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Sen. Edwards Unveils His Tax Plan

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2003-01-02) — Sen. John Edwards, D-NC, kicked off his 2004 presidential campaign this morning by unveiling his proposed tax plan.
“America should make its money the way I made my millions-by suing insurance companies,” said Sen. Edwards. “I figure if we sue all the insurance companies in a class action on behalf of every American who’s ever been injured, it will raise billions of dollars. A small percentage of that can go to the actual victims, with the rest going to Uncle Sam. “
Sen. Edwards even has a slogan for his novel plan: “The Federal government won’t get paid unless we collect damages for you.”

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  • 1 The People's Republic of Seabrook // Jan 3, 2003 at 6:38 am

    John Edwards: Stealth Candidate

    Across the land, the hue and cry can be heard. Democrats from sea to shining sat down, opened their morning papers, sipped their coffee, and screamed, almost in unison “Who in the hell is John Edwards??” Indeed, even though I generally pay close attent…