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Hidden Stimulus Provision Yanks Lawmaker Pay

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 36 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2009-02-15) — A little-noticed provision of the 1,073-page American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 withholds paychecks from members of Congress and all White House staff until they bring the federal budget into balance by cutting spending to match current revenues.

The recently-discovered measure falls under a section of the bill that requires corporations that take federal bailout money to curtail executive pay and bonuses.

“Congress and the executive branch have been living like fat cats while the organization they run has been losing money, being constantly bailed out by U.S. taxpayers,” said Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), who scribbled the requirement into the margin of the bill Friday just before approval by Democrats in the House and Senate.

In addition to working without pay, lawmakers must also forgo taxpayer-funded air and ground transportation, restaurant meals and most other perks.

“We’re sending a clear message that the federal trough is empty,” said Rep. Cantor. “You can’t keep paying indefinitely the very people who spent you into virtual bankruptcy. To paraphrase Sen. Chris Dodd when he was talking about Wall Street, the decisions of certain people to enrich themselves at the expense of taxpayers have seriously undermined public confidence. These tough new rules will help ensure that taxpayer dollars no longer effectively subsidize lavish Washington D.C. lifestyles.”

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36 responses so far ↓

  • 1 gafisher // Feb 15, 2009 at 7:37 am

    One problem with keeping pigs is that when the trough is empty, they begin eating each other. In this instance, though, that might prove beneficial …

    wv - oil-from-coal WEISS - Aber nicht gruen.

  • 2 mig // Feb 15, 2009 at 7:39 am

    Scott, this is genius! Absolute genius. I could vote a big ole yes to this change and hope it happens soon. Fat Cats indeed. Insulated American Royalty Class. I am going to email this to all my friends, and not so friendly friends and post it where ever I go. Fabulous.

  • 3 Maggie // Feb 15, 2009 at 9:24 am

    “let them eat cake”…..has that been said before?

  • 4 mig // Feb 15, 2009 at 9:35 am

    They can eat their cake as long as they wash it down with Perrier…
    NH has a resolution to succede from the Union if the gov’t oversteps, do you think the bailout will qualify; maybe after they get their money. I heard the stimulus described as A Bribe using Our Own Money… heh.

  • 5 Darthmeister // Feb 15, 2009 at 9:55 am

    Does this congressional activity now fall under the Ministry of Funny Walks?

    News Alert from the AU Daily Telegraph:

    New Yorker Muzzammil Hassan founded the pro-Islam station Bridges TV five years ago to combat the negative public image of Muslims. He is currently under arrest for beheading his wife.

    I think it fair to say he’s failed at his mission of putting a kinder and gentler face on Islam. This terrible atrocity has unfortunately led to this caption of the year: The Couple During Happier Times Before Hussan Removed His Wife’s Head.

    Can you imagine the secular liberal outcry if devout Christians were doing the same thing? How many here have heard any fingerpointing liberals pro-actively condemning and questioning the tenets of Islamic fundamentalism because of these extreme occurances among devout Muslims? Oh, that’s right, Islam is the religion of peace, but why aren’t we hearing an immediate firestorm of condemnation from Islamic clerics and mullahs regarding these high profile disgusting practices committed explicitly in the name of Islamic faith.

    It is no secret that “honor killings” and “wife beating” have been very much a part of traditional Islam yet the American people and free peoples everywhere are still being told the lie how Islamic Sharia law is a civilizing influence. WHERE’S THE LIBERAL OUTRAGE?

    Oh, btw, liberals will only get “outraged” if something like this is shoved in their faces … or they get outraged by you for even documenting it. But like I said, if Christians were doing this as a matter of tradition and “faith”, it would be headline news 24/7. Let’s call a pig a pig until we start seeing some real outrage from liberal fundamentalists and Islamic fundamentalists.

  • 6 egospeak // Feb 15, 2009 at 10:15 am

    A great thought and I wish it were true, but Congress doesn’t obey the Constitution anymore… why would they feel constrained by a mere bill? So what if they passed it pretty much overwhelmingly on basically a partyline vote.

    Besides, on many occasions in the past when they included onerous provisions in a bill, they made sure that they were exempted from those provisions.

    When you elect corrupt people you should expect corruption. I’m just sayin…


    ps - on the lighter side, could you imagine the caterwauling on the democratic side of the aisle if such a provision were really in the bill? All the complaints about how they didn’t have time to read and debate and thoughtfully consider the entire bill before casting one of the most important votes in their lifetime. In anyone’s lifetime? Priceless.

    wv - (the McGivney) Sounds like some kind of con.

  • 7 onlineanalyst // Feb 15, 2009 at 10:37 am

    Has Chris Dodd located his morgage papers yet? Has he any explanation for the obscenely generous campaign contributions given to him and his Democrat buddies by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. What quid pro quo was extended to these Congressional extortion artists?

  • 8 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 15, 2009 at 12:24 pm

    Meanwhile, Pelosi is strutting and basking in luxury in Europe. I understand she demanded a Papal audience; I’d like to be a fly on the wall for their little chat.

  • 9 RedPepper // Feb 15, 2009 at 12:58 pm

    A little-noticed provision of the 1,073-page American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 …

    I have a feeling we may not have seen that phrase for the last time …

  • 10 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 15, 2009 at 1:05 pm

    you snooze you loose. Reading something before you sign it is 1st grade economics

    Wishing this was true is High School economics.

    WV: $16,4000,000 Prinz. I don’t know who makes the Prinz but I sure wish I owned one.

  • 11 Darthmeister // Feb 15, 2009 at 1:38 pm

    I wonder when lawmakers will get around to giving themselves bonuses for passing socialist bailouts? An interesting blend of capitalism and socialism wouldn’t you say?

    The Teddy Bear of Terror

    This yet one more “educational show” that passes for children’s entertainment in the Muslim world. This time in the Gaza Strip. And just where is the outrage among Muslims?

  • 12 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 15, 2009 at 2:22 pm

    Meanwhile, BHO further undermines the foundations of civilization by flipping off each individual Briton worldwide, past, present, future.

  • 13 camojack // Feb 15, 2009 at 3:36 pm

    If only… :-(

  • 14 gafisher // Feb 15, 2009 at 3:54 pm

    Interesting link, JL3 (Re#12). Further down the article states “Now it is likely that Gordon Brown will offer a[n] alternative symbol of Anglo-American fealty …” It would be appropriate if they offered a bust of Churchill’s predecessor.

  • 15 gafisher // Feb 15, 2009 at 4:06 pm

    It’s a good thing Pelosi and Reid broke their promise to give lawmakers 48 hours to study the Bill before Friday’s emergency vote! If they’d stuck with what they’d said, the President couldn’t have averted disaster by signing it until Monday.

  • 16 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 15, 2009 at 6:07 pm

    He must correct his opponents with courtesy and gentleness, in the hope that God may grant that they will repent and come to know the Truth [that they will perceive and recognize and become accurately acquainted with and acknowledge it], And that they may come to their senses [and] escape out of the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him, [henceforth] to do His [God's] will.

    2 Timothy 2:25-26

  • 17 mindknumbed kid // Feb 15, 2009 at 6:53 pm

    Bravo! Scott you have nailed the condescending Washington elitists with this one. Now if we could only see this happen for real…

  • 18 mindknumbed kid // Feb 15, 2009 at 7:02 pm

    Makes me wonder about any of the bills that are voted on. So many pages that no one has had time to read and comprehend half of what is in there. I wonder how they even get it all typed up and ready, must have it all done in sections and then put together. How do they know someone somewhere hasn’t altered something? I think it ought to be put out for any and all to read the final bill for 60-90 days before it could be debated.

  • 19 pig » Blog Archive » Hidden Stimulus Provision Yanks Lawmaker Pay // Feb 15, 2009 at 7:45 pm

    [...] (Heng Soy) wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptI think it fair to say he’s failed at his mission of putting a kinder and gentler face on Islam. This terrible atrocity has unfortunately led to this caption of the year: The Couple During Happier Times Before Hussan Removed His Wife’s Head . … Let’s call a pig a pig until we start seeing some real outrage from liberal fundamentalists and Islamic fundamentalists. 6 egospeak // Feb 15, 2009 at 10:15 am. A great thought and I wish it were true, but Congress … [...]

  • 20 R.A.M. // Feb 15, 2009 at 8:40 pm

    My goodness! Scott has been VERY busy today.

    This one is exceptionally good!

    I wondered the same thing, how these hypocrites can grill CEO’s and point out their greed, when NO ONE can match the greed of MOST politicians, BOTH parties.

    It would be as hypocritical as if Ted Kennedy were allowed to grill other people and point out their moral failings!

    Oh wait, -that has already happened, AND more than once!

    OK, maybe that wasn’t a good example. How about as hypocritical as if the President would appoint someone to oversee taxpayers pay their taxes, when they have NOT payed their’s in the past?


  • 21 R.A.M. // Feb 15, 2009 at 8:46 pm

    JL3 re#8: I wonder will “Nan” wear that stupid red dress that makes her look like a street walker?

    And, (more inportant), will the Pope douse her with ‘Holy Water’, and if so, will she melt? ;-)

  • 22 Newsman // Feb 15, 2009 at 8:53 pm

    Hey Darthbaby. Sorry about that but I was not aware of this beheading business.

    Obviously, outrage is a waste of time, he should be publically beheaded with a rusty carving knife.

    This is one Dem who strongly believes in the death penalty ! I can’t see all of us being held financially responsible for life imprisonment of the scum of this planet !

    The opposition says that the death penalty is not a deterrent for murder. I never looked at it in terms of being a deterrent !

    I think if you premeditate a murder (if only for a minute before the act), then you should pay the ultimate price yourself with no chance for getting out of it !

    You see, you are wrong if you think all of your political opponents think the same !

  • 23 gafisher // Feb 16, 2009 at 7:15 am

    >> “… you are wrong if you think all of your political opponents think the same !

    Or at all.

    The death penalty as purely a cost-cutting measure is cold efficiency at its best. Is this what we can expect from the new National Socialists?

  • 24 onlineanalyst // Feb 16, 2009 at 8:16 am

    The telerprompter present-dent needs some help with his WH press conferences, and he is about to get it. Meanwhile, in the interest of “fairness,” Henry Waxman is on his way to set up a Ministry of Truth via the FCC. Read the details here.

    The fascist Marxists are on the march.

  • 25 Fred Sinclair // Feb 16, 2009 at 9:24 am

    I would like to have all Congressional paychecks put on hold until a genuine original birth certificate for Barak Hussein Obama is produced.

    If Congress sends the Porkulus bill to an Unconstitutional “so called President” Barak Hussein Obama for his illegal signature, all 535 of them should be put on suspension for acknowledging the phony election as valid.

    Am I the only one left in America demanding an original genuine birth for Barak Hussein Obama be produced?

    The continued refusal on the part of the usurper to produce a genuine original birth certificate can only reinforce the well founded belief that he was born in Kenya and is therefore not the President of the United States.

    Mr. Barak Hussein Obama - SHOW US YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE?

  • 26 everthink // Feb 16, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    “I would like to have all Congressional paychecks put on hold until a genuine original birth certificate for Barak Hussein Obama is produced.”

    I would like a pony,

    “If Congress sends the Porkulus bill to an Unconstitutional “so called President” Barak Hussein Obama for his illegal signature, all 535 of them should be put on suspension for acknowledging the phony election as valid.”

    And a giraffe!

    “Am I the only one left in America demanding an original genuine birth for Barak Hussein Obama be produced?”

    Looks like you are, Lone Ranger!

    “The continued refusal on the part of the usurper to produce a genuine original birth certificate can only reinforce the well founded belief that he was born in Kenya and is therefore not the President of the United States.”

    I heard him say he was from Krypton, and that his father’s name was Jor-El! Think, maybe, we should check that out that too?

    “Mr. Barak Hussein Obama - SHOW US YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE?”

    Make that, Mr. President, Barak Hussein Obama!


  • 27 Fred Sinclair // Feb 16, 2009 at 5:55 pm

    From Sen. Thomas Coburn’s (R-Okla.) speech in the Senate - Feb. 10, 2009 - my favorite excerpt and example of the stupidity of the Porkulus the usurper is due to sign tomorrow.

    “……We are going to spend $448 million to build the Department of Homeland Security a new building. We have $1.3 trillion worth of empty buildings right now, and because it has been blocked in Congress we can’t sell them, we can’t raze them, we can’t do anything, but we are going to spend money on a new building here in Washington.

    We are going to spend another $248 million for new furniture for that building; a quarter of a billion dollars for new furniture. What about the furniture the Department of Homeland Security has now? These are tough times. Should we be buying new furniture? How about using what we have? That is what a family would do. They would use what they have. They wouldn’t go out and spend $248 million on furniture……..”

  • 28 everthink // Feb 16, 2009 at 6:47 pm




    What we have now is the end result of deregulation and Republican Economic Policies!

    So, hold your nose, take the medicine, and stay away from that crowd that made you sick! That’s what American are doing! Join us, or don’t, it makes little difference.


  • 29 mindknumbed kid // Feb 16, 2009 at 7:50 pm

    Sad times here in my town. Last week a kindergartner was accidentally ran over and killed by a school bus while his father watched helplessly. Today the father took his life. Please pray for his widow and other son (younger), and the families.

  • 30 mindknumbed kid // Feb 16, 2009 at 8:25 pm

    So let’s all spend our money as stupidly as we can and it will create jobs for a lot of people who will have to step in and take care of our basic needs when we can no longer afford to. Government does not create jobs well, but they are top notch when it comes to creating mindless dependents. If you really think this pork -u-plan that our teleprompter reader-in-chief is foolish enough to sign is going to create quality long term jobs outside of government you will probably want to consider making an offer on the Brooklyn Bridge…

  • 31 everthink // Feb 16, 2009 at 8:48 pm

    “Government does not create jobs well, but they are top notch when it comes to creating mindless dependents.”

    Poor Fred has just forgotten where he put his marbles, but MNK, you never had a full bag to begin with. So, do try to use what you have more carefully!

    But, now that I think about Halliburton, KBR, and Blackwater, I can see where you are not completely wrong.


  • 32 gafisher // Feb 16, 2009 at 8:58 pm

    mkk Re#30, Government does not “create jobs” at all.

    Governments are a collection of laws, “instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,” along with a number of individuals chosen, authorized and paid by the governed for the purpose of ensuring the proper functioning of those laws. Government as a system of laws and people does not create wealth, it consumes it, and it can no more “create” jobs than it can “create” the air it breathes.

    Government is supported by taxes, which *must* be a portion — not the whole — of whatever source of wealth provides it. It can never pay its own functionaries enough to cover their own costs, much less to create a surplus. If we have hired poor stewards to carry out our laws, it is possible they might hire more people, but those people will have to be paid from our taxes — their jobs cannot be sufficiently productive to cover their own costs unless those jobs compete with ours, in which case they have gone well beyond their assigned task of governing.

    EVERY government job is a drain on the national economy. NO government job directly contributes to the economy.

    Government does not “create jobs” at all.

  • 33 mindknumbed kid // Feb 16, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    Gov can “create” jobs by removing obstacles to persons engaging in the system of free enterprise. The jobs do not come from government though, however if government does not create jobs where did we get all of the government workers from? Government workers are a drain on the economy, but even those workers manage to contribute a little bit here and there. I see where someone is going to benefit from government spending, as “Little O” (”Big O” is Oprah, at least she generally appears larger than Barack, and she did launch him nationally too) needs some high tech electronics installed in his podium in order to conduct a press conference. The whole job can probably be done for under 5 grand, but will cost us about 200 grand. According to the latest plan that is great news that will help our economy, so if 200 grand is good, then by all means why not spend 2 million to get it done? Perhaps we should scrap our current system of awarding contracts to the lowest bidder and go with the highest one, and look for the ones that will need additional allocations to actually accomplish it also. We got to rethink the way our nation gets things done, for stimulus’ sake, ya know.

  • 34 mindknumbed kid // Feb 16, 2009 at 9:49 pm

    I’m waiting to see if the stimulus bull, er umm, bill will do anything positive for the gray matter in some of the heads that pop up around here too often. There is not much optimism for it though.

  • 35 onlineanalyst // Feb 16, 2009 at 10:23 pm

    More reality intrudes on the Obamateur Hour.

    Not to worry though: Ackbar is continuing his never-ending campaign tour, this time in Phoenix, AZ, because a malignant narcissist can never get enough attention.

    Keep your eye on Waxman, folks. He is trying to slip in the Fascist Doctrine via the FCC. After all, First Amendment rights are a threat to Obamao and his Leftist minions.

    Check out HR45, too. Your Second Amendment rights are being threatened, as well.

  • 36 mindknumbed kid // Feb 16, 2009 at 10:51 pm

    We got that big ole bullseye right on us. I do believe they intend to run roughshod over us and the Constitution. Don’t worry, the media will make them appear to mean well…

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