ScrappleFace: News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher

Obama Plays Sesame Street Game, Albeit Unwittingly

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 50 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

PRES. OBAMA: “…we must lower the health-care costs that are driving us into debt, create the jobs of the future within our borders, give our workers the skills and training they need to compete for those jobs, and make the tough choices necessary to bring down our deficit in the long run.” — Op-Ed in Washington Post

Do you remember the Sesame Street game “One of these things doesn’t belong here”? You see a grouping of four objects and have to decide which one is not like the other three before the song ends.

Look at the president’s list above. Can you tell which thing doesn’t belong?

Tags: Townhall

50 responses so far ↓

  • 1 onlineanalyst // Jul 13, 2009 at 7:16 am

    Pithy and perfect, Scott.

    The Constitution deliberately limits the role of the federal government and recognizes the value of the states to determine their own governance via Amendment X.

    Obama is determined to reshape America into his own vision for it, but he forgets that our founding and our history limits his power.

  • 2 onlineanalyst // Jul 13, 2009 at 7:30 am

    One of Scott’s fellow Town Hall contributors, Duane R. Patterson, further describes Obama’s Jedi mind tricks that Americans are increasingly rejecting.

  • 3 Darthmeister // Jul 13, 2009 at 8:30 am

    Can Obama get a free brain transplant under his proposed “healthcare” system? For the sake of our country I hope so.

  • 4 Darthmeister // Jul 13, 2009 at 9:01 am

    Oh, and here’s and interesting video: We The People Stimulus Package.

    A warning to liberals both Democrat and Republican.

  • 5 JQ // Jul 13, 2009 at 12:58 pm

    OLA, re: #2-

    Excellent article. I was especially floored by the irony of an $18 million website meant to show how responsible the gov’t is with our stimulus money. Um, I’m a web designer myself, and while I may not be up to par with the ones being paid to do this job, I could certainly put together something that lists numbers. Call me, Biden; I like your budgetary style…

    Something else that occurs to me is that “” will almost certainly be putting a positive spin on everything that pertains to the stimulus. So, in essence, we’re paying $18 million dollars for what will essentially be an ongoing “Obama for President 2012″ ad. Something not quite right about that, either.

  • 6 R.A.M. // Jul 13, 2009 at 1:01 pm

    Yes Scott, for Obama to even utter the words, “-make the tough choices necessary to bring down our deficit-” is so far from EVERYTHING he is implementing, I seriously do not understand why even his side of the political spectrum cannot see it!

    I suppose, in their defence, ALL of us, (at one time or another), got in trouble with charge cards, believing we could continue to spend our way out of debt!

  • 7 R.A.M. // Jul 13, 2009 at 1:09 pm

    Good points JQ! You should have bid on doing the website rebuilding, but maybe you didn’t know about it.

    I agree the site will be slanted toward Obama as it probably would be McCain had he become President. Which brings up the fact that DEMOCRATIC volunteers will now be going door to door to ask questions, (yet auctually PROMOTE), Obama’s Helthcare Plan!

    IF, yes IF, I decide to answer ANY of their questions, I have a distinct feeling that my “answers” will end up NOT being in “their final survey”!

    Any bets that I am right?

  • 8 JQ // Jul 13, 2009 at 1:10 pm

    An excerpt from “”:

    “American Indians and Alaska Natives will soon benefit from $227 million the Department of Health and Human Service’s Indian Health Service plans to award for two state-of-the-art health-care facilities. An additional $273 million will fund other projects across 24 states that will improve the quality of life for American Indian and Alaska Native communities.”

    When we say “American Indians” and “Alaska Natives,” what we’re really talking about here are those populations who essentially live in their own nations on American soil. They have their own governments, laws, taxes, and elected representatives. Why, then, is the U.S. government setting aside half a billion dollars to fund their specific, exclusive economies?

    If that money is going to be spent, shouldn’t it be spent to improve hospitals here in the United States, where natives and non-natives alike can benefit from treatment?

  • 9 onlineanalyst // Jul 13, 2009 at 2:56 pm

    Money is the topic, and I cannot think of a better investment than a donation to Scott Ott’s campaign fund. Get out those checkbooks and boost Scott towards his goal.

    JQ: Not only is the price tag on that WH website re the stimulus absurd, wasteful, and self-serving, the road signs designed to announce the “Recovery Act” projects are nothing more than Obama political signs paid for with our tax dollars. The cost associated with them is appalling… and not one project has been instituted yet with purchase of such signs by the states that have them.

    Back in late May or early June, I was driving down a nearby highway that had absolutely no need for repair. Yet there were six, maybe seven PennDOT workers erecting one of these Recovery Act signs. Actually, only two of the workers were doing the actual work; the others were standing around with their hands in their pockets. Maybe I should say that their hands and the Obama administration had its hands in our pockets.

    In my own community, I am hearing of more and more layoffs of people who have years of service in their chosen careers/jobs, excellent education credentials, and attractive marketable skills that would contribute to the prosperity of America. Yet I see no evidence that the Obama economic policies intend to encourage such growth or prosperity. It is disgusting.

  • 10 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 13, 2009 at 3:17 pm

    I could have rebuilt that website for no more than $1,000,000.00 easy.

  • 11 Darthmeister // Jul 13, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    Hey, you know that super duper secret covert CIA operation that Dick “Sho(t)gun” Cheney was “illegally” keeping secret? Well the New York Times has spilled the beans and its really, really bad. Yeah, it was a secret program to KILL AL QAEDA LEADERSHIP. How dare the Bush Administration, don’t they know al Qaeda leaders have constitutional rights, too?

    I’m also outraged they kept such an important program secret from everyday Americans! The least they could have done was clue us in after 9/11 that America was going to declare open season on al Qaeda using super duper ultra mega secret operations like that. Sheesh, don’t these guys have a constitution obligation to publish the details of such operations in an open advertisement in the New York Times? Well, most liberals think so anyway. And no wonder the NYT is so ticked off and published this story in order to embarass Bushco. Think about it, that’s lost advertising revenue for the NYT dontya know!

  • 12 Darthmeister // Jul 13, 2009 at 4:58 pm

    al Franken: Sotomayor is the most qualified SCOTUS candidate in the last 100 years …

    I kid you not! Is this guy an over-the-top moron or what? What have the tools in Minnesota wrought putting the likes of this clown in the U.S. Senate?

  • 13 R.A.M. // Jul 13, 2009 at 5:35 pm

    Maybe Franken thought her name was “Minnie Sotamayor”?

    Hey! It is as funny as anything he has said as Stewart Smalley! ;-)

  • 14 onlineanalyst // Jul 13, 2009 at 5:38 pm

    Sent along via email, original source unknown:


    A little fun: The economy is so bad that….

    CEO´s are now playing miniature golf.

    Even people who had nothing to do with the Obama Administration aren´t paying their taxes.

    When the bank returns your check marked “Insufficient Funds,” you call them and ask if they meant you or them.

    Hot Wheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM.

    Obama met with small businesses to discuss the Stimulus Package for GE, Pfizer, and Citigroup.

    McDonalds is selling the 1/4 ouncer.

    Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their childrens´ names.

    A truck of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico.

    The most highly paid job now is jury duty.

    Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting.

    The Mafia is laying-off judges; and Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.

    And finally…Congress says they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal. Hey, neat! The guy who made $50 billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $750 billion disappear!

  • 15 onlineanalyst // Jul 13, 2009 at 5:51 pm

    I have to hand it to you, R.A.M. That was funny.

    Darthmeister: Have you noticed how many distractions that the Dems and the State Run Media are throwing out (hoping that something will stick) in order to divert attention from the miserable economy and the weak national security policies of the failed Obama administration?

    Sorry, Nancy Pelosi, but your charges against the CIA are weak tea. The “super secret” CIA plans were never implemented. However, as a former “spook” has indicated, a “finding” on a policy means that those with a need-to-know (and that includes heads of critical congressional committees) were apprised in the information loop.

    I may not be a “wise Latina woman,” but my doo-doo dectector is running on overdrive.

  • 16 R.A.M. // Jul 13, 2009 at 6:08 pm

    Thanks OLA! I like your list too, even if it does sound like a Letterman Top Ten list!

    I got an email with some Obama political cartoons that is good but don’t know how to post it.

    I may see if I can look up some of the websites of the artists named in the corner of some.

  • 17 onlineanalyst // Jul 13, 2009 at 7:04 pm

    Holder may be the darling of News-Tweak, but DAFFYD AB HUGH has his number. Eric, we all know that your own legal-career glass house is stone-worthy and that your attempts to divert the front page away from the failed Obama presidency is transparent. Give it up, AG. You won’t have the support of the American people with a costly fishing expedition that will prove to backfire on your pal and the rest of the Dem leadership.

  • 18 egospeak // Jul 13, 2009 at 9:09 pm

    L@Y re: 55 previous thread

    Once again I find myself agreeing with one thing you said, that being, “Maybe we are hardwired, as some studies have suggested, to believe as we do.” Other than that I am baffled by some of your comments.

    You asked/said, “Does it seem appropriate for you to tell me what I believe? The attitude this seems to depict is an example of the conservatism I oppose. Agree with you or be condemned. It is your right to believe as you will; it is only when you speak in an attempt to limit that freedom for others that I wish to offer a counterbalance.” Where in my post #51 did I say or do any of those things? All I said was that it seemed to me that the definition of liberalism that you provided more accurately described the modern conservative rather than the modern liberal. I added that while it may have been true 40 or 50 years ago it was unarguably untrue today. As you said, “It is your right to believe as you will,” but it is helpful if those beliefs align with observable reality. At no time did I do any of the things you accused me of. Perhaps you should take your own advice about bearing false witness.


  • 19 R.A.M. // Jul 14, 2009 at 1:59 am

    OLA re#17: Nice article. I think the “Cup Holder” on my new Government Motors car has more intelligence than “Attorney General Holder”!

    Is it too early to start investigations on him for being a partial, partisan hack for Obama?

  • 20 gafisher // Jul 14, 2009 at 7:08 am

    … Albeit Unwittingly

    Where’s the albeit? Unwittingly is the trademark of this Administration.

  • 21 gafisher // Jul 14, 2009 at 7:40 am

    In a stunning display of Pinocchiation*, one of President Obama’s treasured TelePrompTer®s yesterday succumbed to the inexorable and unrelenting weight of the words with which it had been programmed. The remaining member of the elite TOTUS contingent is being refitted with funhouse mirror glass to forestall further such incidents.

    *Pinocchiation: mechanical stress resulting from repeated or excessive avoidance of veracity. Leads to unrestrained expansion in such malleable objects as marionettes, newspaper articles and political speeches, or to breakage when occurring in glass, truth and other inflexible entities.

    wv - Picasso’s wrings - sparkled on her seventeen phingers as she descended the staircase.

  • 22 Darthmeister // Jul 14, 2009 at 7:48 am

    OLA, it’s pretty clear the NYT and WaPo are trying to provide cover for Nancy Pelosi and her lying claim that the CIA “lied to her”. In this case its not so much the charge of lying but rather the CIA and Cheney were actually keeping SECRETS from her. Of course, there is the very real possibility that if such a program in its early planning stages, some partisan hack Donk would have leaked it to the national socialist media that would in turn make it headline news. Oh, but that wouldn’t be seditious, now would it?

    At least the WaPo got the story fairly straight that Cheney’s involvement in THE PLAN was limited, he thought it prudent the CIA maintain temporary secrecy until the program actually became operational (imagine that!) - which it never did, btw - and only when actual operational plans were crystalized that those who needed to know in Congress would be informed of this program to actually kill/assassinate/terminate with extreme prejudice al Qaeda leadership. But what has been the libtards’ response to merely investigating the possibility of committing American resources to such a noble effort: HOW DARE THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION ACTUALLY THINK SUCH A THING, CLANDESTINELY KILLING AL QAEDA LEADERSHIP! I’M OUTRAGED!

    Of course if a Democrat President - such as FDR JFK, LBJ, Clinton, Obamarx - were to actually engage in such a practice under “the pretense (as these libs would say) of protecting the country during a time of war”, the faux outrage from the likes of Pelosi and Holder would be totally absent. Why? Because a Democratic administration would be constitutionally securing and protecting the interest of America, that’s why. By contrast a Republican POTUS administration would be engaging in fascist tactics and were probably planning to assassinate the Democratic leadership and all leftist trolls under such a program. Clearly a bunch of neurotic legalists who on the one hand condemn Cheney and the CIA for investigating the possibility of taking out al Qaeda leadership yet emphatically support a woman’s “right” to have an abortionist of her choice conduct secret search-and-destroy missions in her womb to murder an innocent unborn American. Hey, this is no more silly than the ideological [nonsense] which so easily spills from the mouths of liberals to rationalize their immoral agenda.

    Now I ask, did Obamatons’ and your garden variety liberals’ IQs just drop this millenium or is it that they’ve become so insanely partisan that they can’t see past the political interests of their party and their feral hatred from Bush and Cheney? I lean toward the latter … at the moment.

  • 23 Darthmeister // Jul 14, 2009 at 7:56 am

    gafisher, maybe there is another explanation for this bit of symbolism. I think the Humpty Dumpty paradigm might be in play here given how America’s economy has been blighted by the likes of Obama’s and Democrats utter economic incompetence.

    If this had happened to President Bush, the liberals would be crowing about all the lying hot-air he had been spewing. Indeed.

    BTW, I only heard about it and never read the story. Where did this teleprompter mishap occur? In (uuuh) a kindergarten (uh) that Obamessiah (uh) was visiting?

  • 24 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 14, 2009 at 7:58 am

    We must move in a new direction. We are ripe for economic growth and energy independence if we responsibly tap the resources that God created right underfoot on American soil. Just as important, we have more desire and ability to protect the environment than any foreign nation from which we purchase energy today.

  • 25 Hawkeye // Jul 14, 2009 at 8:01 am

    Excellent post as always Scott. Too bad only those of us who understand the Constitution can appreciate your wisdom. :sad:

  • 26 Darthmeister // Jul 14, 2009 at 8:01 am

    Oh, and Jane Roe of Roe v Wade fame was arrested by the pro-abortion Democrat-controlled Congress yesterday.

    Of course such political irony is completely lost on those who tacitly approve of murdering unborn Americans merely for convenience sake and lifestyle choices. Ain’t the liberals’ Amerika great or what?

  • 27 onlineanalyst // Jul 14, 2009 at 8:04 am

    gafisher: If you want to start your day off with lots of belly laughs, check out the Tele-PrompterTer® comment responses at the hotair thread on the same story. I think that some of our better wits at Scrappleface temporarily migrated over there to provide much-needed humor over the situation. Good times, good times!

    I made a boo-boo at #17. Holder’s glass house is definitely not stone-worthy; it is stone vulnerable.

    With typically cool common sense and an awareness of the importance of intelligence gathering in perilous times, Andy McCarthy makes mincemeat of the latest politicization of the trumped-up CIA allegations re jihadist leaders.

  • 28 Darthmeister // Jul 14, 2009 at 9:21 am

    Under the American constitutional system of law, courts do not make law or set policy. The reason for this is simple, allowing unelected officials to make law would strike at the heart of our democracy.

    Here is the oath (heads up all you “wise latinas”) judges swear: “I do solemnly swear that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and to equal right to the rich and the poor, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me under the Constitution and laws of the United States, so help me God.”

    Clearly liberal activist judges have been unconstitutionally legislating from the bench off and on probably for the last sixty or so years. Given that the oath itself constrains judges from engaging in the oligarchial and unconstitutional usurpations that liberal judges have already arrogantly avail themselves of, at some point the American people themselves must make their voice and will known to all three branches of government that such judicial despostism will no longer be tolerated. Government only has itself to blame when it no longer abides by the very Constitution it is sworn to uphold and the people revolt.

  • 29 JamesonLewis3rd // Jul 14, 2009 at 9:44 am

    I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”
    ~~Romans 15:16-17

  • 30 Darthmeister // Jul 14, 2009 at 10:27 am

    U.S. Army Maj. Stefan Cook: Claims “Obama Isn’t a Natural Born President, He Can’t Deploy Me”

    Other than fact that Mr. Obama has yet to publicly produce a certified live certificate of birth (or certified copy for that matter) proving he was born on American soil, and given that Mr. Obama has paid good money to his lawyers to keep anyone from looking at what has been vaguely identified as “a legitimate birth certificate” (which were being handed out like candy by Hawaii to foreign born babies in the early 1960s) by a Democrat Hawaiian official, what possible objections, sir, could you have to Mr. Obama’s own divine pronouncements that he is “transparent” and “has nothing to hide” about anything, particularly where he was actually born. Surely someone in the national socialist media could pry a certificate of live birth loose under the Freedom of Information Act given that Mr. Obamarx is the highest PUBLIC official in the land, right?

    Still I wonder, couldn’t Congress, in its infinite power and wisdom, retroactively extend natural born citizenship amnesty to The Chose One?

  • 31 Laughing@You // Jul 14, 2009 at 1:33 pm

    Florida Democratic Party
    Raised: $1,196,529.89
    1,251 Online Donors, of which 1,013 were new donors to the Florida Democratic Party
    1740 Donations
    Donations under $100: 1,371

    Republican Party Of Florida
    Raised: $1,160,064.0
    224 Donations
    Donations under $100: 71



  • 32 Laughing@You // Jul 14, 2009 at 1:37 pm

    “… America’s economy has been blighted by the likes of Obama’s and Democrats utter economic incompetence.”

    Down Darthmeister, down!


  • 33 Darthmeister // Jul 14, 2009 at 5:06 pm

    Record Low Temperatures Hit Northeast…

    More evidence of Global Warming!

    Senator “Leaky” Leahy Revises History To Help Sotomayor

    Well, what else do you expect from an out-of-context lying Democrat Senator.

    North Dakota Could Have a Huge New Oilfield

    And in the name of “saving the planet” and energy independence (!?) we shouldn’t drill in the pristine environs of North Dakota.

    Besides, the spirits of dead Ameri-Indians in that region will curse any infernal combustion engine that burns the oil from that deposit … thus sayeth the Global Warming Prophet al Gore.

    PRUDEN: Franken, a clown for all seasons, arrives in time…

    Aw c’mon! Compared to the rest of the Democratic Senators al Franken has a certain …. mmmmmm, gravitas!

    Billboard Claiming Martin Luther King Was a Republican Angers Black Activists …

    “Claiming”? MLK was indeed a Republican despite modern liberal attempts at revisionism. The truth hurts, doesn’t it? And as an independent who stands as a witness to this present generation it wasn’t the Republican Party that changed but rather black Americans who were enticed to live on the liberal plantation on the basis of Democratic lies and political pandering. And history is just as clear that the Democrat Party is the party of the four S’s: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism.

    I guess this is one of the great ironies of American history and simply more proof that one can fool some of the people some of the time. But a day will come when the patronizing political pandering of Democrats will be revealed for what it really is.

  • 34 Darthmeister // Jul 14, 2009 at 5:14 pm

    You’re right, the phrase “utter economic incompetence” is a little strong.

    I amend my comment to merely state: “economic incompetence.”

    From now on I’ll only use the original phrase if America experiences double-digit inflation, unemployment over 12%, and the DOW remaining under 11,000 points after another year.

    I bet the Obama administration is glad gasoline and oil prices are declining. It will make it cheaper to transport conservative dissidents to the Democrats’ new re-education camps in the coming years. This does not include the present re-education camps known as government supported public schools.

  • 35 Laughing@You // Jul 14, 2009 at 5:44 pm

    “It will make it cheaper to transport conservative dissidents to the Democrats’ new re-education camps in the coming years.”

    What, no more Rush? No more Druge? No more NRO?

    Say, we will be having some openings at Gitmo soon, do you like the topics?

    I bet you’ll still be able to get plenty of soft drinks, but no more Kool-Aid for you folks!

    That stuff will addle your brains you know?

    I guess it is to late for some here, but think of the children!


  • 36 R.A.M. // Jul 14, 2009 at 6:02 pm

    Questioned about Roe v Wade, Sonia Sotomayor stated it was “settled law”. Questioned about the 2nd Amendment RIGHT to keep and bear arms, she made no “settled law” statement.

    I have to wonder then if she is indeed NOT going to legislate, (or change the Constitution), from her perch, -er, I mean from the bench?

    The left’s premise is that if the law says something they want or believe in, it is “settled law” and if there is a law they want changed, then the “law” or Constitution is a malleable item!

    When Roe v Wade was enacted, how did it happen, and why wasn’t “LIFE, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” “settled law”?

  • 37 Laughing@You // Jul 14, 2009 at 8:40 pm


    I agree entirely with your comments in post 8, and I join you in your question!

    Now, could we set Darthmeister up on a repayment plan like my sons have had? I just know, since he is so opposed to “government handouts”, he will be eager to get rid of that tainted cash.

    I say set Darthmeister’s conscience free so he will have no need to feel so hypocritical in his bigotry.


  • 38 onlineanalyst // Jul 14, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    L@Y: More money laundering and foreign donations via Chavez (Obama’s best buddy) in Florida? Everthink?

  • 39 Laughing@You // Jul 14, 2009 at 10:32 pm


    I don’t know. but then, I don’t have your sources, since I rely entirely mainly on MSM for my information.

    Which wing-nut grist mill is your source, and have you ever known them to be wrong? How about WMD, or the Cheney Energy Plan, or maybe Star Wars, or the economy is fundamentally sound, or how about Joe is a plumber, or even Palin is ready? Oh yeah, or Bush is smart enough, and let’s privatize Social Security.

    I say that ain’t plain speech, that’s just dumb speech!


  • 40 onlineanalyst // Jul 14, 2009 at 11:30 pm

    To steal from coldwarrior, I miss the Bush economy.

  • 41 Darthmeister // Jul 14, 2009 at 11:46 pm

    Law Professor Louis Michael Seidman of Georgetown: “I was completely disgusted by Judge Sotomayor’s testimony today. If she was not perjuring herself, she is intellectually unqualified to be on the Supreme Court. If she was perjuring herself, she is morally unqualified.”

    Indeed, but I’m sure this reality goes right over the heads of the drooling Donks on that committee. And don’t forget, the outstanding judicial authority al Franken is on public record claiming she’s the most qualified SCOTUS nominee in the last 100 years! Now there’s a ringing endorsement that can’t be ignored!

  • 42 Darthmeister // Jul 15, 2009 at 12:13 am

    I don’t know. but then, I don’t have your sources, since I rely entirely mainly on MSM for my information.

    Buwahahaha! Then that explains why you and the rest of the trolls are such tools of the liberal establishment, a fact that you can’t possibly see given the propaganda you so blindly embrace as some kind of unvarnished “truth”.

    Anyone who “relies entirely mainly” on the American lamestream media is ill informed indeed. But finally you admit that your basic understanding of the world comes through the ideological filters of a left-of-center informational paradigm? I thought so.

    But given the blinders you’ve so willingly encumbered yourself with, why do you bother coming here to regurgitate the same garbage that most of us have already been exposed to virtually every hour of the day (the liberal media template is impossible to ignore in our culture) and have rejected as ideologically biased?

    Maybe now you can understand our everlasting incredulity and impatience with your overly processed and leftist view of reality. You’ve brought nothing new to the table other than reframing the virtually homogenous, ideological bent of liberal “news” organizations and the Democratic Party. I’m sure the average Nazi or the average Communist thought they were getting the straight news from their respective “mainstream media”.

  • 43 Laughing@You // Jul 15, 2009 at 12:32 am


    Do you mean the economy that McCain suspended his campaign so he could go back to DC to fix?

    Do you mean the one that Paulson said, “give me $700,000,000.00 immediately, no questions asked, or it will collapse and fail completely”?

    Memories here seem very faulty! Maybe it’s the Kool-Aid.

    Say, do you remember Dumbyah’s coming to the Rose Garden, often with a shaky Henry Merritt “Hank” Paulson Jr. standing at his side?

    The economy where every time the Presidiot spoke the DJI dropped at least 200 points?

    Is that the economy you’re talking about?

    Oh, I think I liked Clinton’s surpluses much better.

    Democrats will get it fixed, but it will take a little more time, after all your guy nearly totaled it!!!!


    Say, I think Cheney may be in a world of hurt soon, don’t you? That’s right you thought McCain was going to win too, didn’t you? Never mind.

  • 44 Laughing@You // Jul 15, 2009 at 12:36 am

    Darthmeister, down! Get off my leg! Down, I said!


  • 45 onlineanalyst // Jul 15, 2009 at 7:48 am

    The one where the deficit had not reached one trillion dollars and the unemployment statitistics were not rising along with irresponsible, ineffectual federal spending.

    The one where a “stimulus bill” actually stimulated the economy and was not a poltical payoff to the Dems and Obama interest groups.

    The one that was not seizing economic sectors a la Mussolini nor trying to impose a command economy from the top like all of the other communist regimes in history.

    The one that did not begin to have difficulty until the Dems had control of the federal pursestrings in Congress beginning in 2007.

    The one that made attempts to address the debt looming in the near future of Medicare and Social Security.

    The one that attempted repeatedly to rein in the irresponsibility of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    The one that did not indebt us for generations beyond imagination to China nor print money willy-nilly.

    The one that put liquidity into banks that were mysteriously facing massive coordinated electronic withdrawals, creating a crisis in our and the world’s financial systems.

    The one that did not deplete from our nation’s national security in order to impose draconian social programs that voters are increasingly questioning.

    The one that recognized that it is possible (indeed, probable) to thrive without embracing economically destructive “green” policies that are nothing more than a tax on American citizens and a foot in the door to what Al Gore admits is a step towards world governance.

    A world where we treated our allies as partners in prosperity and supporters of world peace, not an embracing of destructive opponents and self-declared enemies who wish our nation ill.

    The one that rejected Keynesian theory and socialism, command economies, Five Year Plans, and all of the other utopian wish lists of historically failed regimes.

    The one that recognized that the citizens, not a nanny state, knows how best to spend their own money.

  • 46 onlineanalyst // Jul 15, 2009 at 8:07 am

    As Peter Hanaford observes, Obama is relying on Merlin magic dust, and (to mix the literary metaphor) Obama is killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

    Not one program that Obama has been associated throughout his career (including the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and Algren Gardens) has delivered what it promised. All drained generous funding and paid off only the cronies involved in the distribution of the monies.

  • 47 Laughing@You // Jul 15, 2009 at 9:17 am


    You remind me of the accident victim who sues the paramedic for trying to save his life!

    I think it is nuts to suggest the “stimulus bill” was a “political payoff “. That’s like saying that an amputation was done as part of a planned weight reduction program.

    You and those who tell you what you want to hear, are the very ones who got us into this mess anyway. If it hadn’t been for The Decider’s, “cut-taxes and spend” grandiosity there would be no need for a stimulus.

    I can only wish you had been so careful in starting wars (911 had NOTHING to do with Iraq, or Saddam). There seems to be no limit on what you are more than happy to spend on war, so long as you never have to pay for it in any way!

    This includes the lives of young Americans!

    You “conservatives”don’t like the “freeloaders” who take advantage of our country. Well, we can agree with that! Now let’s decide who they are!!!!

    Let’s see, conservatives don’t want to pay taxes, and most won’t serve in the military, so what is your contribution? Is it your wisdom and good counsel? If so how did you let Dumbyah trash everything in sight!

    You say, well at least he didn’t perjure himself when asked an extremely personal and embarrassing question.

    That may be mainly because you were too “patriotic” to ask him questions in the first place. I believe Democrats will ask those questions of him before it’s over.

    When a Democrat is in office you want a president, but when a Republican hold that office you would prefer he be king!!!


  • 48 Laughing@You // Jul 15, 2009 at 10:30 am

    “Surely someone in the national socialist media could pry a certificate of live birth loose under the Freedom of Information Act given that Mr. Obamarx is the highest PUBLIC official in the land, right?”

    You know Darthmeister, I bet at least half the people at this site share your grave concern about the president’s birth certificate.

    I’ve been wondering why it is that you, or some other crackpot here hasn’t filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act yourselves.

    Just think of the hero you could become, you might become somebody real important in the party, like “Joe the Plumber”.

    Well, maybe not that big, you have got to be real smart to reach that level, but maybe you could be “Hank the carpenter’s helper”, or some such thing.

    Then again, if you don’t think you can come up with the goods, that could be embarrassing (not that you’d ever know).

    Maybe just whacking out your spew about it four times a week is better after all.

    As always,


  • 49 onlineanalyst // Jul 15, 2009 at 1:35 pm

    Darlin’ L@Y: I suggest that you read this, with its links to the WSJ, its supportive graphs, and its summary analysis. The debts that Obamo is imposing and accruing are attributable to his watch and his spending plans and those special interests of his cronies.

    I hope that the salt marsh rat in Nancy Pelosi’s district, as well as the other constituents in Dem districts, is happy for the “stimulus.”

    Keep pulling out those old talking points. They demonstrate that you are not keeping up with reality.

    BTW One-half of the TARP money (which I disagreed with on fiscal principle) was given to the Obamao administration by President George W. Bush to give the newbie a head start in addressing the economic problem of the recession.

    Every project that Obamao proposes takes capital away from the economy, capital that could be injected into a recovery.

  • 50 onlineanalyst // Jul 15, 2009 at 2:54 pm

    Does Obamao get extra points or a payback from Soros for destroying the American dollar?

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