health-care costs work out …”


    These guys who seem to think that the government can do anything it puts its (read: our) checkbook to have apparently failed to observe the efficiency of any publicly-run program.

  • 7 da Bunny // Jul 31, 2009 at 1:21 pm

    Zero’s halo is tarnishing before our eyes.

    Heckuva job, libtards. “Cash for clunkers,” indeed. According to some dealers’ reports, the gubmint isn’t “approving” the deals the car dealers have been making in this phony scam of a gubmint program. And, many of the cars that supposedly “qualify” for the “gubmint cash” aren’t big enough to hold the families of those who are trying to take advantage of the “deal.” Another example of Zero/Pelosi/Reid and their Leftie Cronies acting stupidly

  • 8 Laughing@You // Jul 31, 2009 at 2:24 pm

    “These guys who seem to think that the government can do anything it puts its (read: our) checkbook to have apparently failed to observe the efficiency of any publicly-run program.”

    Aw-shucks, when we saw how well that approach worked for Bush in Iraq through Haliburton and KBR, and with those ice and trailer purchases after Katrina, we said what the heck! Let’s give’r a try.

    Then Congress decided to poke its nose into it! Say, where was Congress during our expenditure of a trillion dollars and thousands of lives in Iraq?

    Oh’ yeah, Bush did those through off budget appropriations, and by holding the troops hostage in the war y’all were all aped up about.

    Say, I heard Saddam didn’t even have any WMD or al-qaeda connections after all, so it looks like the expenditures in Iraq went down the rat hole.

    Some here say Dumbyah is gone and we should let him be. But, it seems to me I’ve read “some” Clinton trashing here long after he left, and poor old Jimmy Carter …

    Sometimes I am reminded of those suicide bombers in the Middle East when I read your, give us our way or we will try to bring down the president no matter how much it injures the United States, position.


  • 9 onlineanalyst // Jul 31, 2009 at 4:59 pm

    Congress keeps treating our money like Play Dough (misspelling intentional). No wonder they call their breaks recess

    Franking is just another means for Congress to solicit campaign funds on our dime.

    It’s time for them to head back home to their constituents and relearn whom they work for.

    OT: The more that is coming out about Holder’s politicization of the Department of Justice , the more he needs to be held to account. The monkeyshines over the New Black Panthers’ intimidation of voters in Philadelphia are a cut-and-dried case of an abuse of power.

    L2Y: “Oh’ yeah, Bush did those through off budget appropriations, and by holding the troops hostage in the war’

    I believe that Obamao is doing the same re war budget appropriations. At any rate, it was the Dems who larded up each of those war appropriations bills with constituent pork before they alllowed approval of the funds. Talk about holding our armed forces hostage.

    Obamao is not being too supportive of our troops in Afghanistan in terms of materiel. Has he sent our troops into a meat grinder without appropriate weapons and housing? It appears so. Is he simply disinterested (?) uninterested (/) in our troops’ efforts?

    Why are he and the State Department shafting the people of Honduras and supporting Chavez’s
    puppet Zelaya? Isn’t Obamao supportive of a constitutional republic that ousted a would-be dictator through its legislators, courts, and constitution? Why threaten one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere by cutting off aid?

  • 10 R.A.M. // Jul 31, 2009 at 5:14 pm

    “I’ve heard reports that it was transferred to the Congressional Franking Commission—”

    Could we PLEASE find a different term to use for this Commission other than Franking, at least until Barney is nothing more than a distant memory under the “Get rid of ALL Incumbents” program, a grassroots program that will be used at the ballot box!

  • 11 Laughing@You // Jul 31, 2009 at 6:31 pm


    Is not a commission, please see the Wikipedia definition below.

    “A franking privilege, typically granted to certain elected officials by a government, is the privilege to send mail over the signature of an authorized person as the only frank required to be afforded postal service. Use of the franking privilege is not absolute, however, but generally limited to official business, constituent bulk mails, and other uses as prescribed by law.”

    Good luck in you effort to unseat Barney Frank. Not that Republicans can actually do it, but it is a place where I hope they spend their campaign money.

    Grassroots? You must be kidding, you need to get away from conservative sites occasionally.



    It seems the voters do not share your opinion of Dumbyah. Did you see see where Rove may have opened a can of worms he’ll have to eat today. Frogmarch! Frogmarch! The question is how many and how high.


  • 12 camojack // Jul 31, 2009 at 7:44 pm

    Eleventeen? Too bad; we could really use some “greener” members of Congrefs…and I ain’t speakin’ environmentalists.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that… ;-)

  • 13 onlineanalyst // Jul 31, 2009 at 8:34 pm

    Cash for clunkers? Are you ready for this intrusion on your privacy?

  • 14 Darthmeister // Jul 31, 2009 at 10:32 pm

    “Greener” as in pushing up daisies, camojack?

    Mr. Scott, I’m afraid the demise of “Cash for Incumbent” program will mostly affect Republicans since the Demoncrats have made it a practice to pass legislation which is little more than legislative pandering to the very constituents which end up comprising their political base. In effect the Donks shamelessly use tax dollars to buy the allegiance of those voters who benefit the most from those entitlement programs under the guise of “compassion”. I say “guise” because liberal “compassion” ends up producing unintended consequences like demotivating people who live on the dole, facilitating the breakdown of minority families who find themselves unable to break away from the Democrat plantation, ultimately stripping the most vulnerable people of their dignity and self-reliance

    The American republic can only endure until the day Congress discovered that it can bribe the People with the public’s largesse. That day is already upon us with the liberal socialists’ success in popularization the notion of a beneficient nanny welfare state. And despite these warnings the line of Amerikans who come to feed at the public trough continues to grows even as this nation bankrupts itself!

    “The real culprits are these voters’ enablers: politicians and educators who fill their minds with the notion that political taking, rather than economic service to one’s fellow man, is a legitimate way to profit; “intellectuals” who scorn property rights and define “justice” as government redistribution of wealth; clergymen who confuse socialism with Christianity; and especially the demagogic politicians who pander to them. The pied pipers of this ethical plague, not the mice they mislead, bear the primary responsibility for the culture of thievery that is corroding the fabric of our republic.” Dr. Mark Hendrickson

  • 15 Darthmeister // Jul 31, 2009 at 10:38 pm

    Obama’s Revealing Body Language

    Indeed. I’m also surprised the White House released this photo.

  • 16 papanick // Jul 31, 2009 at 11:50 pm

    I’m Baaaaack!
    angus-the-scot is Back as papanick.
    “Hairy Reed”‘ Dummy from Nevadaland,
    opened his crap-shoot mouth and lost all the money to a first time car buyer in a crap game.
    the other Dummies in Congress are now considering printing more money. The Chinese
    have said no more loans however they will ship 900,000,000 Trillion Billion in yen for the Americans to spend at Wall*Mart!

  • 17 papanick // Jul 31, 2009 at 11:59 pm

    LAUGHING at U.
    Why are you still spouting four year old news. And Yes we know where the WMD’s went. Even the NYT had it in the paper, as well as the L.A Times and the Washington Post.
    Your obviously still living in the past.
    You can write a comeback but it will only prove us conservatives right and you wrong.
    Have a nice life.

  • 18 Laughing@You // Aug 1, 2009 at 12:56 am


    You say anything I write prove you right and me wrong?

    Well, it looks like I’ve painted myself into a corner, doesn’t it?

    I can certainly see now where you smart conservatives have got poor dumb me beat, hands down!

    Say, tell me will you, was President Obama born in the USA?


  • 19 onlineanalyst // Aug 1, 2009 at 8:25 am

    It’s well beyond time to investigate and rid the nation of Eric Holder at the Department of Justice.

  • 20 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 1, 2009 at 8:37 am

    “I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.”
    ~~~William F. Buckley, Jr., Great American Thinker

  • 21 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 1, 2009 at 8:51 am

    It didn’t get spent.
    It just vanished.
    It ain’t right, I tell ya. Another installment in the greatest heist of all time.
    God Bless America

  • 22 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 1, 2009 at 11:10 am

    The headline for this post applies the substrate upon which Scott Ott consistently and eloquently paints using his God-given palette of discernment; hence, I posted it on Twitter for the edification of my following of 39 and whoever else might have randomly looked into my left eye.

    Greetings! to anyone who might have followed the aforementioned tweet. God Bless You.

  • 23 R.A.M. // Aug 1, 2009 at 12:07 pm

    L@Y: I had hopes that by my promise to be more civil here that you might try to do the same thing. I can see I was wrong.

    My comment about “Franking” was a joke, and didn’t need you to try to show me how ignorant I am of the word. FRANKly, I could care less about the actual use of the word as I was making a joke. Jokes are NOT always based on facts. Just ask Sarah Palon about MOST of the ones made about things she SUPPOSEDLY said! :lol:

    Your obvious support of Barney Frank with the OBVIOUS lies he has told and the FACT that he has been a MAJOR part of the Fannie/Freddie problem shows me that with him, this is a PARTISAN issue with you! You may be right that he will NOT be defeated, IF the voters in his district refuse to see how corrupt he is and how much he is a part of the problems we now see in this Country, as you seem to NOT want to see or admit.
    I will say, your snarky attitude toward me in this post is making it harder to keep my promise!

    I once again extend the olive branch to you.

  • 24 R.A.M. // Aug 1, 2009 at 12:28 pm

    For L@Y, bobberin, Newsman, before you respond to the link, PLEASE keep in mind, the comments on this “overview” are by people opposed to this plan BUT, if you want to see if they are right or wrong click the link to the ORIGINAL bill, look up the item they refer to and THEN dispute if they are right or wrong!

    Such as Sec. 152, Pg. 50-51 - HC will be provided to ALL NON-US citizens.

  • 25 R.A.M. // Aug 1, 2009 at 12:31 pm

    Sorry, I forgot to say the link is to an overview to Obama’s/Pelosi’s healthcare plan.

  • 26 Laughing@You // Aug 1, 2009 at 12:58 pm


    “L@Y: I had hopes that by my promise to be more civil here that you might try to do the same thing. I can see I was wrong.”

    I take it you are referring to my post 16. If I am correct, I find NOTHING uncivil in it. I would not be in the slightest offended by it, if it was your response to me.

    How would I know if you know what “franking” is?

    If, you think that in order to avoid your previous juvenile name calling, I must not take issue with anything you post, then I guess you will just have to go back to your old ways.


  • 27 Laughing@You // Aug 1, 2009 at 1:26 pm


    You say,

    “Such as Sec. 152, Pg. 50-51 – HC will be provided to ALL NON-US citizens.”

    Have you ever read the parable of The Good Samaritan? Christ used it as an example of how we should treat even those with which we have issue.

    But RAM, in addition to this reason, we are currently paying these costs when aliens show up at our emergency rooms, and when we treat them there, we pay through the nose for it.

    In addition, the inclusion of illegals in this program may help us to locate such people and better deal with the issue.

    Further, I have two friends who had need of medical treatment in England for which they paid nothing.

    The NHS paid for it all. A new health care delivery system would greatly reduce these costs. Then, if you wish to bring litigation against them when they return home, have at it.

    Under the current system, what are we supposed to do, hold them for ransom, or something?

    Maybe, trying to get over some of these selfish and petty issues might allow us to more fully live up to our ideals, and what was once our American values.

    Are you really saying Europeans are more generous and kind hearted than Americans?

    Well, would it be too much trouble for you to pass me the “freedom fries”?


  • 28 R.A.M. // Aug 1, 2009 at 1:35 pm

    L@Y said, “— your previous juvenile name calling-”

    I have refrained from name calling ALSO with Obama, yet YOU still continue YOUR “juvenile name calling” with, “-Dumbyah-”.

    And I was/am the “juvenile”?

  • 29 R.A.M. // Aug 1, 2009 at 1:45 pm

    L@Y: “Have you ever read the parable of The Good Samaritan? Christ used it as an example of how we should treat even those with which we have issue.”

    That is VOLUNTARY Christian charity. That is why GOD gave us free will! I KNOW you have been told this before, hopefully it will be the last time, the government and or who is President is NOT GOD!

    “But RAM, in addition to this reason, we are currently paying these costs when aliens show up at our emergency rooms, and when we treat them there, we pay through the nose for it.”

    Then THAT is what this Congress and President should be trying to change instead of forcing PAID healthcare for illegals down our throats.

    “Further, I have two friends who had need of medical treatment in England for which they paid nothing.”

    I will give you the benefit of the doubt here BUT, if this were the rule and not the exception, why are there so many examples against this being “the rule”?

    “Well, would it be too much trouble for you to pass me the “freedom fries”?”

    No trouble at all IF, you would please pass some of your “Kool Ade”.

  • 30 Laughing@You // Aug 1, 2009 at 1:49 pm


    Are you a Buckley fan? How about this:

    Buckley Says Bush Will Be Judged on Iraq War, Now a `Failure’

  • 31 R.A.M. // Aug 1, 2009 at 2:06 pm

    L@Y: re #27, Can we now laugh at YOU? This COMMENTARY is from March 31, 2006, Wm F. Buckley Jr. had a different OPINION of the Iraq war before he died!

    I do not have all day to refute DECEPTIVE link’s so I will peruse and respond after I finish my MORE IMOPORTANT WORK around my house today.

    You are better than posting links to over three year old commentary, -aren’t you?

    If this is what we are going to do here, I can post a LOT of flip flops from your side!

    BUT, I will not because it is not FAIR and more importantly it is DECEPTIVE AT BEST!

  • 32 Laughing@You // Aug 1, 2009 at 2:08 pm

    “I have refrained from name calling ALSO with Obama, yet YOU still continue YOUR “juvenile name calling” with, “–Dumbyah–”.

    Was that your expectation or hope? So, you make a unilateral decision, accept praise for it, and then have the audacity to expect to put limits on my speech?

    No way! Dumbyah is Dumbyah!

    But, I have refrained from calling YOU names.

    You ask:

    “And I was/am the “juvenile””



  • 33 Laughing@You // Aug 1, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    “Wm F. Buckley Jr. had a different OPINION of the Iraq war before he died!”

    When and where? Show me, please.


  • 34 upnorthlurkin // Aug 1, 2009 at 3:21 pm

    RAM and Darth, I found this article at AT very enlightening yesterday regarding trolls and troll wannabees….. I believe another of their goals is to try and make us think we’re all alone in our beliefs when in fact we are in the majority! At any rate, I find I get a whole lot more done….be it reading, baking, gardening, etc… when I scroll past the trolls…. they are the ones with nothing new to bring to the conversation afterall.

  • 35 R.A.M. // Aug 1, 2009 at 3:54 pm

    UNL: Yes, that article is “spot on”! Thank you for the warning. I hope it sinks in this time as Camojack has wared and warned and WARNED, LONG ago, yet I still just couldn’t help thinking there was some good in the “Bush hating” posters here.

    This article has helped a LOT, as I see more than one of them in the various decribed variations, including the one here that “attemps” to be nice, and/or “one of us”! ;-)

    Also one not addressing using an “opinion piece about ANOTHER opinion piece” of an article that is more than THREE YEARS OLD!

    That, along with the FACT the original person may or may not have a different “opinion” now except we will never know being that he is , and has been dead, for OVER a year!

    We could ask his, (Buckley), son but, that would be like asking Jane Fonda about how Henry Fonda felt about things now wouldn’t it?

    Maybe a better example would be asking Ron Reagan how his father Ronald Wilson Reagan would feel about things today? :lol:

    I WILL take your advise and SCROLL more often! Thanks! :-)

  • 36 papanick // Aug 1, 2009 at 6:52 pm


    I’ve been off scrapple face so long I forgot to skip the trools. Yes! We are the majority.

  • 37 papanick // Aug 1, 2009 at 7:04 pm

    Yes I get my briefings from many sources. and the American Thinker is just that. An on-line source of people who think before they put into print. Some, or in reality are truthful ,others are trools like the phoney Amerikan president
    The bigget trool of all along with the rest of the dimwit liars in the democratic liars party.

  • 38 egospeak // Aug 1, 2009 at 8:11 pm

    L@Y re: 24

    A minor point dear friend. In your screed against R.A.M. you mentioned two friends who needed medical assistance while in England. The issue is not whether they got free medical care, the issue is were they there legally or illegally. It makes a big difference when you are talking about universal healthcare for illegals in the U.S.


  • 39 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 1, 2009 at 8:29 pm

    My favorite AT contributor asks, “Is Hillary Revolting?
    Meanwhile, one of my favorites over at RS shows some real optimism.
    God Bless America

  • 40 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 1, 2009 at 8:46 pm

    And now for something completely different…..

  • 41 onlineanalyst // Aug 1, 2009 at 11:06 pm

    L@Y: In addition, the inclusion of illegals in this program may help us to locate such people and better deal with the issue.

    Further, I have two friends who had need of medical treatment in England for which they paid nothing.

    The NHS paid for it all…

    We have Dem politicians who do not want to enforce E-verify for potential employees. Why and how in the world will “identifying” and “locating” illegals who seek health care on the taxpayers’s dime solve any problem of a drain on the system? Couldn’t or wouldn’t an illegal use a stolen social security number to claim a health service?

    What exactly is the point of having citizenship if all that it means is paying taxes and subsidizing the looters of our system?

    Secondly, your friends who were medically treated in England did not get that service for free, and NHS did not pay for it. The over-burdened taxpayers of England paid for it. NHS was just the middleman transferring the wealth of the productive to those who did not add to that productivity. Nationalized health care is bankrupting every nation that has it in place.

    Similarly, it is bankrupting Hawaii, Tennessee, California, and Massachusetts. It is bleeding taxpayers because they are paying for subsidies of the looters of the system. Services are contracting and in those places and some care is already being rationed.

    Please do not posture with phony piety to make your point. There are loads of ways to reform the health insurance system for the small percentage who do not have coverage. Destroying a whole first rate health system of a nation is not the way to solve the problem.

    Medicare and Medicaid are already underfunded. If Congress cannot address their problems, why are they trying to tackle a whole health system? And why are they attacking another sector of the economy: insurance? (Do the Dems think that they have another perfect scapegoat?)

    Maybe it’s about time to attack Big Law? Tort reform could lasso in a number of unscrupulous ambulance chasers who have driven up health care costs in demonstrable measure. Health professionals carry huge amounts of liability insurance and practice defensive medicine (lots of diagnostic tests) simply to protect themselves. They take a huge loss in fee for service in treating Medicaid and Medicare patients.

    Our VA hospitals also are woefully underfunded. Why isn’t Congress addressing this issue? One would think that the nation whose service members gave on behalf of the country would reciprocate with first-class health care and insurance for them>

  • 42 Laughing@You // Aug 2, 2009 at 3:00 pm

    “We are in the majority”. Of course, you are correct if you mean here, at Scrappleface, but:

    “In July, 36.8% of American adults considered themselves Democrats. That’s down two points from last month and down five points since December. This is the lowest percentage of Democrats measured since December 2007 (See History of Party Trends from January 2004 to the present).

    Still, there are more Democrats than Republicans. A total of 33.3% now claim an affiliation with the GOP. While that’s up a point over a month ago, it’s right in the middle of the range for Republican affiliation over the past year. During the past 12 months, the number of Republicans nationwide has stayed between 32.2% and 33.8% every month.”

    Even with 33.8%, how many of these RINOs?

    We’ll hold, at least, hold at mid-term, because most Americans have seen what happens when Republicans gain power. The ONLY benefit of Bush.


  • 43 R.A.M. // Aug 2, 2009 at 4:28 pm

    The cartoon in the link may change daily but, the one I am referring to is Aug 1st by Lisa Benson.

    While it is a cartoon, it is a perfect example of what our current “cartoon Prez” and “cartoon Congress” think we will let them do WITHOUT raising our, (NOW majority of the public against Obama), voices, (or in this case, taking the keys away-:lol:)!

    And ANYONE who believes, (or says they believe), that Dems will hold the House in the midterm election, has “drank the Kool-Ade” and is as misguided as the far left-wing libs currently on Obama’s “quickly sinking” ship!

    wv: “the dimwit” Biden, Obama, trolls, ALL three plus Obama-bots? YOU make the call! :lol:

  • 44 R.A.M. // Aug 2, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    Hat tip to Fred from the previous thread for this link!

    78% of respondents to a CURRENT Yahoo online poll of nearly 1 and a quarter MILLION people think Obama’s policy’s are HURTING more than they are HELPING!

    ONLY 12% are extremely satisfied with his progress, (I cringe to even use that term, “progress”, when talking about ANYTHING this empty suit has done as Prez)!

    I think we know who is in that 12% category. ;-)

  • 45 Newsman // Aug 2, 2009 at 5:51 pm

    Let em all walk. Do em good.

    Noticed the proliferation of elephant rear ends on women and male bellies hanging over belts almost to the floor ?

  • 46 R.A.M. // Aug 2, 2009 at 6:34 pm

    They may not have to walk under the “cash for clunkers” program, but it sounds like they ARE having LOTS of problems getting their $4500 from Uncle Sam/Obama! And we are expected to believe the government run healthcare will run smoothly with this “most recent government run screw up” fresh in our minds?

    Check out the problems people are having getting the “initial money”, NOT the ADDITIONAL 2 billion just allocated because, “-the program is working so well-”

    ANYONE who believes ANYTHING this current administration tells them is either not listening, has drank the Kool-Ade, or just nuts!

    PS: Sounds like the Dem Congress Critters having Townhalls are having voters arrested, while others are simply saying, There is no sense having them with people this angry.

    I guess they can stifle “THEIR EMPLOYERS” voices now, but they will hear them loud and clear November 2010!

  • 47 R.A.M. // Aug 2, 2009 at 6:42 pm

    Newsman: I wasn’t aware that Michael Moore, Rosie, Whoopie, Oprah, Hillary, Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Bubba, Al Gore, Chas Rangle, etc were swim suit models/perfect physical specimens.

    Are you saying only Repubs/”Elephants” are “fattie’s”?

    Check out the next time you see ACORN protesting something if you want to see a bunch of lazy, do-nothing “fatties”. They are plentiful!

  • 48 Laughing@You // Aug 2, 2009 at 7:49 pm

    “78% of respondents to a CURRENT Yahoo online poll …”.

    No doubt this is true. But, did your poll also ask the dimwits how many of them voted for McCain?

    And, since Repugs are so big on vote rigging, how many voted more than once?

    So, just what is it think you have there, poor fella?


  • 49 Darthmeister // Aug 2, 2009 at 9:47 pm

    upnorthlurkin, that was a very germane link given the long-term infestations we’ve suffered here.

    The article perfectly describes trolls to a “T”. The piece clearly documents the many “intellectual” tactics trolls have used here at Scrappleface time and time and time again. And I add this observation: those who engage in chronic trolling probably suffer from some mental health issues bordering on neurosis if not self-aggrandizing psychosis. Seriously.

    How else to explain the almost childish behavior of someone who is so absorbed by their liberal/leftist/socialist fantasies that they will crash party after party to regale the more mature attendees with their insanity … and then crow how they “showed them”! It’s like a moth to flames, they almost can’t help themselves.

    In the first place trolls are clearly unwanted nuisances who gleefully erect their little sandcastles of half-truths and clever lies simply to tweak the noses of those of us who live a more common and grounded existence in reality. These closet elitists scorn the traditional, salt-of-the earth citizen who has a moral compass and a sense of decency and simple patriotism.

    Secondly, their tenacious if not verbally pugnacious behavior demonstrates they exist simply to be contentious and contrarian, in fact the more outrageous their claims and more intricate their smoke and mirrors the more they think themselves freakin’ geniuses! In my nearly forty years of adult life in dealing with braindead liberals/commies/socialists/conservative-haters, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is to ever reason with someone who walks that narrow line of social, moral, and political deliquency.

    It’s like adults (us) trying to reason with spoiled brats (trolls) whose only purpose in life is to aggrieve the adults simply because it empowers those brats to temporarily rise above their day-to-day snarling, meaningless existence. This kind of self-empowerment gives trolls a sense of purpose in life because when they force themselves with virtual impunity (made possible by their electronic anonymity, btw) upon other people who are naturally offended by the literal barrage of intellectual and ideological vacuousness vomitted by said trolls, for a moment they believe they have found meaning in life. Unfortunately reality begins to creep in again and they have to repeat the whole process again in order to maintain their ideological equilibrium … or their whole house of cards come crashing down!

    They are thusly “empowered” because they don’t run the risk of getting punched for “getting in the faces” of those of us normal folks who have little patience with liberal thugs and snarling jackals. As a result, since they exist in an anonymity that affords them the security to be total arses, they can safely engage in such perverse anti-social behavior from the safety of their keyboard.

    From time to time I drop in on liberal blogsites in hopes of changing a few diapers of the mewling liberal/socialist/commie/Islamotool Bush-hating moonbats stomping their hankies in outrage because civilized reality won’t conform to their collectivist pie-in-the-sky ideology. They’ve yet to discover one can’t change the laws of gravity or change the laws of economics or change the consequences of violating moral law. But as soon as it becomes clear to me (usually when they ramp up their everpresent ad hominem attacks to my merely posting fact-based links which cogently contradicts their catechism of moonbattery) and that they won’t have anything to do with the addition of any new facts and information but would rather drink more deeply of the poisoned kool-aid which flows so freely from the fount of modern liberalism, I’m outta of there.

    A blathering idiot troll committed to his/her perpetual folly will never accept a rational argument, and as we’ve noted here, exposing trolls to truth they don’t want to hear or even honestly consider only gets an ad hominem attack in return. And then when we hold a mirror to their faces by responding in kind to demonstrate their own childishness, they cry foul!

    It’s the nature of trolls to think they know everything and when confronted with something that doesn’t fit into their worldview they will invariably become bigger nuisances and arses by merely repeating the same discredited point of view they’ve already tried to fobbed off as ABSOLUTE TRUTH … that is, “liberal truthiness”. And for someone who whines so much about how conservatives, particularly conservative Christians, are guilty of seeing things in “black-and-white”, liberal trolls (possibly anti-conservative trolls in some cases since some of them are probably outright anarchists) are flaming hypocrites for passing their own opinions off as having come from the Oracle of Delphi itself! In virtually ever case their views weren’t shaped by honest introspection of all the facts of a case but rather can be traced right back to the liberal national socialist media or some leftist blog which provides them the safe haven of an echo chamber. Then they go forth as missionaries of liberal humanism to convert the unwashed masses to their twisted view of reality. So when they ever accuse conservative Christians of the same, their hypocrisy is made even more evident since they themselves clearly embrace the liberal version of ABSOLUTE TRUTH despite their palpable lies about being a “reality-based community, intellectually honest, “open-minded” and dealing from a full deck of cards.

    In actual practice, Internet liberal trolls have proven themselves to be little more than emotionally disturbed playground bullies who have simply found another forum in which to ply their warped hate and disgust for those who, in the real world, would hold them intellectually accountable for their serial social offenses and infantile behavior. These are the same kind of thugs who, in the real world, verbally assaulted and made death threats toward the woman who made the call in 911 regarding “Scholar” Gates attempt to break into his own house!

    And after this barrage of truth I’m confident we’ll be inundated with more of their I’m-rubber-you’re-glue “arguments”.

  • 50 Darthmeister // Aug 2, 2009 at 11:23 pm

    Ted Nugent shouldn’t hold back, he should tell us how he reeeeally feels about gun control.

    I must say, however, it looks like Ted is speaking truth to moonbats.

  • 51 onlineanalyst // Aug 3, 2009 at 8:10 am

    In his own words and in those of the other Dems/Marxist/Statist/Fascist/Progressives, the push behind Obama-Pelosicare is a single-payer health insurance program. The object is to push private plans out of competition and out of business as this Naked Emperor video compilation demonstrates.

    The Dems and their enablers have researched via polls and found that insurance companies make great scapegoats, just as do Big Oil, Big Pharma, and so forth. Ironically, what these statists propose is an even bigger system run by the federal government, a system “too big to fail.” (Ha, ha, the federal programs are failing because of unsustainable debt and impersonal bureaucracy at exponential speed.)

    With our current system of competition among private insurers, health-insurance consumers can shop around for coverage that suits their own needs and tailor the premiums to reflect that choice. Disputes over coverage or denial can be brought to suit and addressed by the individual state’s insurance overseer.

    With a single-payer federal health insurance program, there is no recourse in disputing the validity of claims, of coverage, or of denials of service. The government cannot be sued. However, individual insurance claims can be sued.

    Anyone foolish or sheeplike enough to embrace the downfall of insurance companies or to promote a federal program has not really examined the implications. Such people are tools for manipulation by power-mad politicians.

    True health-insurance reform would promote more competition among insurers, allowing consumers to purchase insurance across state lines and not be limited to what their own states permit as acceptable. True health-insurance reform would limit frivolous malpractice suits through tort reform. True health-insurance reform would allow those with pre-existing conditions or those who have small businesses to form insurance pools to keep the costs down.

    What is an individual’s choice when the Big Government Health Company says, “No medicine or operation or screening test for you”?!!

  • 52 Darthmeister // Aug 3, 2009 at 6:50 pm

    Hmmmm, it looks like the “unwashed masses” are coming out with their pitchforks to rail against the little tin-plated despots in Congress who arrogantly believe they can overhaul the massive healthcare system in short order and without reading the freakin’ legislation!

    I hope the outrage of the Tea Party movement and the anti-socialized medicine movement can combine to bring this arrogant, despotic Obamanation government to its knees.

    Can’t wait to attend one of those healthcare townhall meetings here in my town!

  • 53 Darthmeister // Aug 3, 2009 at 9:56 pm

    “Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink.” P.J.O’Rourke

    Ain’t it the truth … ain’t it the truth!

  • 54 papanick // Aug 3, 2009 at 11:54 pm


    Yea sold by the Kool Aid gallon from Jim Jones
    to O’bama the Kenyan. Ahh, funny there was no Kenya in existance when Bambam was born

  • 55 R.A.M. // Aug 4, 2009 at 2:06 am

    I tried to call Senator Evan Bayh’s local office today to tell him I wanted him to vote against “ObamaCare”. Funny thing though, the phone rang until it went to voice mail, which asked me to leave my name, number, and they would call me back. It then said, “Sorry, you cannot leave a message, this mailbox is full.”

    I had called Friday night and left a message but they did NOT call back so, I called the Washington office. The guy there said about the “message full” thing, “Yes, we have been overwhelmed with calls.” I told him that YES, and I know why, Indiana wants him to vote against ObamaCare!

    I also told him that a “Full Mailbox” is the equivelent of saying, “Talk to the hand” and if the Senator doesn’t want to hear his BOSSES voices NOW, he WILL hear them next November when his term is up!

    I didn’t tell him this because I didn’t think of it at the time but, if Obama can use TRILLIONS of our tax dollars for a “stimulus bill”, he should be able to find a few bucks to hire some PHONE HELP so the CongressCritters can answer to us!!!

  • 56 R.A.M. // Aug 4, 2009 at 2:10 am

    Funny how polls are ONLY legit , (to some people), when they favor Obama. :lol:

    Actually, VERY SOON, the only way his poll numbers will look good is if they are taken at either an ACORN meeting or at SEIU, AFL-CIO union meetings!

  • 57 Newsman // Aug 4, 2009 at 9:39 am

    Maybe Obama should really charge for meals, etc., just to silence all you idiots always p…ng & m…ng about him.

    But of course, some folks like Big Daddy Darthmeister will never be satisfied no matter what anybody does.

  • 58 Newsman // Aug 4, 2009 at 9:41 am

    If you can call me a Donk and other names Darthy, then I figure I am entitled to call you an idiot !

    “When in Rome … etc.,etc.”

  • 59 Laughing@You // Aug 4, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    “Actually, VERY SOON, the only way his poll numbers will look good is if they are taken at either an ACORN meeting or at SEIU, AFL-CIO union meetings!”

    Yeah think? OK, take a big breath, and, on the count of three, hold it until your prophecy is fulfilled.


  • 60 papanick // Aug 4, 2009 at 6:09 pm

    Obviously everthink? NEVER HAS!

  • 61 papanick // Aug 4, 2009 at 6:12 pm

    And why has the comment line at the White House been shut down for two weeks!!!

    That non-citizen doesn’t care for anyone but himself.

  • 62 DeMint: Town hall disruptions are ‘unacceptable.’ | // Aug 10, 2009 at 10:50 am

    [...] Funding Dries Up in ‘Cash for Incumbents’ Program ( [...]

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