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Edwards Quits Dems, Jumps to GOP

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments

(2003-01-02) — North Carolina Sen. John Edwards announced mid-morning that he quit the Democrat party, and will join the GOP “if they’ll have me.”
The decision by the unseasoned politician, and potential presidential candidate, came after “a revelation” he received from a constituent.
“I’ve been mouthing this Democrat mantra that we should hike taxes on big business and give the little man a break,” said Sen. Edwards. “But I just got an email from the little man this morning. He says he works for that big business I want to tax heavily. Not only that, the little man’s mutual fund and 401(k) invest in that big business. In addition, his house becomes more valuable as that big business hires more people in his community.”
Sen. Edwards said the little man suggested that the government give him back some of the 45-percent of his income that goes to taxes.
“I’m ashamed I didn’t realize this sooner,” said the first-term Senator. “But it makes me wonder about my Democrat colleagues who have been pushing this program for decades. They’re all nice folks, so maybe they just don’t realize how harmful it is.”

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  • 1 The People's Republic of Seabrook // Jan 3, 2003 at 6:38 am

    John Edwards: Stealth Candidate

    Across the land, the hue and cry can be heard. Democrats from sea to shining sat down, opened their morning papers, sipped their coffee, and screamed, almost in unison “Who in the hell is John Edwards??” Indeed, even though I generally pay close attent…