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McDonald’s to Provide Overeating Seating

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-01-07) — In light of a new study which shows that obesity is almost as dangerous as cigarette smoking, McDonald’s Corporation announced today it will create special seating areas for overeaters.
The Framingham Heart Study shows that obesity cuts seven years, on average, from a woman’s life, and five from a man’s.
A McDonald’s spokesman said, “We’re always conscious of the needs of our customers, and were among the first to provide special smoking sections. Now, we’ll provide separate seating for those who choose to eat too much.”
The special area for overeaters will be known as ‘the indoor part of the restaurant.’ Many of the chain’s locations will install wider seat bottoms to accommodate overeaters’ needs. Customers who don’t wish to overeat are welcome to use the drive-up window.

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