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Obama to Joe: Plumbing is a Constitutional Right

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 37 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-10-16) — After a presidential debate which focused on the needs of one man, a plumber named Joe Wurzelbacher of Holland, Ohio, Sen. Barack Obama this morning announced that “plumbing, like health care, is a Constitutional right, and therefore a federal government responsibility.”

“Millions of Americans go to bed every night listening to the incessant drip of a leaky faucet, fearing a flooded basement or a backed up toilet,” said Sen. Obama. “In my travels around the country, I’ve learned that single mothers, children and seniors are hardest hit. Often it comes down to a decision between buying groceries, or getting the garbage disposal fixed.”

Sen. Obama noted that since the poor usually don’t get proper preventative plumbing, they often wind up making emergency calls in the middle of the night, the most expensive treatment option.

“If this nation is going to continue to hold out the American promise of equal results for all,” the senator said, “then we need to make sure that the millions of un-plumbed families have affordable and accessible plumbing maintenance.”

The Obama plan would force employers to provide plumbing insurance to workers, slapping penalties on firms that fail to comply. But it would also retain free market options, he said.

“If you’re happy with your current plumber, keep him,” Sen. Obama said, “But my plan would also allow you to choose from a list of government plumbers, and to get the kind of quality service that Sen. McCain and I, and our Congressional colleagues, enjoy at taxpayer expense every day.”

Joe the Plumber‘, as he is now known to politicians who can’t pronounce Wurzelbacher, would also benefit under the Obama plan.

“Instead of buying that plumbing business and bumping himself into a higher tax bracket,” Sen. Obama said, “Joe the Plumber can simply go to work for the federal government, where his six-figure salary and the taxes on it all come from people who are compelled by the IRS to support his work. His income remains stable and grows whether his services are in demand or not. This removes the uncertainty from his business, and the burden of having to compete and of being constantly judged by customers.”

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37 responses so far ↓

  • 1 camojack // Oct 16, 2008 at 8:46 am

    That’s just plumb crazy…and I’m plumb tuckered out. ;-)

  • 2 Kayak2U Blog » Blog Archive » “Plumbing should be a right for every American” // Oct 16, 2008 at 9:14 am

    [...] Scott Ott is a master at showing the ridiculousness of pandering, collectivist politicians: [...]

  • 3 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 16, 2008 at 9:26 am


    From the last page-I agree with you. I listened to the pundits and wondered if they watched the same debate.

    OB1 sits around and hems and haws until a little hard drive in his brain kicks in with the fluff and stuff answers, then spews out the lies he has pre-programed.

    Can we elect a bold face liar. Can we elect a man who had Ayres write his book, then claim he (OB1) wrote it. And then he sat there and said that was a lie that he sat in Ayres living room and announced his presidential aspirations.


    ’nuff said

  • 4 BlackLion31U // Oct 16, 2008 at 9:51 am


    My God bless our troops

  • 5 Stones Cry Out - If they keep silent… » Things Heard: e37v4 // Oct 16, 2008 at 9:59 am

    [...] Plumber? One more, less [...]

  • 6 Pseudo-Polymath » Blog Archive » Thursday Highlights // Oct 16, 2008 at 10:00 am

    [...] Plumber? One more, less [...]

  • 7 Maggie // Oct 16, 2008 at 10:06 am

    “Say it ain’t so,Joe”
    Under BO’s economic plan,we won’t need a plumber. Everyone will have a little wooden house out back ,with a decorative crescent moon on the door .

    BL31U re ….#4
    You do mean God bless the USA troops, don’t you? The “our troops” confused me.

  • 8 mig // Oct 16, 2008 at 10:40 am

    Constitutional _Rights?

    [Editor's Note: Please consume internet rumors carefully, and distribute sparingly. There's plenty to oppose in the Democrat nominee's stated positions without the need to indulge conspiracy theories.]

  • 9 gafisher // Oct 16, 2008 at 11:24 am

    Have you seen Joe the Plumber’s new hat?

  • 10 Maggie // Oct 16, 2008 at 11:25 am

    Just read #1…..That was plumb funny.

  • 11 BlackLion31U // Oct 16, 2008 at 11:26 am


    Sorry, I don’t understand your confusion.

    My God bless our troops

  • 12 Maggie // Oct 16, 2008 at 11:28 am

    Gafisher #10

    Now that is a must have.

  • 13 ep29030 // Oct 16, 2008 at 11:33 am

    On the federal track, Joe will recieve some of the best medical and dental benefits available, the ability to vote himself a raise after each election is over, and a fabulous retirement plan. With a support staff, expense budget and provided office, he simply can’t fail at his business. Now, he can cause YOU to fail, but that’s not important (to him)……

  • 14 Maggie // Oct 16, 2008 at 11:34 am

    Bl31u #11

    Sorry to burden you with my confusion.You seem to have enough of your own.

  • 15 gafisher // Oct 16, 2008 at 11:34 am

    Maggie Re#7: Y’all,ah, watch that “Crescent Moon” talk.

    wv - untenable broth - Avoid Obamaville soup lines.

  • 16 Maggie // Oct 16, 2008 at 11:42 am

    Just wanted to tell you how great you were on the videos posted on SF….and cute too.I can see perhaps aFox News punditship in your near future. You are a natural……and cute too.

    {As you can see I am certainly enjoying my new computer.}

  • 17 Just Ranting // Oct 16, 2008 at 11:57 am

    It just dawned on me…Barak’s line “Yes We Can”…didn’t he steal that from Bob the Builder?

    Joe Biden must be rubbing off on him.

  • 18 gafisher // Oct 16, 2008 at 11:58 am

    ep29030 Re#13 (or whatever it’s become) — I sincerely doubt an Obama Administration would treat the National Plumbing Corps any better than it would treat our troops, many of whom are already below the poverty line thanks to Democrat “budget constraints.”

    - - - - - { Obama*Biden } - - - - -
    Chancy? You’d better believe it!

  • 19 gafisher // Oct 16, 2008 at 12:46 pm

    Comparing the two Vice Presidential Candidates it’s not too hard to see which one is about hair and which is about brains.

  • 20 Hawkeye // Oct 16, 2008 at 12:53 pm

    Great post Scott. :smile:

    Ms. RW,
    In the tradition of Bartles & Jaymesâ„¢… “We thank you for your support”. :wink:

  • 21 BlackLion31U // Oct 16, 2008 at 1:34 pm

    BL31U, Oct 8 -“Now be honest people, didn’t Sen. McCain remind you of “The Penguin” on the “Batman” TV series years ago? I swear I kept expecting him to go “wa, wa, wa”.
    C’mon y’all have to remember the show.”

    Scott, I must have underestimated your reader base. Ya’ll have got to watch this debate clip!

    Absolutely uncanny.

    God bless our troops

  • 22 BlackLion31U // Oct 16, 2008 at 1:37 pm

    BL31U, Oct 8 -“Now be honest people, didn’t Sen. McCain remind you of “The Penguin” on the “Batman” TV series years ago? I swear I kept expecting him to go “wa, wa, wa”.
    C’mon y’all have to remember the show.”

    Scott, I must have underestimated your reader base. Ya’ll have to watch this debate clip!


  • 23 BlackLion31U // Oct 16, 2008 at 1:41 pm

    It’s official;

    RUSH has pronounced that OBAMA won the debate!

    I’m not holding my breath for Hannity

  • 24 BlackLion31U // Oct 16, 2008 at 1:43 pm

    Apologies for the double post. The clip is worth watching twice though.

  • 25 Fred Sinclair // Oct 16, 2008 at 2:31 pm

    Good news - e-mail in from Letty -

    Hello all

    Haven’t been in contact for awhile, since I talked to Fred, to let him know we made it. I am still
    without phone, cable, internet and gas which is why I haven’t been in contact. I’m using a friend’s
    computer at an internet cafe. We are still cleaning out and trying to get back to normal but as our
    home was built in 2003 and to the new codes the damage was little compared to the older homes
    in the area. Some minor roof repairs to be done yet, some windows to be replaced, new drywall
    to be installed in the lower level foyer, new shelving, etc. in the garages, although not many tools left to put on them. Getting repairmen continues to be a challenge. The yard has been cleaned but have lost some of the landscaping. That will be my next project.

    An interesting story - 7-8 days ago 3 people from the Billy Graham Ministries walked down our street and just chatted to give us moral support. Before they left they asked if they could pray with us and we said yes. They wanted to know what we wanted to pray about and I said POWER. We need to have electricity back! We prayed for it. Four hours later we HAD electricity after being without it for a month! Coincidence? I don’t think so. : )

    I keep in touch with the world by radio and newspapers. It seems there are many things going on that need prayer.


  • 26 Just Ranting // Oct 16, 2008 at 2:50 pm


    Sen. McCain sustained broken bones in every part of his body during the Viet Nam War. Because of this he has limited mobility in his arms. I find it sad that you see his “penguin” like movements so amusing.
    John McCain defended your freedom and your right to free expression. One would hope you’d find a better way to use that rights than to ridicule this honorable man in the future.

  • 27 RepublicanAttackMachine // Oct 16, 2008 at 3:36 pm

    If Biden is nice, Joe may do some “plumbing” for Joe’s head. I bet if some sprinklers were installed in Joe’s forehead, it would help grow some hair and he could gey rid of those awful “plugs”.

    If not, the cold water would almost certainly refresh his brain and help wash away those lies he keeps telling!

    The “left wing nuts” keep worrying about Sarah being a “heart beat” away from the Presidency, we ALL should be worried about this moron being in that position! :shock:

  • 28 RepublicanAttackMachine // Oct 16, 2008 at 3:42 pm

    BL31U: YOU remind me a LOT of Kerry, Murtha, Timothy McVeigh, Lee Harvey Oswald, Benedict Arnold, and ALL ex soldiers that have served their Country and now choose to dishonor it, rendering your FORMER HONOR a moot point!

    Don’t like my opinion? TOUGH!

    Most here think YOUR’s stinks too! :lol:

  • 29 RepublicanAttackMachine // Oct 16, 2008 at 3:45 pm

    Anyone else noticed that O’Bama’s main campaighn guy, Axelrod looks just like Adolph Hitler?

    Coincidence? Maybe his name is really “AXISrod”? ;-)

  • 30 everthink // Oct 16, 2008 at 3:47 pm

    You say:

    “I listened to the pundits and wondered if they watched the same debate.”

    This is an example of a growing problem in our country. When the environment from which sensory input is changed, people who have had their perception altered by excessive Kool-Aid intake often become unable to accept reality.

    In the past with an abundance of well-financed Kool-Aid Stations available, it was easy to get a fix, and a change of outlook. These stations manned by other addicts provided a surreal view of reality while playing gospel music in the background to provide assurance that the distorted view being propagated had the full endorsement of the ONLY SON of THE LIVING GOD.

    This “Brain Washing” technique was first brought to America by the “Moonies”. Once established as a workable means of mind control, the reverend Sun Myung Moon decided to expand his influence into the political arena. He found several televangelists eager to reap the huge financial benefits to be found there, notably, but not limited to, Jerry Falwell, who created the Moral Majority for that purpose.

    The Moral Majority created thousands of little Lee Harveys, many of whom have opened Kool-Aid Stations of their own. Thankfully, through “much prayer and fasting” America has begun to arouse from its poisonous stupor.

    The “Christians” who remain are the “Apostate Church”, widely known in Christian Eschatology.

    I’m happy to help, how much Kool-Aid are you now taking?


  • 31 BlackLion31U // Oct 16, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    Just Ranting,

    I notice you’ve excluded the “many others who have sacrificed” from you comment this time.

    As I said before, I AM one of those “many others” you refer to. I’ve actually paid for my freedom of expression and yours.

    Once again, you are welcome.

  • 32 BlackLion31U // Oct 16, 2008 at 3:57 pm


    Gosh, did I hit a sensitive spot or something.

    This is probably really going to be a surprise, but I’m not here to impress you.

    You are not my superior or even my equal. I lose no sleep over what you think of me.

  • 33 Pickerhead :: Pickings from the Webvine ::October 16, 2008 // Oct 16, 2008 at 5:04 pm

    [...] Scrappleface reports Obama has declared plumbing a constitutional right. [...]

  • 34 RepublicanAttackMachine // Oct 16, 2008 at 6:16 pm


  • 35 Just Ranting // Oct 16, 2008 at 6:24 pm


  • 36 RepublicanAttackMachine // Oct 16, 2008 at 9:07 pm

    BL3U: It sounds like I am the one who hit a “sensitive spot” on you.
    BTW, remind us, what are you here for? I am speaking of, “on this earth”!
    As I said, YOU remind me of the lowlife humans I refered to, so I do NOT care to, or want to be your “equal”!
    To use your own words, I am SURE a REAL AMERICAN HERO, (John McCain), could care less what a big lib like you thinks of him. I am just here to give my opinion, (unless Scott deletes this post as he did my previous one), and exersize my freedom of speech, while I still can. Who knows how long we Conservative Christians will be able to do that after your boy O’Bama gets in!

    Apparently, it is alright to call John McCain names here, just not some poster named blacklion, who has done NOTHING that we know for sure!

  • 37 RepublicanAttackMachine // Oct 16, 2008 at 9:13 pm

    I believe even FOX is now kissing up to O’Bama! Not because they like him, rather because they think he will win and do not want to totally be on his bad side for when the (so called), “Fairness Doctrine” comes to his desk to be signed, after it breezes through Congress!

    I believe that is why the ‘normally tough’, Bill O’Reilly keeps giving O’Bama, “–the benefit of doubt”. It seems that he just keeps saying that! Funny how he is quick to judge others motives when they say things wrong, or are caught in a lie, yet O’Bama keeps getting his, “Benefit of doubt”!

    O’Reilly also said the other night that he does NOT think O’Bama is “evil”. I think ANYONE who keeps voting AGAINST children getting BORN is EVIL!!!

    So much for O’Reilly being a good judge, or even a good Catholic! He also has a LOT to lose under the “Fairness Doctrine”. TV show, Radio show, book deals, etc.

    With him, it has to be that, or he is still shell shocked from last year when he was called a “racist”, and does not want a repeat?

    One last thing. He keeps decrying the fact Sarah Palin has NOT agreed to an interview with “His Highness”, and then says that, “O’Bama came in here!”

    Guess he has forgotten that it took “Hussein” a year, and then he ONLY did it because of his poll numbers slipping, and to “change the subject” from some things that had come to light then. Also, O’Bama had agreed on camera to an interview, Sarah has NOT!

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