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Daschle Announces Plan to ‘Have Ideas’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-01-06) — In the Democrat response to President Bush’s weekly radio address, Sen. Tom Daschle, D-SD, announced a major break with the traditional methods of his party.
“In the coming weeks and months,” Sen. Daschle said, “Democrats will do more than just fight ideas that we think are wrong — we will propose policies we think are right.
The Senator said he wasn’t sure where they would get these ideas, nor how to formulate policies, but “we’ll find out.”
However, he did begin to test-market the “idea” of a tax cut for middle-income Americans.
The new Bush economic plan is expected to include an immediate increase in the child care tax credit and a more rapid reduction in the marriage penalty for two-income households; both of which would benefit middle and lower income tax payers.
When informed of this, Sen. Daschle said, “Remember, we Democrats are just getting started on this idea stuff. Pretty soon, we’ll have our own ideas. In the meantime, we want Americans to know that we don’t like the President’s ideas because they only benefit the wealthy. And we Democrat Senators should know, because we’re all wealthy, and so are most of the people we hang out with.”

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